Chapter 544: Junk Stocks

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:50:37
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When Masayoshi Kishimoto returned home in the evening, he walked into the large living room of the main house and saw Yuki Mizuhara sitting on top of the long sofa, crying. The person accompanying her to comfort her was naturally Rie Sakai.

Masayoshi Kishimoto wanted to go upstairs as if he hadn’t seen anything, but was stopped by Rie Sakai who said, “Where are you going?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto could only stop his steps to go upstairs and walked towards them with a stiff upper lip. He sat down on the single sofa to his left and said, “What’s wrong with Yuki? Is it possible that she had a fight with Kazuya?”

“Yuki’s father lost a lot of money in the stock market.” Rie Sakai told the truth.

“What does her dad losing money have to do with her? Since her dad wants to play around, then he has to be willing to lose.” Justice Kishimoto snapped.

“The reasoning is such a reasoning as you put it. The problem is that her dad was buying Literary Spring Publishing’s stock with a full position at a high price.

According to today’s closing stock market price, those stocks in Yuki’s dad’s hands are only a third of their original price. Xiao Xue’s father was really angry, so he took out his nameless fire on Xiao Xue.

Said she made a hard gold group executives what is the use? Not even a tiny bit of help. If she had been able to reveal a bit of information to him, she wouldn’t have lost out like this.” Rie Sakai had a word to say.

“You kids shouldn’t be concerned about adult matters.” Kishimoto Masayoshi was able to understand the reason why Mizuhara Yuki’s father was furious.

Anyone who lost money, that wouldn’t be in a good mood. It was often the case that the more money one lost, the worse that mood would be. The other party clearly had a hairy-footed son-in-law who could ventilate the situation a bit, but there was absolutely nothing.

“And little friend. Brother Justice, you’re not that big of a deal to us either, are you?” Mizuhara Yuki said with tears still on her face.

“Count me wrong. What’s between men, you women should stay out of it. I guess your father also said that to yours in a moment of haste.” Justice Kishimoto said calmly.

“He also said something even more outrageous, that my dowry is some of those Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing House stocks in his hands. If it keeps falling like this, it will also become a junk stock, completely worthless.” Mizuhara Yuki was some voice choked and said.

“Don’t be sad and upset. I’ll give you a trick that will guarantee that you’ll be able to earn a generous dowry in the future. Just promise your father this one.

Afterward, you can take the Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing House’s stock and go to Takahashi Kazuya to replace the Hard Gold Group’s stock in his hand.

As for the ratio, you negotiate among yourselves privately, and don’t consider the market price in this at all. It’s feelings that are priceless.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t crack jokes and said.

“What kind of dimwitted move are you making? Will Kazuya Takahashi do it? As far as I know, the stock market is not looking good for Literary Spring Publishing’s stock, and it’s already heavily bearish.” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“You don’t speculate in stocks, how do you know?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“Even though I don’t speculate in stocks, quite a few people around me do. It’s from them that I heard the news.” Rie Sakai said with absolutely no credulity.

“Brother Justice, what can we do if Literary Spring Publishing’s stock really becomes a junk stock?” Mizuhara Yuki didn’t care if her father’s words were true or not, she was always worried about her own family’s money.

Although his family was not yet bankrupt because of this one thing, the negative impact was still not small. Otherwise, her father wouldn’t be so angry.

If her father’s hands were strained for money, then it would not be as easy for her to take money from her own father in the future as it had been in the past.

Nine times out of ten, it was also very likely that her current benefits would be deducted. For example, the allowance was cut in half, the sports car was taken away, and so on.

“You’re completely blind. Although Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing’s stock price is in an undesirable state at the moment, the core business that it operates on its own hasn’t seen any rumors of losses.

It also posted a good deal of profit among its annual report last year, and it also paid out dividends.” Masayoshi Kishimoto analyzed the matter on its merits.

“According to you, Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing’s stock price is going up?” Mizuhara Yuki’s eyes lit up and said.

“I didn’t say that. I just said it’s not a junk stock. Not to mention that your father bought it at a high price with a full position, and trying to get back above that past price level to unwind it is not an easy thing to do in a short period of time.

The only surefire way is to take a covered position and try to bring down the past cost as much as possible.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t reveal a bit about the fact that he was going to acquire Literary Spring Publishing in its entirety next.

He was able to drive up its stock price. This would make those who shorted Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing’s stock lose money.

The reason why Sakai Rie sympathized with Mizuhara Yuki’s current situation was not only because the two of them were already on good terms, but also because her own father had lost a lot of money because of stock speculation.

She was deeply touched by this situation and said: “I believe that Mizuhara Yuki’s father certainly understands what you are saying.

The problem is that after he replenished his position, the stock price of Literature and Arts Spring and Autumn Publishing House continued to go downward, and did not become more and more losses?”

“The stock market is subject to the vagaries of wind and rain. When the sunny day, when the rainy day, it is all a matter of uncertainty. Just as the weather forecast says it will rain today, it may not absolutely rain.

Whether the weather forecast says it will rain or not, the prudent Japanese will always go out with an umbrella, just in case.

When it rains, you don’t have to be afraid to use an umbrella. When it doesn’t rain, you put it away, just in case.” Masayoshi Kishimoto intentionally clouded the mountain and said.

“Don’t digress.” Sakai Rie understood him, so she intentionally forced the topic back and said.

“I’m not digressing. Mizuhara Yuki’s father is like a person who goes out without an umbrella. Now that it’s raining, there’s only one place to look for shelter.

It’s completely unclear when this rain will stop. Just as it was unknown when the stocks he held in his hands would rise.

The present situation is as if there is an umbrella shop next to the place where he is sheltering from the rain, and he is hesitant to buy or not to buy. This is like filling a position.

What if, after buying the umbrella, he doesn’t get very far before the rain stops, and it’s not a good idea? This is like a stock that does not continue to fall. If you don’t buy an umbrella, the rain will keep falling and you won’t be able to walk.

It’s also like buying a stock in your hand that’s trapped, and you just have to look up to the heavens for the rain to stop.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made peace with the situation.

Sakai Rie, after hearing him say this, really felt that it made sense. She couldn’t really find any words to refute it herself at the moment.

Apart from her, Mizuhara Yuki listened even more carefully and attentively, afraid of missing a single word, after all, it was about the money aspect of her own family.

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