Chapter 490: Heartfelt Voices

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:47:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto liked to come to places like this was that he could get a first-hand, up-close look into the hearts and minds of ordinary wage earners.

What is real life? It’s not a slap in the face followed by a candy bar or three rubs.

Real life for ordinary people, quite often will be a stick after a stick, not yet slow down the spirit, and then give you a hammer. That is, as people often say, the house has been rained on.

For Masayoshi Kishimoto, these would be beneficial to his future management of his subordinates, after all, it would allow him to cultivate a lower-middle class perspective. One of the qualities that an outstanding manager must have.

Kishimoto righteousness after drinking some wine, emotionally said: “Although the woman is the world’s most troublesome creatures, but sometimes, men really can not leave them.

If your ex-first girlfriend is willing to be your lover, you should treat her well! Besides, it’s not like you don’t have a star of emotion for her in this.”

“What if she doesn’t want to?” Miyazaki Ryui was directly a rhetorical question.

“Then you’ll take her as your wife.” Masayoshi Kishimoto directly blurted out without even going through his own brain for a moment.

“Boss, that’s easy for you to say, but harder to do. There are two problems that need to be solved in this. One, she may not be the first choice to be my wife in the future. And two, well! Is she really willing to marry me?” Miyazaki Ryui said slowly as he drank.

“Do you have no confidence in yourself? Or did you not see your former first girlfriend clearly. What is a woman? When a man doesn’t have money or a career, she tends to resent you for not being able to make money.

I’m afraid that the most heard words from their mouths are other people’s husbands, or other people’s boyfriends. As for you this one person …… she was lard blinded by the heart will be on your pawn.

When a man has money and a career, they will again be suspicious all day long, always worrying that you will have an affair outside behind her back, or cheating.” Justice Kishimoto took a beanpole in his hand and said.

“That’s right, it’s really hard to be a man.” Miyazaki Ryui said with feeling.

“Women get together and always like to harp on the various faults of men, as well as proclaiming how great they are, making this and that sacrifice.

However, how many of them are the one who earns money to support the family? They are generally the backbone of the family. If something happens to the man, the whole family basically collapses.

The family economic income will be sharply reduced, resulting in family life gradually fell into a predicament. Who let the burden of supporting the family all fell on the shoulders of the man above it?

People who have not really worked outside will never be able to understand how difficult it is to make money. Ordinary office workers by the boss, by the customer scolded all the body, but also the atmosphere do not dare to say a word.

Women at home have thought about their men’s not easy? There is a daily squeeze bus, subway, the whole person is like a can inside the sardines, the taste and how hard it is.

Overtime is always one of the things that salarymen have to face in life. Have they ever sympathized with the hard work of men? Women are always the weakest, the victim of the appearance to us all kinds of accusations.

Otherwise, it’s all about us women, so what’s the point of having you men? Or it’s a double standard. When it’s in their favor, they don’t say a word.

On the side that’s not in women’s favor, they clamor for equal rights for men and women. Dating AA, women will think men are cheap. Without a good job, women will feel that men have no future.

Without a house, women will also feel that they have no security and the man has no ability. If a man can’t get a promotion or a raise, he’ll also think you have no future to speak of.” Masayoshi Kishimoto put himself in the shoes of a man and advocated for him.

Miyazaki Ryui greatly opened his eyes to stare at him, his face full of incredulity was flowing out. He felt that the person sitting across from him was not a boss, but a man who had experienced the vicissitudes of life.

Masayoshi Kishimoto saw his surprised expression and said, “Did you think I was drunk?”

“No, no. Boss, I never thought that you would say such a profound understanding of life. Even I myself am somewhat inferior to you.” Miyazaki Ryui said seriously.

“It’s not necessary that you have to experience everything yourself in order to have a personal and profound understanding. Another way to acquire it is through careful observation, listening and thinking about personal experiences from others.

This can enrich their own experience, so that personal experience is no longer so single. Other people’s not easy, often just you do not know it.

Why do some people come here to drink after work to reduce stress? It still doesn’t all stem from the pressure brought on by real life and work.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked sideways at the others in the izakaya and calmly said.

“Not only do they have life and work pressures, but we also have pressures in those areas as well, even more so than theirs.” Miyazaki Ryui lamented.

“True enough.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not frown, but instead smiled a little and said.

“After one has worked hard, there is a certain reward, and there is not as much negativity. The problem is that people often don’t get the rewards they expect after hard work.

Can’t get such a reward also have to continue day after day, year after year, until the end of life.

What is the purpose of living one’s life?” Miyazaki Ryui unknowingly introduced the topic into a certain philosophical realm.

“To eat and drink.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right index finger nodded at the things on top of their table and said with a light smile.

Then, Miyazaki Ryui followed suit and laughed, “Indeed.”

As his words fell, he raised his glass. The two of them were a pair of drinks. After they drank, one after another, they placed their respective cups back on the table.

“The two of us are really too much like men who are not as happy as they should be in the middle of life and work and are full of complaints.” Miyazaki Ryui couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said.

“This is the truest ordinary man’s life. If they were deprived of even this one outlet, they would inevitably die of repression.

So, the repressed side of Japan is in broad daylight. Once it’s nighttime, Japan is a place where you can vent and de-stress everywhere.

In addition to drinking to de-stress and vent, you can also go to a custom store, a materialless aneisu, and play baseball……. History has proven countless times that de-escalation is better than blockage.” Kishimoto justice Xu Xu said.

“I remember once a foreigner said that the Japanese are completely two people, two faces, during the day and at night.” Miyazaki Ryui nodded in response.

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