Chapter 503: Female College Students

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:48:43
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In the afternoon, Masayoshi Kishimoto still needed to go to work at the company. Before he went, he still maintained the inherent Chinese habit of taking a nap, and then it was time to get up and wash his face so that he could wake up completely.

This is contrary to the Japanese who do not specialize in sleeping for a nap. The Japanese have a culture of napping, which means taking advantage of gaps in trains, buses, etc. to take a nap.

According to Chinese logical thinking, sleeping on trams and buses, isn’t that particularly likely to invite thieves to steal from you?

In fact, foreign young people in China’s first-tier cities have begun to develop such a habit as well. They live outside the fifth ring road, but they have to go into the third ring road to work.

They have to get up early in the morning. Otherwise, it’s not easy to catch the bus or subway. Then again, there are no seats. After all, it’s uncomfortable to stand for more than an hour.

Not to mention being squeezed like a sardine in a sardine can. At night, when it’s time to get off work, it’s eight, nine or nine, ten again when I get home.

Natsume Ryosuke hurriedly stepped into the president’s office from outside and reported directly, “Something’s wrong.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on his president’s throne, still calm and collected, “What happened?”

Natsume Ryosuke told the truth, “Reporters have captured Senator Mizushima Makoto’s incestuous affair with a female college student. Just a moment ago, he personally made a call to me, wanting to seek help.”

“He’s an old cow eating young grass. Although it’s not wrong that all older men like younger girls, his heart has swelled up too quickly, and it hasn’t even been long since he became a congressman before he pulled this one off.” Justice Kishimoto sneered.

“How does he look like a piece of slime that can’t hold up the wall to me? It’s a waste of time that Chairman Self even gave him a hand in the first place.” Natsume Ryosuke expressed his personal meaning saying.

“Mizushima’s true abilities are limited to a fault, yet he’s a good agent for me to stand in the foreground. His greatest strength is his obedience.

This time when he is used in the future, he can be made to do exactly what he intends to do. Furthermore, it was Iwasaki Maki who took the initiative.

If I don’t look at the face of the monk, I must also look at the face of the Buddha. That one Buddha’s face is the Iwasaki family of the Mitsubishi Group.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Natsume Ryosuke understood what he meant and said, “Then I’ll go get back to Mizushima Makoto and settle it for him.”

“Not busy. Could it be that he was also photographed by Weekly Bunshun?” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s first reaction was Weekly Bunshun. He was disgusted with this company, after all, he had been on the cover just once himself.

“No. He was inadvertently photographed by a reporter from TV Tokyo.” Ryosuke Natsume blurted out.

“No wonder he took the initiative to call you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto completely figured out the whole thing. The other party didn’t have the face to call himself directly either.

As for Iwasaki Maki’s side, Mizushima Makoto was even more inconvenient. Women could tend to treat this kind of thing without the mindset that only men had.

Not to mention that Iwasaki Maki was still an unmarried girl. She would certainly be quite disgusted by a man doing this kind of thing.

For a woman to be able to understand men like a man, unless they were middle-aged or had children, they would show a drastic change in attitude.

Natsume Ryosuke, as the publicity minister of the Hard Gold Group, naturally had some real power to intervene in matters related to TV Tokyo. Although he could help Mizushima Makoto, his position was still on the side of the Hard Gold Group.

“Mizushima Makoto’s adoption of a female college student being reported is enough to ruin the good image and persona he has erected among the public, as well as his political future.” Natsume Ryosuke said seriously.

“It will only be reported on the evening news?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked.

“That’s right. Now, it’s entirely too late to intervene in time. This video that captured Makoto Mizushima’s incestuous behavior will not be erased, it will just be snowed under.

If one day Makoto Mizushima doesn’t listen, then a copy of the video can be mailed to remind the other party what to do.” Natsume Ryosuke showed his dark side and said.

“That’s a good idea of yours, I’ll adopt it. You personally go to Tokyo TV and get that video back. After you’ve done that, call Mizushima Makoto and make it clear that this is a one-time deal and it won’t happen again.

You also need to make it clear to him whether he’s going to continue his incestuous relationship with that college girl or continue to be a member of Congress.

Let him get rid of this one for good. As for the reporter who captured this video of Mizushima Makoto, secretly, he still needs to give a certain amount of reward, following that, in order to make the other party shut up.” Justice Kishimoto liked the way he handled this one, saying.

“Understood.” Natsume Ryousuke led the order in a serious manner.

“There’s one more thing I need to entrust you with. I have the intention of acquiring Weekly Bunshun, and subsequently merging it under the Hard Gold Media umbrella.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto of course knew that the power of the weekly gossip magazines was that they could easily sway the general public. The Mizushima Real thing was a reminder to take precautions.

Although he is not a politician, do not need to be afraid of anything, and their own business people, who will value their own private matters, all rushed to profitable, but also for the backyard harmony to make the necessary preparations.

He was not unaware that Sakai Rie’s view of marriage as a one-life-one-person relationship was not in a position to tolerate sand in her eyes.

Furthermore, “Weekly Bunshun” also had its good side, which was that one could always make an exchange of benefits with so-and-so or sell a favor to someone or something.

Just like this time when I sold a real favor to Mizushima. It can also be said that one can hold someone’s black material and still be able to do a certain amount of coercion.

Some people don’t value the power of the media. In fact, the power of the media is very great. Ordinary people are most easily compelled and misled by the media.

“As far as I know, Weekly Bunshun is a publication under the Japanese company Bungeishunqiu. The publications of Bungeishunju Publishing House, in addition to Bungeishunju, are All Readers, Literary World, Weekly Bungeishun, Bungeishunju Alibi, CREA, CREA Traveller, Bungeishunju SPECIAL, Ben’s Words, Sports Graphic Number, Number PLUS .. Chairman this is a whole takeover of Bungeishunju Publishing?” Natsume Ryousuke said with twelve points of seriousness.

How could Masayoshi Kishimoto not know the bottom line of Literary Arts Spring and Autumn Publishing House? Japan’s most prestigious Akutagawa Prize and Naoki Award both came from it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto could not be burdened with the “crime” of maliciously acquiring a company by outsiders. He did not want his Hard Gold Group to become like the French Vivendi Group.

This time, he did not intend to simply acquire Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing like he did with the Mitsuba Bank, but needed a reason that would make the outside world feel that it was not a grandiose acquisition.

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