Chapter 499 March

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:47:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

March, the season of spring flowers. Sakai Mirei entered to attend Keio University. She rented a single apartment of about twenty square meters not far from the school.

Even if the place she lived in wasn’t big, the rent was a good and expensive existence for ordinary people. The average student simply couldn’t afford to rent it. From now on, everything concerning her that involved money was subject to her older sister, Sakai Rie.

Rie Sakai graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts without incident. After graduating, she suddenly felt that she had a lot more free time.

In the past, even if she was busy, she was still regular and lived quite a full life. Nowadays, she felt that it wasn’t as good up there as it used to be.

Sakai Rie sat down at the dining table and started eating breakfast without moving the knife and fork in front of her, sighing, “A boring day has begun again.”

“You need to find things for yourself to do. Otherwise, you’ll become depressed.” Masayoshi Kishimoto wasn’t really joking with her, he said.

“The problem is, I have absolutely no idea what I should and shouldn’t be doing.” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“That one Rosy Society of yours, you could spend more time and energy on its going. In the past, you needed to read and didn’t have much free time.

Now, don’t you have more time? Not to mention you’re one of the vice presidents.” Justice Kishimoto positively advised her.

“Being brought up by you about the Rose Society reminds me of something. It’s the current president, and everyone’s starting to have quite a few nasty things to say about her. She’s gotten a good number of middle class people to join up, and following that, people feel like she’s bringing the class down.

On the other hand, everyone knows that her true intention is to have more people support her for a second term as president.” Rie Sakai said truthfully.

“This shows that people are very much in favor of you being the next president of the Rosebud Society. Of course, that doesn’t include your current president’s faction.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he ate his breakfast.

“Actually, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to let the middle class join into the Rosebud Society. It’s just that this kind of thing is not accepted by several people.” Sakai Rie said as she harmonized what she had in mind.

“Because you were originally a daughter from a middle-class family, it’s only natural that you wouldn’t reject your original class.

It’s mainly because you don’t forget your roots. As for some people whose original family belongs to the lower middle of the social class, they are most afraid of others knowing or mentioning it.

Furthermore, the middle class is a middle class which is difficult to go up and is afraid of falling down. There is no one who is more anxious than those who are at the bottom of the middle class.

The middle class is often regarded as a vain and snobbish social class. On the one hand, they look down on the lower classes, but on the other hand, they desire to be friends with the upper classes.

The problem you are currently facing lies in accepting those middle class people and not being able to curry favor with any of them, after all, the person who developed them into the Rosebud Society is not you, but your current president.

By supporting the presence of the middle class in the Rosebud Society, you will be seen by those from the wealthy class as supporting the current president and betraying them.

In their minds, you belong to the same class as them. The only difference is that they belong to the lower class, the upper and lower class, while you belong to the upper class, the upper class.

With a little more effort on my part, we can officially cross over into the top tier of society. Of course, there are some people who think that we are at the top of the social ladder right now.

However, I don’t think so, there’s still some fire missing. Then, you and Mizuhara Yuki and the others will have to have a common class position.

If you want to be the next president of the Rosebud Society, you absolutely can’t deviate from the values, worldview, and outlook on life of people like them.

The result of your deviation would be that you would become hopeless, after all, there would be no one from either class to support you, and you would in turn become caught between two sides that were not pleasing to you.

The most that will happen is that a small number of people who are close to you on a regular basis will vote for you. The rest of the people will never cast their votes for you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly and methodically.

Seeing how well he analyzed the situation, Rie Sakai found it troublesome to say, “When you say it like that, it makes it seem as if you’re electing the Prime Minister.”

“Choosing a prime minister is much more complicated than this one. In this, you have to calculate the interests of all parties, the actual gains and losses of each class, and so on.

On top of that, as a qualified politician, you can’t be as dignified as an official, you have to be able to perform in order to win the favor and support of the voters.

Whether what you say and what you do when you are in power is always the same is another matter. All you want is the votes in the hands of the voters, that’s all.

The difficulty is that you need to control a certain degree of control in the face of vested interests. These people have resources in their hands, and they will not be manipulated or pushed around.

You also have to promise some people to give what benefits, and others to give you support is also conditional, not for nothing.

There is no such thing as love without a cause or hate without a cause in this world. Once you are elected, there must be a return.

This return is not necessarily in the form of direct payment. There has to be a direction in a certain area of policy making and tendency. I’m all for you getting elected president of the Rosary Society.

The good thing about it, is that it will give you something to do and you won’t be as bored as you are now. You can also go out and travel around.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Traveling? If I go out and travel, is it convenient for you to do something cheating behind my back?” Sakai Rie’s body leaned forward towards him, and immediately became quite wary up and said.

“You’re taking my kindness for malice.” Masayoshi Kishimoto shook his head up and said.

“Don’t think I don’t know about your philandering.” Rie Sakai said not being a woman who didn’t know him well.

“You always have so much sense. By the way, one thing I’ll give you here is to keep an eye on the government’s land sales. As for building up our future new residence there, you clap your hands and decide.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

Rie Sakai knew that that one future home would not only be a residence where they would never move again, but also a place to raise the next generation, and even the next.

Regarding this one thing, she certainly needed to make her final decision carefully. The place to live should not only be big enough and good enough, but also in terms of access, good security and prosperity can not be less ……

The social status and position that people need is also not able to be missing. Would a rich person live in Adachi, Arakawa and other traditionally poor areas of Tokyo?

No, they don’t. There is no such thing as a rich man’s neighborhood. Even the rich know how to live in Minato-ku, Chuo-ku, and Chiyoda-ku. Otherwise, it’s Setagaya, Shinagawa, and Meguro, which are in the midst of new district development.

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