Chapter 502: The Nature of Poverty (below)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:48:40
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“The value of a person in society is related to the skills they possess. Skills, in turn, are linked to supply and demand and scarcity in the labor market.

Improving one’s skills requires not only a lot of time but also a lot of money. Poor people do not have the time to wait patiently, because one day without work, they may go hungry the next day, and they do not have the money to invest in it.

So, a lot of non-profit international organizations build schools for poor places, free education, and also not many children from poor families come to study, stemming from this.

So the extremely small number of non-profit international organizations that are well-funded not only give free education to the children of poor families, but also provide a free lunch.

This makes the parents of poor children feel that they can save their family money on a meal. However, the effect of this is also very limited.

Some children from poor families are left alone to support their families. This is often the case when an older brother or sister has to support their parents and younger siblings. One is completely trapped by the poor family.

Reading for most people, not only the original boring, but also in a short period of time can not see obvious results. It’s not at all like work, even picking up trash, which can give one instant rewarding feedback.”

Justice Kishimoto wasn’t being condescending, but rather realistic. In his previous life he had known that some of the children attending rural schools in China were reading, and each semester there were fewer of them.

They were either taken out by their parents to work or stayed home to do farm work. As for the teachers in the countryside, what can they do?

There are good rural teachers, just like the ones who won the Mao Dun Literature Prize for “The Skywalker”. However, these are very few.

The vast majority of rural teachers are poor university graduates who get a job through the government’s “Three Supports and One Support” program.

They don’t really want to do this job, but they can’t find any decent jobs in the city. So they are forced to go in order to make a living.

After they go, the income above naturally not good to go there, the level is also not good, to get by with the mix of that little salary.

The word “responsible” is basically absent in them. Their only requirement is that they do whatever they want as long as they don’t talk in class.

As a matter of fact, most of the children in the countryside don’t want to study either. They wait until they are sixteen to get their ID cards so that they can go out to work.

There are also some children who have not yet reached the age of sixteen and are working in factories and other places by the time they are twelve or thirteen years old. The middle school graduation rate and the high school graduation rate are not at all as high as they are advertised to be.

Just like the words in Skywalker, “Misrepresentation? I’ve been working in a rural elementary school for nine years, don’t I know what the actual situation is?

If you don’t do this, the top won’t give you any money. Without this money, how can we install glass in the children’s windows and repair the school building?

Another cruel fact that Justice Kishimoto was more aware of was that even if some of these children went to school, whether they graduated from high school or college, it would still be difficult for them to get out of the bottom of the ladder.

The best job waiting for them is just to take over the whip from the village teachers of the past. This is not a figment of his imagination, but is based on a research report on Project Hope in Hechuan, Chongqing.

The report clearly pointed out that the group of children studying in the Hope Primary School, not to mention entering a major university, is almost non-existent. Even if they get into ordinary colleges and universities, they are few and far between.

When they get into college, the children who need student loans are still them. When they graduate, they are still the ones who have difficulty finding employment and work in low-paying jobs.

Some of them are not doing well, which makes the theory of the uselessness of studying more and more marketable at the bottom of the society. People who didn’t go to college will say, “Look at it! If you go to college, you still can’t find a job.

Even if I find a job, it’s not as much as I make working part-time. What’s the use of studying? It’s better to go out and work early.

On the other hand, children attending private schools, super schools, and aristocratic schools in the city enjoy not only the best teachers in the area, but also classrooms with air-conditioning, water fountains, multi-media, and other hardware, as well as beautiful campus environments with lakes and mountains.

The campus environment of some private schools is better than that of some undergraduate schools. The tuition fee ranges from 3.5 to 3.5 million dollars a year.

As for good teachers, they are also human beings. As long as they are human beings, they are inseparable from money. People are the most realistic economic animal, whoever offers more money, will work for whoever. They were often graduates of prestigious schools, and the end result was that the strong got stronger and the weak got weaker.

Natsui Makoto was completely lost in contemplation. She herself was from a bitter background at the bottom of the social ladder, and was most aware of the pain of not having money.

“Why is the income of those who are engaged in finance, economy, and highly advanced technology so high? lies in its scarcity, not everyone can do things. The number of people who can do it is very small, and the supply is less than the demand.

Why do you work part-time income will be so low, because you have done the work as long as a person can do, there is no scarcity, supply exceeds demand.

After a long day, people tend to think of a good meal in addition to rest. Once the poor have some money, instead of choosing to save for a rainy day, they generally choose to spend it.

Initially, I also mistakenly thought that it was because they did not have financial literacy, and later, I realized that I was wrong. They just wanted to have a little freshness in their already boring and miserable lives. In doing so, they can also get some mental de-stressing.

A life of poverty is only boring and uninteresting. In this regard, not only did the financial investor Soros say this, but the literary master Carver also said the same thing.

They both experienced poverty. Both came out of it with their own talent and perseverance. Carver was not only born into poverty, but he went bankrupt twice before he turned forty.

He worked a variety of bottom related jobs. Not only did he have a bachelor’s degree in literature, but he also had a master’s degree in literature.

He has said that working on short stories and poems in the United States is tantamount to walking in the shadows for the rest of his life.

The reason why he chose to do this kind of work and couldn’t write a long story is that the pressure from life simply couldn’t make him feel at ease to finish a long novel.

His minor characters wrote the reality of the lower middle class in the United States, it turns out that the American people also work hard to earn money to support their families, and when they take a break, all they want to do is to watch TV.

They also dream dreams that can never be realized, and make do with the mediocrity of every day. They are also silent on the outside and hysterical on the inside.

The lives of ordinary people are so lifeless, let alone the lives of the poor.” Justice Kishimoto said without haste.

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