Chapter 507: The Mouse Club

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:48:54
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Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai walked around inside the gallery, greeting and chatting with anyone they recognized. The two of them really didn’t appreciate abstract paintings.

Even artistic distortions and variations based on whatever reality was there were not to their liking. The only people who could truly appreciate this type of art were their descendants, I’m afraid.

They stopped once again and stood in front of a painting. This pair of paintings wasn’t the initial lumpy kind, but rather a circle, a large circle over a small one, made up of countless circles of different colors.

“Is this gallery under the Chiba family name? Or does the Chiba family have a stake in it? If so, I feel that this place is not just displaying their family’s daughter’s paintings, but a place of benefit transfer and exchange.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with feeling.

Sakai Rie looked a bit puzzled and said, “Why is that?”

“You’ll fully understand when you look at some of these paintings. If shit poop turned into gold, do you think it would still be disliked? People would only rush to hold it in the palm of their hands.

Even if the painting itself is worthless trash, it can be made valuable. The mystery of adding value to it depends on how the person operates it.

It is also possible to turn a valuable painting into a worthless fake and give it to someone for nothing. If someone else takes it abroad or to a connoisseur, they will be able to sell it for its market value.

It is a natural thing in the art market to look the other way. Or is to cover up the ears, self-edited, self-fired self-sale, with real paintings is not impossible.

Buy fake and sell fake, buy fake and sell real, buy real and sell fake, buy real and sell real, is not a new thing. Not to mention that rich people who give and receive bribes will always play it especially elegant and secretive.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

Sakai Rie came to a realization, “No wonder, you would have said earlier that it’s not like our family has anything to beg the Chiba family for, so we don’t need to curry favor with them. By coming, you are granting the other party the greatest face.”

“If you just pay a little attention, there will inevitably be people who will buy some of these paintings. These people must have more or less connection with the Chiba family.

Not only that, but tomorrow’s media reports will definitely be bragging about this exhibition. It’s unlikely that Mrs. Chiba will come to ask for your help.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said.

“She’s asking for my help? And what can I do to help her?” Sakai Rie inexplicably wondered a little.

“Could it be that you’ve forgotten about TV Tokyo, a subsidiary of Hard Gold Media?” Masayoshi Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

“I’m really still too young, I really don’t know that the waters of high society are so deep.” Rie Sakai couldn’t help but feel a great deal of emotion when he reminded her of this.

“If Mrs. Chiba mentions this, just agree to it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“It’s not like you have business dealings with the Chiba family, so what do you mean? It’s hard to believe that you’re trying to do the other side’s business? Isn’t it just giving a news report?” Rie Sakai said without understanding.

“I’m both helping you and selling a favor to the Chiba family. You have to realize that the power of the media is infinite.

At the end of World War II, Hitler, the head of Germany**, died decades ago and still has a wide market that exists today, whereas Japan has no such figurehead.

The person who deserves the credit for Hitler having such an erected image as the F眉hrer is his propaganda minister, Goebbels.

Goebbels was a genius in propaganda. His well known quote was the one that repetition is power, and a lie repeated a hundred times becomes the truth.

Tokyo TV can not only report on the Chiba family’s exhibition, but also give an interview to the Chiba family’s young lady, and even establish her as a leader among young people, giving strength to ordinary young people, and especially encouraging young people in the midst of confusion or disillusionment.

Don’t you think that this would be especially positive publicity? The Chiba family didn’t have to spend any money on this. At the most, it’s just a few practical gifts for the reporters, cameramen, etc. who come to do the reports and interviews.

As for you, you can’t give them anything. Making the other party owe you a favor is more useful than sending things.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled meaningfully and said.

“I just realized that you’re quite good at this!” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“This was originally designed for you. However, you changed in the middle of it. Since you don’t want to pursue the path of music anymore, there’s no forcing you.

You’ll just go and learn how to be a noblewoman in peace. I’m not mocking you. It’s not that easy to be a noblewoman. After all, there’s a lot to learn. One of the most important things to learn is how to deal with people and how to speak.

If you continue to want to go above the music road, this kind of playing will fall on you. Plus, you are pretty, good image and good temperament, will inevitably use some of these advantages of their own is the circle of numerous fans.

As for your music, there are a few non-professionals who will really understand. To put it bluntly, it’s all about building you into an idol in the field of music.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, once a person has made a name for himself, fortune will naturally come. Likewise, if you don’t give people profit, how will others give you the publicity of fame?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said truthfully.

“You’re clearly making an investment out of me.” Sakai Rie said with a small pout.

“This is hype, not investment. The way of speculation is different from the way of investment. The former lies in the fact that no matter if it’s a thing or a person, it has to have a workable foundation in itself, not in its potential and the geometry of its value like the latter.

Even if it is a completely empty thing, you can hype to deceive people. For example, dreams. So, the rat race (pyramid selling scheme, commonly known as the rat race, is a degenerate multi-level marketing.

In the U.S. it is called the Unlimited Chain System, Pyramid Promotional Program, Pyramid Selling Scheme, Pyramid Club; in Hong Kong it is called Pyramid Marketing Method;

In Japan, it is called Infinite Chain Trafficking and Multiplier Marketing, which refers to emphasizing that the method is based on multipliers, which can not only multiply time and space, but also multiply turnover.

In addition, Pyramid Selling Scheme is also known as Snowball Selling Scheme, Chain Selling Scheme and Pyramid Scheme. Pyramid selling scheme is a scam,

It is the use of high allocation ratio as bait, relying solely on the hype of the bonus system to make sales geometric growth, so that a few people’s income in a short period of time to reach astronomical figures, in order to deceive new people to join, to buy a large number of their own do not need to sell a large number of products.

It is also possible that some companies will tell direct sellers that it allocates a bonus rate of up to 60% as a way to entice you to join.

But there is a lot to be said for 60% here. (The two main ones are the initiation fee and the headcount fee to make a profit.) It’s this one weakness of ordinary people that it likes to exploit the most.” Justice Kishimoto smiled and said.

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