Chapter 540 Stock Market

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:50:28
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Masayoshi Kishimoto’s ears suddenly reddened, and his first reaction was to feel that someone was talking about him behind his back. However, he simply maintained an attitude of indifference.

Without being at home, he was currently at Natsui Makoto’s place teasing his children. True to that saying, one’s own children were the cutest.

“Is it true that the Hard Gold Group will acquire the Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing House in its entirety?” Natsui Makoto coldly ventured out with this remark.

“Why are you interested in this kind of thing as well?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked with interest.

“I heard it from Tomomi. She begged me to ask you about it.” Natsui Makoto told the truth.

“You pass on a message to this BFF of yours for me, cherish your life and stay away from the stock market. The stock market is not a place she can play around with.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Right now, Tomomi is not listening to advice. All she can think about is getting rich, and she opens her mouth to say that this is an opportunity.” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to make a fortune, but it’s extremely likely that she’ll be desperate in the future. Not to mention that one of your girlfriends, even some of the university business teachers, in my mind, is just a student in the field of finance.

They all speak in the classroom above the head, but may not be really into the field to play. Even into the field to play, the amount of money manipulated is quite small, that is, the category of small and medium-sized investors.

As long as you don’t have the capital to sit on the bank, then it is the same as a tiger’s mouth to take food. Whether it is gambling, or speculation, you generally hear are others said to earn money, but rare to hear others said to lose money.

In fact, the vast majority of people lose more money than they make.” Justice Kishimoto made a prediction and said.

“After hearing you say that, Tomomi is in all likelihood inauspicious.” Natsui Makoto said suddenly worried for her best friend.

“That’s just how I see it. Even if you try to persuade her, it won’t be effective, and you’ll be blamed for blocking her path to wealth and prosperity, and for not being able to see her as a good person.

Once this person is obsessed, it will only end in tragedy to let it wake up. In the financial market, not to mention the small and medium-sized investors that little money, even if it is 100 million U.S. dollars of institutional investment, but also just a little.

If you manipulate the amount of money up to 100 billion dollars, that is another thing. This 100 billion dollars becomes not simple.

There’s no guarantee that it won’t be a national sovereign fund from a country that’s incorporated as a proxy. Even if it’s not, and the private equity fund has such a large amount of money, then there’s going to be money in there that can’t be explicitly stated outwardly.

Black money, dirty money, money of some political figure, money of some official, etc.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was most aware of the inner workings of this.

Inside his own funds was the money of quite a few people from the entire pachinko industry in Japan. It’s not like this money can talk, it’s all exactly the same, and it’s impossible to tell whose money they really are and what their source is.

He passed and utilized the commercial banking industry’s various regulatory measures to maximize only to be able to eliminate is not to receive unclean money, black money and dirty money.

Since the acquisition of the Mitsuba Bank and its renaming as the Hard Gold Bank, not only the Nakano district, but also the entire pachinko industry in the greater Tokyo area began to flow in and out of the Hard Gold Bank.

After Inoue Kamiji took over, with the added boost of such a huge cash flow it was like a tiger with wings, not only quickly integrating the internal personnel of the old Mitsuba Bank, but also accelerating the pace of Hard Gold Bank’s expansion.

His goal was to have at least one branch of Hard Gold Bank in every single ward and city in the Tokyo metropolitan area of 33.4 million people.

It is said that the nature of capital is profit-seeking, but the nature of man is equally profit-seeking. The people of the original Three Leaf Bank saw that they could have a better life in the future, with better upward mobility, and there was no longer any discontent.

They had thrown the ideas of the past Sanba bankers into the Sea of Japan, and were proud to be hard gold and silver dealers.

“I really didn’t expect the stock market to be so treacherous.” Makoto Natsui said with feeling.

“Could it be that the tragic lessons brought about by the Asian financial turmoil in 1997 were not deep enough, then we can only mention the bloody history brought about by the bursting of the economic bubble in Japan in the late 80’s and early 90’s.

Often the beginning of an economic crisis starts with the stock market. Once the stock market takes a dive, that is to say, a plunge, then it is like a flood that breaks the dike is surging.

Next will spread to the real estate market, and then next is a variety of real economy. When the Japanese economic bubble burst, the real estate in some places fell by up to 85%.

That means you originally had a house worth ten million yen. Now, it is worth only one and a half million yen, how would you feel like? It’s extremely normal to feel like you want to die.

That’s not all. You bought the house with a mortgage. Your down payment was 30%, which means that you took out three million yen that you had been saving for many years to buy such a ten million yen house.

Because the property market has plummeted, and your house is now worth only one hundred and fifty yen. Because of the economic crisis, the company you worked for closed down and went bankrupt, and you lost your job.

Without a monthly source of income, you can’t afford to pay the bank’s mortgage, which means the bank will do a forced repossession of your house.

Not only are you evicted from your home, but you also become negative equity, which means you are personally bankrupt. Your house is only worth one and a half million yen at current market prices, and you owe the bank seven million yen.

Seven million yen minus one and a half million yen is a difference of five and a half million yen. This is the debt you need to repay in the future.

If an ordinary person is burdened with such a high debt, the quality of life in the future cannot be guaranteed at all. There are many people who cannot afford to pay it off.

I would say 30% down is a lot. There are many people who put down only 10%, which means that for the same 10 million dollar house, they have a debt of 9 million yen.

Nine million yen minus one and a half million yen equals seven and a half million yen, which is even more impossible to repay.

And that’s not even counting the interest on the loan or anything else. In fact, the debt you need to repay is even higher than what I said.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

Natsui Makoto’s jaw dropped as she listened. Although she herself didn’t own any real estate at the time, she had personally experienced those ten years or so. Even if she was still young, she still had memories.

What she remembers vividly is that at that time the TV news inside every day there are related to the various reports, once also saw with their own eyes someone for this to jump off a building to commit suicide.

From a certain point of view, suicide was not a kind of relief. Instead of the rest of the people living unlike a person, it would be better to die to get it over with.

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