Chapter 497: Pleasure

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:47:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Rie had absolutely no interest in playing the Monopoly board game, so she stood up and said, “You guys play, I’m going upstairs to sleep. For dinner, there’s no need to call me either.”

After she finished speaking, she turned sideways and headed towards the stairs. She didn’t feel tired until she relaxed down. The moment she relaxed down a little, her entire body felt like it had become quite heavy.

Sakai Meiling put the palm of her right hand in front of her mouth and yawned, “I’m going to bed as well. Dinner, again, no need to call me.”

“Don’t be busy, first get your business straight come on.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s two-eyed attention shifted from the top of the chessboard to her body and said.

“What business can I have? Is it possible that you really want to marry our sisters together? I’m afraid that won’t work in Japan! It would require a change of nationality.” Sakai Meiling said seriously.

“You’re messing with my mind. I’m obviously just saying things for fun.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Not quite believing it, Sakai Mirei cupped her face with both hands and blinked twice at him, “I’m so cute looking, so you really don’t have any other thoughts about me?”

“Do you think a man like me would still care about a woman’s beauty? As long as I hook my finger, what kind of cute women are not available?

The only difference is spending a little more money and a little less money to get sensual enjoyment. But that’s not what I’m really interested in.

My real interest lies in getting pleasure from operating the capital and investment projects in my hands.” Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to extend his right hand and shake it to show her that he had power in his hands.

Although Sakai Mirei was not very old, she believed that his words were true. As a plutocrat, there were many beautiful women out there who wanted to pounce on him. There was no shortage of beautiful actresses among them.

“Then what exactly do you want to say to me?” Sakai Meiling tensed up and said.

“Temporarily letting you stay here for a few days is fine. You want to stay for a long period of time or turtled up, that’s something that’s absolutely impossible.

The house can be rented for you, and tuition and such can be paid for. However, you have to do what I told you yesterday.

Otherwise, everything is off the table. To put it bluntly, what does your death have to do with me? You’re neither my woman nor my daughter, so why should I throw money at you?

Even if I want to do good deeds, I will help those who really need help. It’s your own fault that you’re in this situation today.

In addition, I fell in love with your sister Rie, not because she unilaterally looks beautiful, not to mention that she also knows what Western flute and other musical instruments.

As for her character …… even if I don’t say it, you know it well. Love is produced is a kind of indefinable, indescribable inner feeling, rather than thinking of going to bed with each other to pop.

Not only do I know, but she also knows. It’s not easy to find someone in this world who you truly love and she truly loves you.

Most people’s so-called love is either based on sensual pleasures or financial stability.

Once one of these two is emptied, the two people can not talk about any love at all. To put it bluntly, it’s still an interest.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“You’re really too heartless.” Sakai Meiling showed a look of being on the verge of tears and said.

“This move of yours works on ordinary schoolboys, while for me, it’s completely ineffective.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“I just don’t think my sister is better than me. Your choice of her was an extremely grave mistake.” Sakai Mirei said indignantly.

“Whether your sister is better or not, that has nothing to do with you. It’s also a choice I made.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

Sakai Meiling fell silent. She knew that using her beauty to confuse Masayoshi Kishimoto would be completely futile. Even she knew that he hadn’t scourged many women in the past.

However, she didn’t think it mattered. In her opinion, it showed that Masayoshi Kishimoto was not only popular and attractive, but both popularity and charisma were also high.

Having money was also one of the key manifestations of male charisma. As long as the legal wife was himself, then all the rest could still go his way. This would be the polar opposite of Rie Sakai’s concept.

“Since you chose to major in economics at Keio University, it means that inside your head you’re interested in that one aspect.

What is economics? That is the study of the laws of human economic activity, that is, the laws of creation, transformation, and realization of value.

Economic activity existed in slave societies, and the same economic activity exists in capitalist societies. Why was the wealth created by the slave society not as much as it is today? In the past, underdeveloped productivity was an important aspect.

However, in my opinion, the main thing is that the original mode of production has been changed or that the revamped packaging is better and more acceptable.

To say that what was backward in the past is advanced now? That’s ridiculous. The essence of this has not changed. The ruling class is still the ruling class and the ruled class is still the ruled class.

With the development of science and technology, the wealth of the ruling class grows faster and faster and becomes more and more numerous, and the proportion of the ruling class as a whole grows larger and larger.

On the contrary, the wealth of the ruled class grows more and more slowly, and on the surface it seems to become more and more than in the past, while in fact it becomes less and less in the whole proportion.

The ordinary people under the capitalist system are not shackled like the slaves in the slave society, but they are not completely free from their enslavement either.

If you stop your hands, you stop your mouth. If you do not work, you do not have food to eat. The so-called social security system, not to say that it is virtually non-existent, does not in fact take care of many people.

It is more of an institution to prevent social unrest. On the face of it, it seems to be doing something that only incurs expenses but not returns, while in reality, it fulfills the desire of many people to have a mouthful of food so that they can refrain from making trouble.

Social unrest, vandalism and looting result in direct and indirect public damage. This figure of property damage can be much higher than the alms given to them.

My purpose in saying these words is to make you realize one thing, that you and your sister, even if they are biological sisters, are two completely different classes.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

“I know that I am an enslaved slave, while she is a slave master who can enslave me. In the future, whatever my sister says will be what she says.

I am not allowed to resist. If I resist, I will be given whips and beaten until I am afraid and learn my lesson. Or else, kill me.” Sakai Mirei said as she comprehended the true meaning of it.

“You are indeed quite a bit smarter in the head than your sister. However, there have been many smart people since the beginning of time. No one has been able to break the human social structure of the ruling class and the ruled class.

A very small portion of the ruled class, after transforming into the ruling class, still end up representing the interests of the ruling class, not the interests of the ruled class.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed without a single smile on his face.

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