Chapter 532: Summarizing Experience

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:50:04
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After Rie Sakai left, the crowd in the Hard Gold Group’s first floor lobby began to make various guesses about her true identity. Their angles of speculation became different because of their different positions.

The receptionist on duty was thinking about whether the beautiful woman who accompanied Kazuya Takahashi up the stairs could be the other party’s real girlfriend or something like that. If there was a chance to be a lover for someone, would it not be better to do it yourself?

The men in the waiting area were thinking that beautiful women really do have a competitive advantage, especially when it comes to dealing with men.

The women waiting in the waiting area were wondering how they could become more beautiful and attractive. How could they be more beautiful and beautiful? How could they be so miserable?

Sakai Rie took the elevator to the upper floors before entering Kazuya Takahashi’s office. She turned around and sat down after picking a random seat, placing her handbag next to her chair in the process.

“I’m going to freshly grind your Brazilian coffee myself.” Kazuya Takahashi said bluntly.

“You know how to live and enjoy yourself. Being able to drink freshly ground Brazilian coffee even after going to work for one shift.” Rie Sakai said nonchalantly.

“It’s not just me, Masayoshi, Takayuki, and the other executives are all able to drink it. This is considered a perk that our Hard Gold Group gives to our executives.” Kazuya Takahashi explained.

“It doesn’t matter if you drink the freshly ground Brazilian coffee or not. I came this time just to get the prenuptial agreement signed.” Rie Sakai calmly said.

“There’s no rush. Why don’t I call Justice over to meet with you? Or let me take you to his president’s office?” Kazuya Takahashi asked for advice.

Sakai Rie leaned her back on top of the chair back, looking particularly relaxed, “What’s there to meet him. As long as he doesn’t travel, I’m able to see him every day. I will see that face of his for the rest of my life until I die.”

“What I mean is, if you are not satisfied with certain clauses in the content of the prenuptial agreement, you can well talk to him directly. As long as you guys talk it over, then I’ll change the content clauses on the spot.” Takahashi Kazuya said seriously.

“If he really has no conscience that day. What use is money to me? It’s that one person of his that I’m after, not his money.” Sakai Rie had long since seen that men were perfectly capable of lifting their pants and turning the other cheek.

This one experience wasn’t her bloody history, but came from a big loss that her personal bestie, Sato Ryoumi, had suffered from Inoue Kazuhiko.

One of her strengths was that she could draw lessons from other people’s misfortunes, thus preventing herself from making mistakes and falling for the same thing in the future.

What’s more, she realized that Masayoshi Kishimoto already had the marriage contract in duplicate in his hands. He could have completely burned them in a single fire, and there would be no moral constraints on him.

Furthermore, the prenuptial agreement was not a prerequisite that he forced himself to sign before he could marry himself. This time it was his own willingness and initiative to sign it.

“I can use my own personality to assure you, even if you and justice in the future divorced, there will also be this prenuptial agreement in the content is absolutely able to guarantee you a lifetime of glory and prosperity.

As you just said, and as some of our friends know, not only are you not greedy for money, but you and Justice love each other.” Takahashi Kazuya said in a serious manner.

“Don’t give me high hats. Bring me the prenuptial agreement to sign!” Sakai Rie didn’t even want to look at it and was directly about to sign it.

Takahashi Kazuya, after all, came from a family of lawyers, and did things on a strict principle. He found the prenuptial agreement in duplicate from inside the safe.

Takahashi Kazuya placed them both in front of Sakai Rie and said, “There’s no rush, you should read it slowly first. I’m going to make you coffee myself.”

“You’re not worried about me backing out?” Sakai Rie asked with a small smile.

“What’s there to worry about? I’ve been acting out of public interest from start to finish, not selfishness. Whether you sign or not, I won’t be able to profit from it. Even, because of this one thing it has become an evil person or a meddler in your mind.

As a friend to you and justice, I certainly hope that you two can raise your eyebrows and grow old together. At that time, this prenuptial agreement will also become a pile of scrap paper.” Kazuya Takahashi said as he spread his hands out towards her.

Rie Sakai believed him, so she reached over and took a copy from her desk and said, “Then I’d appreciate it if you’d go make me some coffee.”

“Gladly at your service.” Takahashi Kazuya made a male classical western etiquette gesture and said.

After he turned around and walked out of the office, Sakai Rie put back the copy of the prenuptial agreement she was holding in her hand. She looked up her cell phone from the handbag beside her and started playing the Snake game on it.

In her mind, the content of the prenuptial agreement was far less interesting than the game she was currently playing.

Not everyone in the world liked money. For her, money was not unimportant and would not be placed in the forefront of her mind.

Not to mention that Masayoshi Kishimoto was now a plutocrat? Even if he was still so a man who inherited his father’s business and ran a pachinko parlor, as long as she fell in love with him, she would still choose to marry him without a second thought.

There are many uses for having more money, and fewer uses for having less money. Although she herself was a wife to her husband, she didn’t see herself becoming any happier.

On the contrary, she felt that the scope of her socialization and the crowd was constantly expanding more and more. Every upper class social event was not at all as casual and relaxed as she used to be when she got together with her friends, and she didn’t care if that was the wrong thing to say.

Nowadays, it’s not like that at all. Even in the speech above also have to pay attention to some, not only to guard against saying a wrong what was her people’s ridicule, but also not be able to let other people think that they are just a beautiful look without brains, even words will not say vase.

As for the hypocrisy, pretense, deceitfulness, and the supremacy of interests in the upper class society, etc., they were all things that she had never faced before.

That was why Masayoshi Kishimoto had not been able to choose Makoto Natsui as his wife, after all, it was something that the other party could not cope with at all.

However, those things were not much of a problem for Sakai Rie then. She was, after all, good at drawing lessons from others.

Meanwhile, Takahashi Kazuya was really making the coffee himself, rather than having a female subordinate do it for him. Inside his heart, he had never really underestimated Sakai Rie, and had never thought of her as an embroidered pillow that could not be used.

He had been in contact with her for so many years, and although he didn’t understand her as well as Masayoshi Kishimoto, he more or less understood some of her principles of dealing with the world.

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