Chapter 515: Whiskey

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:49:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was nine o’clock in the evening on this day, in a high-class bar in Roppongi in the harbor district. There was neither dynamic music nor crazy crowd in this bar.

The crowd of people who entered this one high-class bar were often known as the elite of society. It was a place for them to chat, talk about things, enjoy life, de-stress, and so on.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had an informal meeting with the president of the Bungeishunju Publishing House, and the person who facilitated this direct meeting between the two of them was Ryosuke Natsume.

Masayoshi Kishimoto asked for two types of whisky native to Japan, one bottle of Shirakushu 18 year old and the other of Yuichi 20 year old. For this, the store even offered to bring them a snack platter and a fruit platter.

“The fame of Yuichi single malt whisky is far less than Hakushu single malt whisky. However, Yuichi single malt whisky is the closest to Scotch single malt whisky.

The production process of Yuichi whisky is also completely different from that of Hakushu whisky. It has a strong taste in the mouth, unlike Hakushu whisky, which is more oriental in flavor.

Well-known whiskies with a vintage of more than 20 years are great whiskies. Of course, this bottle of Hakushu 18 years old is also a very good whisky.

For my personal taste, I like Hakushu whisky the most. However, drinking Yuichi Whiskey once in a while is also a very good choice.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto actually didn’t need to introduce himself like this, the other party was more or less aware of it as well. The reason why he did so was to intentionally show that he was not an investor with no taste and only money.

“From this, it seems that Chairman Kishimoto is quite knowledgeable about whisky. All along, I have never thought that Japanese whisky is weaker than Scotch whisky.

The reason why many people think that Scotch whisky is better than Japanese whisky still stems from the fact that the former has a long history of whisky culture.

Furthermore, it is the fact that when Japan made whisky back in the day, it was the full set that brought the craft of making whisky in Scotland to Japan.

It is felt that we, an imitator and latecomer, cannot compare to Scotland.” The president of Literary Spring is also considered a whisky enthusiast said.

“In fact, the Japanese whisky that was made according to the process of Scotch whisky production was not good. Or it did not meet the taste of the Japanese people in the beginning, and it did not sell well.

Later, after the practice of localization, first from the barrels that contain whisky, and then to the water source selection …… to have our Wabi-sabi whisky today.

Not only that, but the Japanese added new ways of drinking amongst the whisky. For example, adding more ice.” Masayoshi Kishimoto right hand holding the glass containing Yuichi single malt whisky is gently shaking said.

The president of Bungeishunju nodded his head and said with a smile, “You can also add green tea or black tea.”

“Although the way you say this kind of drinking is often easy to be despised, but as long as one is happy, what’s not to like?

Besides, there’s never been a claim that single malt whisky has to be better than blended whisky. It’s all about personal taste.

Aside from Japanese whisky and Scotch whisky, American whisky is one of the top three whisky countries in the world.

Personally, I don’t like the peat flavor that American whisky embodies. So, there is no in-depth research into it.

As far as I know, American whiskey is divided into Tennessee whiskey, rye whiskey, white whiskey and so on. Its own characteristic is the addition of corn.

This good whiskey to drink, that is very layered. The aftertaste of the liquor in the middle of the mouth is quite long-lasting.” Masayoshi Kishimoto took a sip of the whiskey in his own glass as soon as he tilted his head back and spoke eloquently.

The President of Literary Spring and Autumn knew that with the other party’s social status and strength, there was absolutely no need to please himself. Or rather, to cater to himself.

This could best reflect one’s personal taste was to drink whisky, not red wine, nor champagne. He himself was a whisky lover, and immediately felt a sense of affinity for someone with the same hobby as himself.

This is not the nothingness of the first sight, but from the psychology of the mirror effect (in the psychology of self-consciousness, people due to other people’s attitude towards their own as if a mirror can reflect their own image, and thus the formation of self-concept of the impression of this phenomenon is called the mirror effect.) .

“There are some women as long as the bar into the fishing man, rely solely on the other side of the drink is what wine, but also be able to carry out a preliminary determination of the other side is how to look like a person, how much income.

This is interested in you, will naturally take the initiative to approach you and ask you to buy her a drink.” Justice Kishimoto laughed and said.

Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing Director while enjoying the cup, while chatting with him more and more speculative said: “Zuni Wooga (Scotch Blended Whisky), Jack Daniel’s (American Tennessee Blended Whisky), Chivas Regal (Scotch Blended Whisky), and Jumbo Whisky (Scotch Blended Whisky), such as these are the most common bar inside the road goods, very suitable for pairing with black tea, green tea, and so on, and the most popular. Perfect for boozing with black tea, green tea or cola.”

“Some of the whiskies you mentioned have an alcohol content of 40 degrees, while Japanese whisky is usually 43 degrees.

The 20 year old single malt whisky I have in this glass is at 52 degrees, which is comparable to the prevalent level of Chinese liquor. Of course, whisky is also capable of reaching as high as 60 degrees.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

The president of Literary Spring and Autumn had a clear head and a clear heart. This informal meeting between the two would definitely not just be a chat about whisky.

If it was really that simple, then they could really be friends, after all, they had a common interest. And each other had the financial means to appreciate the various whiskies in this one world.

This is not only the well-known whisky of the big distilleries, but also the unknown whisky of the small workshops. The pleasure that could be gained from it was the same as if a woman had been shopping aimlessly and suddenly bought something that she wanted at a cheap price.

Seeing the opportunity, Natsume Ryosuke began to speak up for his own chairman, “In addition to his interest in whisky, our Chairman Kishimoto also collects the manuscripts of some great writers.”

“Chairman Kishimoto is really literary enough. Even I, a person who works with literary publishers, am ashamed.” The president of Literary Spring and Autumn said bluntly.

“You’re really too modest. Seeking an opportunity, you must come to my home to appreciate whether these manuscripts of great writers that I have taken in are authentic or not.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that he was being polite with this remark.

The president of Literary Spring and Autumn did not believe that the other party would buy a fake. This person who made investments, that wasn’t normally shrewd and discerning.

Not to mention the fact that the one in front of him was so young that he was able to build up a large handful of companies with 30,000 employees in less than five years was even more remarkable and extraordinary.

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