Chapter 541: The Cost of Time

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:50:30
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In July, the weather in Tokyo was gradually getting hotter. Even the three-volt days were not able to stop the Japanese office workers from suiting up in their attire.

In their national traditional concepts, as well as being trained and educated, company office workers should have the appearance of office workers, short-sleeved T-shirts and whatnot, that is called indecent.

As the boss, Masayoshi Kishimoto had to follow the customs. In such a hot season, he felt that some Internet companies are really good, not only are they all young people, but they can also wear whatever they want.

Inevitably, he felt that he wanted to exchange places with the president of Hard Gold Denshi, Miyazaki Ryuui, and then he was able to realize the feeling of complete self-indulgence.

Kiyoshi Kobayashi flew back to Tokyo overnight from Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. As soon as he got off the airplane, he was in a hurry and came directly to the office of the president of the Hard Gold Group headquarters with his suitcase.

“The Argentine government and the international community in the joint efforts, resulting in Argentina’s domestic financial market turmoil gradually tend to calm down.

We this time short Argentina’s program although did not cause a loss, there is a little small profit, but feel pay and gain is not proportional.

At the moment, shouldn’t we secretly withdraw from Buenos Aires, Argentina?” As soon as Kobayashi Kiyoshi met Kishimoto Masayoshi’s face, he was both reporting and asking for advice on the next step in the deployment.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that he had blisters on the right corner of his mouth, he couldn’t help but smile and say, “Why are you so anxious to get angry? Take the heat off.”

Kobayashi Kiyoshi froze for a moment, not understanding what the boss was selling. He looked at the other party’s appearance, seemed to have no intention of terminating the original plan.

In theory, the opportunity to short Argentina was gone, so there was no point in staying in Buenos Aires.

Is it hard to believe that the boss is trying to save face? Granted, he made a sound judgment, but there was no big win. From a certain point of view, it can also be said to be a failure.

In fact, investing in this one thing, the person who only wins does not lose does not exist in the world. Occasionally look away, is also a very normal thing.

What’s more, the boss did not look away this time, but only to the Argentine government and the international community’s vigorous rescue of the financial market is underestimated.

Justice Kishimoto said without haste, “Have you ever seen the reaction of a dying man? This will die of people will appear before the death of a flashback.

Once the flashback occurs, not only will it give the person himself, but also the bystanders an illusion, as if he has begun to get better and will be fine.

In fact, it will not be long before he blows his brains out. In my opinion, Argentina’s financial crisis has not subsided, but is the return of a dying man.

My personal judgment, Argentina in the next three to five months, half a year is bound to have a big change. We are still advancing according to the original plan.

Only, nowadays you should not rush to attack the city, but you can also try to harass from time to time.

The main thing is to wait patiently for a big change in Argentina. As soon as the opportunity arises, you will attack with fire and fury.”

Kobayashi Kiyoshi felt that this one decision of his was not too good. Risk-taking wasn’t so much of a problem, it just didn’t feel like it was worth it to continue to waste months of his time on this one project.

His personal opinion was that instead of wasting time and cost on something that didn’t make sense, he should pick another goal.

Furthermore, Inoue’s rival since his college days, Inoue, had not only been vigorously developing and expanding the Hard Gold Bank’s business network, but had also been doing very well in terms of performance lately.

The Hard Gold Group’s plan to short Literary Spring Publishing on the stock market was a big success. For this reason, Inoue Kamiji for the hard gold group of companies is hard to get a handful.

In this period of time in contrast, he himself was nothing. He is a particularly strong person, heart naturally anxious and angry.

If his own past underlings were to surpass his position and ranking within the group company in the future, that would be a huge blow to his self-esteem.

“I reserve my opinion. I hope that you, Chairman, will once again carefully consider my earlier proposal.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said, eager to get out of his plan to short Argentina.

Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that he was in such a hurry, but it wasn’t that he was putting a lot of pressure on him. He understood that Kobayashi’s pressure did not come from the work itself, but from Inoue.

In the past, Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s only potential opponent was Hard Gold Construction’s Yamaguchi Katsuhei. Nowadays, there was an additional Kamiji Inoue.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Inoue have known each other for many years. Inoue’s shorting of Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing in the stock market had made him famous both inside and outside the company.

There was no other way out of the current situation but to wait patiently. I have known for a long time that the signs of economic collapse in Argentina will occur at the beginning of November.

If not in accordance with the established deployment to start, rush to attack, will not have too much to gain, will only waste such a rare good opportunity.

“My mind is made up, there is no need to discuss this one matter any further. If you really don’t want to continue following up on the project, then come back to Tokyo and do whatever you need to do.

As for the matter that follows, it will be replaced by me personally sitting in Buenos Aires, Argentina.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s face did not have a trace of a smile on it, and he said with a very resolute attitude.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi could see that he was already becoming disgruntled. The Boss had thus left the base camp, so what else did he need himself for? He needed to maintain a high level of consistency with the chairman to be king.

After a moment of silence, Kobayashi Kiyoshi made an instant decision saying, “I’ll fly back to Buenos Aires from Tokyo today.”

“There is no need to be in such a hurry. You can stay in Tokyo for three or five days to rest and adjust properly before you leave.

As long as you do this plan well, then this year’s Best Project, Best Team, and Best Project Leader awards will still belong to you.” Justice Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“It’s not that I can’t afford to lose, it’s just that I feel as if I’ve been avenged by someone.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said in harmony with his current true state of mind.

“You’re overthinking it. You must always believe that if I didn’t trust you absolutely, how could I give you such a big planning project?

This is not only shorting a country, but the risk is so high that it will also hurt and jeopardize our entire Hard Gold Group. What a great responsibility you have on your shoulders.

Completely is not shorting a big hand enterprise can be compared to things! I don’t believe you won’t understand that.” Masayoshi Kishimoto enlightened him in a serious manner.

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