Chapter 477: The Second Headquarters

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:46:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto enjoyed his breakfast and drove himself to the office. Although he had given the presidents of his subsidiaries a special car and a full-time driver, he was the only one who didn’t go that way for himself.

Masayoshi Kishimoto still drove his own old Porsche sports car. He still liked to do things himself.

Otherwise, he will feel that he really has a little bit of the four body, five grain implication. However, from another perspective, he had created one more job.

If Justice Kishimoto didn’t go that far, it would also mean one less job opportunity. Even if it’s just a seemingly insignificant thing, it reflects a concept in economics, that is, employment opportunities.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived at the company, as soon as he entered the president’s office, Mirai Yamada would take the initiative to freshly grind coffee beans and brew him a cup of coffee and deliver it to him personally.

Kazuya Takahashi, who had started waiting in the chairman’s office ahead of time, saw the coffee delivered by Mirai Yamada and said bluntly, “I’ll take it too.”

“If you’re in a hurry, this cup is for you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

Kazuya Takahashi grinned, “How embarrassing that would be!”

“When have you ever been nice with me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he raised his hand and gestured for Mirai Yamada to give the coffee to Kazuya Takahashi first.

Takahashi Kazuya took the coffee from her hand and took a small sip, “It’s good.”

“Be careful to burn your mouth.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he sat on top of his president’s throne.

“Your coffee here is just delicious.” Takahashi Kazuya said with an unchanging smile.

“The coffee beans I have here are exactly the same as the ones you have over there.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“The person who brews this coffee is different. Room Leader Yamada’s coffee craftsmanship is truly extraordinary.” Kazuya Takahashi smiled.

“Thanks.” Yamada Mirai responded with a smile.

After she finished speaking, she silently retreated out of the chairman’s office, following up with making another cup of coffee herself.

“You came over early in the morning to wait for me, you didn’t come all the way here just to drink the coffee I have here, did you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto rubbed his temples on both his left and right sides with both hands and said.

“Since you’re back, then I can hand over power. Not only was I on pins and needles while you were away from the company, but I was also not pleasing to everyone.” Takahashi Kazuya feigned a look like an aggravated daughter-in-law and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto put his hands behind his body to pinch around and said, “If you don’t feel good here, then I can transfer you.”

“I’m not going to India. Don’t you try to get me to India.” Kazuya Takahashi said firmly.

“Who said anything about getting you to India?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without stopping his hand movements.

“Even if it’s to America, I’m not going. Anyway, I just won’t leave Japan. You can’t come back just enough to unload on me.” Takahashi Kazuya stood firm and said.

“Fine, I promise that you are just in Japan. You personally lead a team to visit Osaka, Kyoto and other places in the Kansai region.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said clearly.

Takahashi Kazuya was also a bit confused about this sudden arrangement. This was something that was completely out of the blue without a single sign in advance. Looking at Masayoshi Kishimoto’s serious look, he knew that the other party was not joking with him.

“What exactly do you mean?” Kazuya Takahashi asked, unsure of his meaning.

“I want to establish the second headquarters of the Hard Gold Group in West Japan, and then I want to include investment projects in Korea, China, and other areas west of the Pacific Ocean.

The Kanto region in Eastern Japan, centered on Tokyo, will be responsible for investment projects in the United States, Canada, and other areas east of the Pacific Ocean.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

Kazuya Takahashi pondered for a moment and said, “You’re splitting the power?”

“Initial conceptualization. Initially, I was planning to place the second headquarters in mainland China. However, the Japanese people’s deep-rooted island consciousness and thinking is really too xenophobic.

Moreover, the Japanese people’s traditional career thinking is that excellent talents are generally left in the Japanese mainland, and those who are sent out will be much worse. Unless it is to go to Europe and the United States and other developed capitalist countries.

This can be directly related to the fate of the individual’s future and promotion and salary increase. During World War II, Japan kept most of its high-level skilled workers on the mainland.

Even if they lost the war, they were able to use them as the basis for their re-emergence. Therefore, even after the official declaration of surrender on August 15, 1945, Japan was able to get its domestic economy fully started up in the mid-to-late 1950s in just a decade or so.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not acting on a whim. He had given it a lot of thought, for one thing, and had long since noticed that the struggle for power within the company was becoming more and more pronounced.

Talents need to be harnessed, but talents are prone to disobey each other. Secondly, he had not failed to consider his children in the long run.

Especially yesterday, he and Sakai Rie did that one what again. It definitely wouldn’t be done just once between the two, sooner or later she would get pregnant.

And Natsui Makoto was the one who had already given herself a pair of dragon and phoenix children. It is not guaranteed that she will give herself another child in the future.

These two women, he loved them both. Their respective children, naturally, he would also love. Not only them, but along with their respective children, it was naturally a state of opposition.

One’s own business is always to be passed on, the advantage of separating them is to save them from looking at each other and being responsible for one side respectively, suspending the infighting that goes on day and night.

“I would suggest that it would be better for this preliminary idea of yours to be discussed at the top of the regular senior management meeting next Monday.” Kazuya Takahashi said to play it safe.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re worried about something?” Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that his intention was not to be unwilling to go to Western Japan for a while, but to worry that he was being rehired to make some people uncomfortable inside, thus reinforcing the fact that he was the future number two of the Hard Gold Group, he said.

“Why don’t you ask Takayuki Nanno to look into matters in Western Japan? Or else, Natsume Ryosuke would be fine! I’m really in a difficult position here.

It’s not like you don’t know that my relationship with Mizuhara Yuki is heating up, and I don’t see her every day. She’s all I think about.

You’re suddenly asking me to go and investigate the West Japan side for the purpose of establishing a second headquarters, I truly can’t cope with it.” Takahashi Kazuya didn’t hide it anymore, but found the grand excuse to say.

“But I just want you to go. Who made you the most idle?” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

Takahashi Kazuya wasn’t stupid, so of course he understood that his words were a joke. However, behind this joke was the decision of who would inspect and select the site of the Hard Gold Group’s future second headquarters, and then who would be appointed to the position of the head of this second headquarters in the future, that is to say, the number two person of the hallowed group of companies.

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