Chapter 521 Death by Overwork

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:49:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At a quarter past ten the following morning, Takayuki Nanno and Kazuya Takahashi walked into the chairman’s office together. The two sat down on the left and right.

“One of TV Tokyo’s official staff members was initially determined to have died suddenly at his workplace.” Takayuki Nanno began with a work report saying.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s first reaction was to recall that he had died of the same sudden cardiac death in his previous life. Only, he himself was caused by playing games day and night.

“The cause of that man’s sudden cardiac death was overwork due to excessive overtime. He was young and died before he was thirty.” Takahashi Kazuya added.

“The two of you didn’t come to my place together just to talk about such a thing! As far as I know, it’s not the first time that someone died from overwork due to excessive overtime at TV Tokyo.

This is only the first time for our Hard Gold Group. Not to mention that in Japan, you guys give me that one company that doesn’t work overtime.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was blunt.

“What Takayuki and I came here for is the unclear allocation of responsibility. He thinks it’s the domain of our Legal Department, while I think it belongs to their Personnel Department.” Kazuya Takahashi had a word for it.

“If there is any negative impact on our Hard Gold Group because of this incident, it should be something that Publicity Minister Ryosuke Natsume needs to take care of.

As for the compensation and appeasement of the families, I believe that TV Tokyo has long had a set of procedures and processes in place.

After they’re done, they’ll definitely report the results to the group headquarters. If the incident report is submitted to the Legal Affairs Department, then it will be handled by the Legal Affairs Department.

If it was handed over to the Personnel Department, then the Personnel Department would handle it. If this was handed over to my secretary’s office, then Yamada Mirai will handle it personally.” Masayoshi Kishimoto clapped his fingers together.

“If anyone among the employees dies, the outside world will say how bad we are. If one of us dies, the outside world doesn’t say much.

Make it seem like we won’t work overtime anymore, and also make it seem like we won’t die from overwork.” Takayuki Nanno had no objections to the clarity of responsibility, and said with feeling.

Kazuya Takahashi leaned back in his chair and said with a wry smile, “We belong to the minority in the social structure of the population, that is to say, we are regarded as the upper end of the pyramid by the common people.

We earn a high income, so it’s only natural that we should work more overtime. They are outnumbered and earn much less than us, so they don’t think they should work as much.

Large companies like ours also pay their employees overtime. Many small and medium-sized companies in Japan do not pay overtime at all, and work overtime on a mandatory basis.

The average worker earns only three to four million yen a year, works eight hours by law, and works eight hours of overtime on a mandatory basis. If you say that you are violating the law, the company will find a reason to fire you or force you to resign voluntarily.

In Japan, the country, the average person once lost his job is very difficult to survive, after all, is not a good skill, completely unable to do not do the East, do the West.

Often at this time, the company’s ordinary white-collar workers is will really realize that in the past they look down on the craftsman, but more than they are more insurance. As the saying goes, there are not hungry craftsmen. Of course, craftsmen are also difficult to get rich.

Then to real life, even if you do not have a mortgage, car loans, etc., always have to rent a house, even if the house is your own, but also need to eat, drink, water, electricity, gas, pay all kinds of insurance and so on.

Medical insurance is a big expense among all kinds of insurance. If you pay out of pocket and don’t have the money to pay for it, the sky is the limit if something happens to you.

The majority of Japanese people today are still middle class thanks to the period of economic development. Even if we went through the bursting of the economic bubble in the late eighties, early nineties, and the Asian financial turmoil of 1997, etc…

As long as those who did not speculate were always subjected to very limited harm, not at all to the extent of going bankrupt and selling even the house and land they lived in. Toward the bottom a class slide occurs, and that is the bottom. Below the bottom, there are more layers that we don’t know about.”

“Employees laugh at themselves they are like computers, copiers, etc. in the middle of a company. Each one has an expiration date. Once this is no longer useful to the company, then the fate that awaits them is waiting to be assigned in various ways.

They will not stand in our point of view at all to think, once the company bankruptcy or any major accidents, that need to be responsible for this person is some of us executives.

Some of us are trying to take the blame for the company and save the company, but they don’t see it. When a company goes bankrupt, we executives have a hard time finding the same job.

It is not often that a company will hire an executive from a bankrupt company! What was once a good thing can go up in smoke.

The sense of loss inside is not something that ordinary employees can understand. In the beginning, in order to climb up, I also started from an ordinary employee, working overtime day and night.

The only lucky thing is that there is no sudden death. It is common for people who are weak at heart to look for ways to end their lives by committing suicide. In Japan, this kind of situation is just too common.” Takayuki Nanno said slowly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t make any lofty comments, but just quietly listened to the two of them speak in front of him. The position that Takahashi Kazuya and Nanno Takayuki stood in was not the same as the ordinary employees, but it was also not as easy and comfortable as the ordinary employees thought.

The reason why he had put the two of them above the position of executives was not simply because they were his own juniors, but they did have the ability to do that one well.

If a person did not have the ability to do well, would an important position be secure? He likewise knew that they were, in the popular expression of later times, instrumental people.

For the society, how can every person not be a tool man? Even himself was no exception. Today, he was able to have such a high social status solely because he was able to run the company well.

Tomorrow, that is, in the future, who can guarantee that it will not go bankrupt. Once a company goes bankrupt, the executives often face the fate of being investigated. The person who must take the lead in this is the president or chairman.

Yamanichi-Securities, which has a history of more than 100 years, collapsed in the Asian financial crisis in 1997. Does anyone care what happened to the executives of Yamanichi-Securities?

Some of them were investigated by the Tokyo District Attorney’s Office, and then they were found guilty and sent to jail. Until then, weren’t these people under a lot of mental stress?

Didn’t they realize they were walking a tightrope over a cliff? All of this was not a risky move to save a company on the verge of collapse and bankruptcy. Only the gamble was lost.

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