Chapter 489: Long Live Understanding

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:47:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At around ten o’clock in the evening, an ordinary izakaya within the Taito District was bustling with activity. The office workers who had finished working overtime and came here for a drink had completely occupied the place.

In the daytime, the Japanese, who were dressed in suits and courteous behavior, were different at night. It was okay for them to talk loudly and raise their voices.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Ryui Miyazaki were seated face-to-face at one of the innermost tables of this izakaya. The things they ordered were all unusual.

It was also the most popular things for people who drank, bean curd, all kinds of grilled skewers, fried chicken pieces …… not to mention beer, as well as shochu.

When Miyazaki Ryui saw Matsui Natsuki, who had brought the food to them on the table, he directly froze. He wouldn’t have expected the other party to be working here at all.

Matsui Natsuki didn’t say anything and was afraid that Miyazaki Ryui would feel that he had embarrassed him, so he put down his things and went back to his own business. Not to mention that above this time of the year, it was the busiest time for izakaya.

“You and that man know each other?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, recognizing the two men’s uncharacteristic reaction.

Miyazaki Ryui honestly said, “Her name is Matsui Natsuki, not only is she my first high school girlfriend, but she’s also temporarily living with me now.”

“Hearing you say that, you guys are rekindling an old flame.” Justice Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“No such thing, absolutely no such thing. She and I are sleeping in one room each. She came to Tokyo from her hometown, Aomori Prefecture, to look for a job as a kindergarten teacher is no place to stay.

So I agreed that she could stay at my place. Although there are many opportunities in Tokyo, there are not many monks and the competition is especially fierce.” Miyazaki Ryui said seriously.

“You’re nervous about a what? Initially, Rie Sakai and I were like you, living under the same roof, one room each. That and then slept together.

Besides, with your current social status and connections, it’s easy as pie to introduce a job to your ex-first girlfriend, right!” Justice Kishimoto strangely said here.

“I also took the initiative to mention to her about clerical administrative type jobs, but she didn’t want them. I really didn’t expect to be able to meet her here.” Miyazaki Ryui said bluntly.

“In that case, this one of your former first girlfriends is quite a bit of a backbone, preferring to work in a place like this rather than accepting your kind offer of arranging a clerical administrative type job for her.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“There’s just something strong about her character. Or rather, she still hates me in her heart. In the beginning, it was me who initiated the breakup.” Miyazaki Ryui said as he picked up the beer in front of him and took a large sip.

“Hate you? Impossible thing. That’s more like it. If she really hated you, how could she agree to live with you?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not above chatting with him about his feelings. This kind of feeling might as well make him feel as if he had gone back to some homogeneous things that the two had talked about in Seoul, Korea a few years ago.

“A woman’s heart is deeper than the still sea, how do I know it again?” Miyazaki Ryui shrugged his shoulders and said.

“Cherish it! For men like us, personal emotional stability above is greater than everything else. A beautiful woman is not a scarce resource that can be encountered but not sought.

Behind every pretty woman, there is a man who sleeps her until she wants to vomit.” Masayoshi Kishimoto lamented a bit and said.

Miyazaki Ryui of course understood that trying to find a woman that suited him could be much harder than finding a beautiful woman.

Within the period of time that he had spent with Matsui Natsuki, there were still some changes within himself to a greater or lesser extent.

When he got up every morning, someone made breakfast for himself. Not only that, there was also a noon meal bento prepared for himself.

As for the evening, there were also people who would take the initiative to call him and ask if he would come back for dinner. Even if he didn’t come back for dinner, Matsui Natsuki would still leave a snack for him, fearing that he would come home hungry after working late.

The emotion between the two of them was not as passionate as it was when they first fell in love, but there was an extra layer of attachment. This kind of feeling is between the family only have things.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at the silent Miyazaki Ryui and said with a slight smile, “I’ll tell you a little story. A man called A secretly went to hit on the concubine of another man called B.

When man B’s wife was confronted with man A’s advances, she not only cursed him, but also chased him with a broom.

Man A went to hit on Man B’s concubine again, and instead of being scolded, he and the other man went back and forth and became adulterous.

Instead of a beautiful concubine, Man A married Man B’s mediocre-looking wife.

One of Man A’s best friends wondered why he married the woman who scolded you. Why would he marry the woman who scolded you? By all rights, it should have been the concubine you had a good relationship with.

Man A’s explanation was that if Man B’s concubine could hook up with him, there was no guarantee that she wouldn’t hook up with other men in the future. Marrying a wife is not marrying color, and marrying a man is not marrying wealth.”

After he finished speaking, the inside of his head immediately recalled Sakai Rie. He is not a fool, and can not know that she has a lot of problems? Poisonous tongue, barbarian ……

However, one of her most outstanding advantages was not because of her beauty, but because of her view of marriage as a once-in-a-lifetime relationship.

As a man, even if he is rich, powerful and influential, he is afraid of his wife and other men in the dark face hooked into adultery.

As long as a woman has done such a thing, it is enough to make oneself lose face. If one is then told by her that your child is not yours, it would be even more tragic.

“Boss, are you encouraging me to have a reunion with my own former first girlfriend?” Miyazaki Ryui asked thoughtfully.

“It’s off-duty time, and our relationship is that of friends and nothing more. I’m just giving you a small ground suggestion from a friend’s point of view.

As for what you really think, that’s your business. Of course, now you are also considered to be a dignified person, want to marry a woman with a good background, is also extremely normal idea.

From what you’ve said, there’s nothing particularly wrong with you for your former first girlfriend. To be precise, you’re taking care of her now that you’ve done this to her.” Justice Kishimoto said without haste.

“Hurray for understanding.” Miyazaki Ryui was currently just worried that he would have any other negative thoughts about himself. It wasn’t like it was his first day following Masayoshi Kishimoto in doing things.

The other party examined people is often did not look at people from the front, but preferred to look at people from the side, the small details. Some can be easily disguised, while others are not.

What kind of woman a man chooses as his girlfriend or wife also reflects his inner personal taste and character traits to a certain extent.

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