Chapter 524: The World of Students

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:49:41
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After eating dinner, Yonekura-chan got up and went back to his bedroom. Before he left the house, he primped himself well again as well as changed his clothes.

Yonekura went to his girlfriend Reiko’s window and barked like a dog. It wasn’t long before Reiko came out to meet him.

Hand in hand, the two of them headed towards the newly opened water bar. They went inside and chose a spot that was perfect for couples to get physical.

The setting was quite atmospheric and classy for the average high school student. Yonekura-chan was generous enough to let Reiko order whatever she wanted to eat or drink.

So she asked for a strawberry cake and a glass of willow juice. Yonekura-chan followed the adult’s example was to ask for a cup of coffee.

“But you’re a quarter of an hour later than our pre-arranged time. I thought you didn’t count on your word!” Reiko said bluntly.

Yonekura-chan put an arm on top of her shoulder and said, “A man’s word is his word. If I said I would bring you here, then I will definitely bring you here.

The reason why I’m late in calling you is because we were delayed by a family discussion over a bag.”

“What bag?” Reiko asked curiously, looking sideways at him.

“Actually, it’s nothing much. It’s just that the fianc茅 of one of my sister’s big-handed corporate presidents mailed her a platinum Hermes bag from Tokyo.”

Yonekura-chan had wanted to speak in a light-hearted manner, but he still couldn’t help but exude that sense of pretentiousness that boys have in front of girls, he said.

Reiko was sure he wasn’t telling a lie. Not only did she know this, but her own parents, as well as the neighborhood, knew about Yuuko Yonekura’s engagement to Ryui Miyazaki.

“So, after you graduate from high school, you’ll be working in Tokyo as well.” Reiko couldn’t help but think that her boyfriend would be leaving her old home province.

“I’m not going to Tokyo! Didn’t you see me not following my mom and my sister to Tokyo during spring break?” Yonekura-chan said in a very big set of words.

“So what do you plan on doing after high school?” Reiko’s mental maturity as a girl was three years more than a boy her age.

Since she had decided to get good with him, she had to plan for the future of the two of them. Quite a few people their age were either already working part-time jobs outside the home or discussing and preparing for a part-time job in Tokyo.

As for further education, it was rarely talked about among them, because their high school’s promotion rate was particularly low.

The only two options they had were to go straight into a simple job, or to learn a skill or craft from one of the masters.

“I’ll go into the factory where my dad works. Once I save up some more money, we’ll get married and then just have a bunch of kids.” Yonekura-chan grinned.

Reiko didn’t show much embarrassment at his future plans. That was basically the case for everyone around her.

It wasn’t staying in their hometowns to work, then they would all go to Tokyo. Although going up to the capital to work sounded exciting, she had never seen anyone who was able to return home with their clothes on their back.

In the end, those who came back to their hometowns were the ones who couldn’t put down roots in the cosmopolitan city of Tokyo.

The things she heard most from people who had been to Tokyo for work were that it was stressful, the rent was high, the prices were high, and that it was not easy to make a living in Tokyo.

Over time, her initial desire for Tokyo became less strong. As for the prosperity, fashion and bustle of Tokyo, it has little to do with herself.

Besides, there was a boy she liked here, and he didn’t want to go to Tokyo either. It didn’t seem to be a bad idea for the two of them to stay in their hometown for the rest of their lives.

After all, wasn’t it just their parents, grandparents, grandparents, and many, many others who had come this way?

“Your sister is really lucky, how did she find a rich man?” Reiko suddenly blurted out.

“Could it be that I’m not good? You have to have faith in me. When I’m rich, I’ll buy you a Hermes platinum bag too. No, buy you ten Hermes platinum bags.” Yonekura-chan said in disbelief.

Reiko joyfully answered yes. Even if she knew in her heart that it was the other party bragging in front of her, it was also to make herself happy.

“I just don’t understand. Why do you girls like a bag so much?” Yonekura-chan as a boy is hard to understand said.

“Because you’re not a girl, so you won’t understand this one aspect of a girl’s mind. Take your sister for example, we don’t know how many girls here are envious of your sister being able to marry a young, rich and capable man in Tokyo.

Not only that, but I don’t know how many mothers are using your sister as a positive teaching material to teach their daughters that they should be like your sister, that’s what it takes to be successful.” Reiko pursed her lips and said.

“It seems that your mom has brainwashed you in this one area.” Yonekura-chan said calmly.

“My mom was just saying that to me.” Reiko said truthfully.

“I just don’t think my sister’s fianc茅 is that great. Other than the fact that he’s rich, it’s just that! When I’m working, I’ll make lots and lots of money for you to spend.

By then, you can spend as much as you like, whatever you like. You can buy whatever you like, just buy whatever you like.”

Yonekura-chan hadn’t gotten rid of his student vibe yet. He hadn’t stepped into society, and was still stuck in the stage of being marvelous and looking at anyone who was not good or inferior to himself.

As for the future, he was confident that he had a bright future and would only get better and better, and definitely didn’t even think that he would get worse and worse.

Reiko similarly did not enter society, the thought above has not been materialistic, as long as there is a boy to their own good, that is better than anything else.

This simple thought of hers could only last for a short time. One day will also make her become a vulgar woman, in order to live, in order to money is not enough to use …… in carrying out all kinds of complaints at the same time, also learned to carry out all kinds of province province province life.

This is just like in the student age of many people have had the idea, as long as there is Coke to drink, have online, have instant noodles to eat, that’s pretty much it, as if so live a lifetime of happy life.

Until the individual really began to step into the society, gradually will find their previous ideas so stupid, so naive, completely is not grown up.

Have money will be respected, will have girls like you, only to be able to buy buy buy their favorite things …… which earn money often always than the heart desire to want to get much less.

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