Chapter 501 The Nature of Poverty (above)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:48:37
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At noon, Kishimoto Masayoshi went to Natsui Makoto’s place for lunch as usual. As soon as she opened the door, she joyfully said, “They can talk.”

With that, Masayoshi Kishimoto was also happy. He rushed straight into the baby room to see his sons and daughters saying, “Come on, be good, call out to daddy.”

Lying inside the crib, they just looked at him with their eyes wide open. The two of them simply couldn’t understand what the other was saying.

“Call daddy.” Masayoshi Kishimoto intentionally slowed down his speech and actively guided them to call him Dao.

The two little ones were not moved at all, and still just looked at him.

Kishimoto Masayoshi looked sideways at Natsui Makoto, who had already stopped next to him and said, “You lied to me.”

“Who lied to you. Just now called me mom. It’s not in vain that I’ve taken care of them day and night.” Natsui Makoto was touched and said.

“Without me earning money back, you guys eat air!” Kishimoto Masayoshi once again turned his head towards his own pair of precious children and said.

The two little ones suddenly laughed “hehehehehehehehe” at him in unison.

Natsui Makoto couldn’t help but laugh along with her daughters and said, “Since you gave birth to them, it’s only natural that you have to raise them well.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto unhappily looked sideways at her once again saying, “Why was your father so casual when he gave birth to you.”

“You can’t take it out on me when the children don’t call you father!” Natsui Makoto said, aggrieved and hurt.

“I’m sorry, I spoke in haste.” Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to extend his hand to take her right hand and said.

Since Natsui Makoto would not take his words towards her heart, she said matter of factly, “In your mind is it that you think that poor people are not only lazy in their limbs, but also stupid in their heads.”

“No, no. You speak of this one view of the poor as a fallacy. Or rather, the stereotypes that ordinary people have about the poor, and a kind of discrediting.

The reason why the poor are poor is largely due to the fact that their own level of cognition limits their practicality. Adding to that, the general social environment again limits their practical operation, which in turn makes it too rough.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto has long read a book called The Nature of Poverty. The book was published in 2011. In 2019, the author of the book got the Nobel Prize in Economics.

In addition to that, the Nobel Prize winner in economics in 2018 also gave a new definition of the reason why poor people can’t get rid of poverty.

The reason why poor people are poor is not always because of laziness and stupidity, but external factors play a big role and influence.

For example, war. Even if you are smart and hardworking, it is difficult for you to function, and it is questionable whether or not you can even survive.

Natsui Makoto couldn’t quite understand what he was talking about, “Can you make it simple and easy to understand?”

“It’s widely believed that the reason why the poor are poor stems from the fact that they like to have children. Originally, a piece of cake is not enough for oneself, but one has to share some of it out for the child.

In reality, the child doesn’t get enough to eat either. It is reasonable to say that you should not have any more children. However, they gave birth again, and not only did they intend to end it there, but there even existed a possibility that they could go on giving birth indefinitely.

This results in children not receiving enough nutrition, and there’s even less to talk about in terms of education.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“What’s the problem?” Natsui Makoto asked thoughtfully.

“How many children a woman, or a pair of men and women, have is their business, and God has given them the most basic human rights.

However, this one issue of having children is not so simple as just giving birth, but requires a long period of nurturing. In poor countries, it is believed that their poverty is due to the fact that the poorer they are, the poorer they are, and the poorer they are, which leads them into a vicious circle.

In fact, this is not the case, it is because society lacks the necessary financial security system. For one thing, the poor often do not have a pension.

Have more children or have a son is to old age. Secondly, it is a matter of probability. That is to say, it is possible to have a child who has a bad relationship with his parents, or who has a particularly bad relationship with his parents, or who has a particularly bad relationship with his parents, or who has a particularly bad relationship with his parents.

So, in order to increase the probability of being able to give yourself peace of mind, it is natural to choose to have more children, and there will always be one that can be good to you.

On the surface it sounds quite absurd, that’s because you are in a modern society with a good social and financial security system. And in reality, it’s not a bad idea for you to carefully and nicely put yourself in their shoes, after all, in the absence of pensions, health insurance, and so on.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

It was the first time Natsui Makoto had heard such a novel argument. Although she was also a poor person who came from the bottom of society, at the present time it was a long time ago that she had gotten rid of poverty and moved towards an affluent life.

For this reason, her thoughts naturally began to converge towards the mainstream society above the idea. The reason why the poor were poor was because of laziness and stupidity.

“Let’s say you! In the past, did you admit to being lazy? You worked so many hours a day and didn’t even take weekends off. Why are you still poor?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

“Because, because rent in Tokyo is just too expensive, food is expensive, and water, electricity, gas, and coal are equally expensive …… I don’t know.” Natsui Makoto said somewhat confused.

“Since you think that the cost of living in Tokyo is expensive for everything, then you can choose not to live in Tokyo and go back to your hometown, Wakayama Prefecture!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“The hourly wage in Wakayama Prefecture isn’t as high as Tokyo, it’s way less. Besides, Tokyo can have so many more opportunities than Wakayama Prefecture. Tokyo is again prosperous and lively and so on.” Natsui Makoto blurted out.

“A high hourly wage inevitably causes the cost of living in a city or region to be just as high. Conversely, a low hourly wage will make the cost of living in a city or region low.

All of this is dictated by the laws of economics. Of course, there is also an element of human control involved. At the very least, in my opinion, you still have a choice, and are not considered the most bitter person ……,” Justice Kishimoto had a say.

“I wasn’t considered bitter in the past, then how can I be considered bitter?” Natsui Makoto disagreed and interrupted his unfinished words.

“Those college graduates who came from small places but had to work in big cities. They don’t come from wealthy families, they come from ordinary families, or even poor families.

It is difficult for their families to support them financially, and they have to rely on their own personal struggles. Can you find a computer game development job in a small place?

And so on. Some of them are forced to accept the rising rents in the big cities and do not dare to leave. It’s because if you leave the big city, you won’t even be able to find a job in your field of study.

Landlords increase prices, but also rose to the bottom. The house prices have all gone up, so the rent should naturally go up.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

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