Chapter 491 – Second Miss

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:47:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto had a drink and took a cab back to his home in the harbor area. He paid the money, got out of the car, and before he even walked through the courtyard door, he saw that the lights in the large living room on the first floor of his house were still on.

At this time of day, Rie Sakai was usually in bed. The only thing he could think of was that the other party had something to say to herself, and that was why she waited until he came home.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into the courtyard, through the front garden, and then opened the door into the main house. He hadn’t even had time to change his shoes before he saw the maid who was on duty at his house tonight.

The maid reported bluntly, “Second Miss is here.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto, whose head had become quite sluggish after drinking some wine, asked offhandedly in return, “Second Miss? Who is this?”

“Madame’s sister, Miss Sakai Mirei. She’s still confronting Madame, and has been for several hours now.” The maid was counting on her fingers.

Masayoshi Kishimoto nodded his head a bit to show that he knew. He was not changing his shoes and headed straight inside. Not only did he see the Sakai sisters staring wide-eyed without saying a word, but he also saw several pieces of luggage.

“Brother Justice, you’re finally back.” As soon as Sakai Meiling noticed Kishimoto Masayoshi’s appearance, she stood up abruptly and joyfully said as if she had seen her savior.

“What are you up to again?” Masayoshi Kishimoto walked over to the long sofa and sat down, leaning back against the cushions with a heavy thump.

“I’m homeless now. I’m not allowed to live in my high school dormitory anymore. The university opened, as you know, in March.

Even so, I still have to find an apartment outside, I don’t want to live inside the dormitory again.” Sakai Mirei then followed suit and sat down and said.

“What did you do long ago, once you first graduated from high school?” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that it was her that made the grand excuse, so he asked a rhetorical question and said.

“There was so much going on that I forgot about it for a while. Besides, I don’t have enough money to rent an apartment. Besides, all the houses in the harbor area are so expensive.

Even if I got into Keio University, I have absolutely no money to attend.” Sakai Meiling displayed a pitiful look and said.

“How long has it been since that tens of millions of yen that you got a share of in your hands in the first place? You deserve it.” Sakai Rie, who was sitting on top of the single sofa on the left, said in exasperation.

“Brother Justice, could it be that you’re also watching me about to sleep on the streets? I got into a prestigious university, but I can’t go because I don’t have the money.

As you know, in this society nowadays, if a person doesn’t have a university diploma, not only is it hard to find a job, but it’s also difficult to gain a foothold in society.

My major is economics, and I will definitely be able to help you in the future.” Sakai Meiling took the initiative to stretch out her hands and grabbed one of Kishimoto Masayoshi’s arms, miserably saying.

“In terms of studying, you’re better than your sister. She only got into Tokyo University of the Arts, while you got into Keio University.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“What’s wrong with Tokyo University of the Arts? You’re disliking me.” Sakai Rie instantly said in displeasure.

“No matter. I’m just saying it off the top of my head. You sisters’ matters, you deal with them yourselves. I don’t want to be caught in the middle of you guys left and right.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Brother Justice, if you don’t help me, my sister will definitely take personal revenge and will definitely kick me out.” Sakai Meiling shook up that arm of his vigorously and said.

“Stop shaking it, I’m going to be completely shaken apart by you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto, who was already a little dizzy from the alcohol he drank, added to his dizziness when she did this to him and said.

Sakai Meiling stopped her hand and said, “I’m not shaking you anymore.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi knew in his heart, if he really left his hands off and didn’t get involved with the two sisters to deal with this matter, then with their temperament and character, they would just keep on confronting each other like this, and there wouldn’t be any result even if they sat there until the next morning.

He also knew that if he let Sakai Meiling stay here, then Sakai Rie would not be happy. If he didn’t help the little girl out, could he really see her sleeping on the streets and not being able to go to Eikei Gijuku University?

If she didn’t teach her a deep lesson, she would be shaped like a little kid who started to repent when she did something wrong. After repenting, she continues to make mistakes again.

“Why don’t I accompany you out to find a hotel to stay in first? As for the future, the money for renting a room and studying, I will also give you the money.

However, you have to sign an IOU. After you graduate from college and work, you can pay me back slowly. Of course, you won’t be able to buy brand names or eat fancy food as you like.

After you’ve paid off your debt, you can do whatever you like. Until then, I, as your creditor, will not agree to you continuing to live a life of profligate spending. Is that okay with you?” Justice Kishimoto said seriously.

“Not good.” Sakai Mirei loosened her hands and shook her head left and right to show that she didn’t accept the Dao at all.

“I think this one method is good. I’ll attach one more item, whether it’s your rent for every month in the future, or living expenses. Then there’s the fact that your tuition, books, and so on will have to be in my charge and disbursed.” Sakai Rie added.

“Then I’m too miserable!” Sakai Mirei blurted out.

“Sakai Mirei, get this straight, we are not obligated to help you with some of these things. If you keep up this rascal act, don’t blame me for not remembering the last bit of sisterly love between us.” Sakai Rie said righteously.

“Don’t talk about us, us. It’s not like you’re the one I’m begging, it’s Brother Justice. Don’t forget, even your tuition, pocket money, and everything else wasn’t taken care of for you by Brother Justice. How come it’s not possible for me?” Sakai Meiling said angrily.

“What kind of relationship do you have with Masayoshi Kishimoto? Masayoshi Kishimoto and I are an unmarried couple. It won’t be long before we are officially naturalized and married.

What qualifications do you have to use his money? And how can I not spend his money, after all, I’m even his person.” Sakai Rie also did not show any weakness at all and said.

“Don’t you forget, the marriage contract between the two families in the first place didn’t specify above that it had to be you who could marry Brother Justice as his wife.

Just because you were born before me, you have the upper hand? I’m just not convinced of that.” Sakai Meiling said with vigor.

“Don’t I know you? If Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t have any money and was just a downright poor boy, would you be so uptight and motivated? At that time, you would definitely say that it should have been me marrying him, not you.” Sakai Rie argued.

“Say it like you’re so great. You still can’t let go of the glory and wealth you have now.” Sakai Meiling gave her another dislike saying.

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