Chapter 546: Taking Advantage of a Man’s Danger

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:50:43
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Masayoshi Kishimoto would have stood up for the interests of his youngest child. In doing so, he was indeed suspected of taking advantage of a person’s danger.

He was able to tell from the fact that Mizuhara Yuki’s father had scolded his own daughter that the other party was in liquidity difficulties due to the fact that the shares of Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing House that he had bought had been trapped.

The solution to the liquidity problem was to borrow money. The only thing is to mortgage the real estate and so on to the bank. The second is to sell part of the assets on hand to cash. The result of selling in a hurry is that the price is not ideal and is generally on the low side.

As for Kazuya Takahashi’s side, there is no loss at all. Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing’s low share price on the stock market was only temporary.

As long as the Hard Gold Group officially announced that it had acquired the company, Literary Arts Spring and Autumn Publishing House’s stock price was bound to rise drastically. Even if it could not reach the level of 1:1 with Hard Gold Group’s share price, it could at least be 5:1.

At that time, Takahashi Kazuya sold his shares of Literary Arts Spring and Autumn Publishing House for cash, not only would he not lose money, but he would also make a small profit.

The reduction in his nominal assets was only a portion of the shares of Hard Gold Group that he personally held as a bride price paid out in advance.

Takahashi and also replaced out of the hard gold group stock even in the Mizuhara family, also can not be the other side directly to the outside cash. The only way to cash out is to sell to the insiders of the Hard Gold Group.

The Mizuhara family’s only choice was to sell the Hard Gold Group’s shares to themselves, as they had the right to repurchase the Hard Gold Group’s shares on a first-come-first-served basis.

Although it can completely solve the Mizuhara family’s liquidity difficulties, it will also let it make a big profit, but in the future, if the Mizuhara family can’t get the hard gold group’s stock, but also have to come up with the same price of the stock as Mizuhara Yuki’s dowry for her daughter to bring into the Takahashi family.

To a certain extent, it also ensures that Mizuhara Yuki will be able to share a considerable amount of family assets. This was also a good thing for Mizuhara Yuki, not a bad thing.

A woman who married into her husband’s family without property, no matter which country in the world, her own status would not be high, and would often only be belittled by her husband’s family and relatives.

Only a woman married into her husband’s family with more property, the more it is able to show her high status and have more family voice.

In Dream of Red Mansions, Wang Xifeng scolded Jia Lian, saying, “I have thirty-five million dollars, but I didn’t earn it from you. Nowadays, people all over the country are saying that I have a lot of money behind my back, and you’re the only one who can say it, so you know that no family member can lead a ghost to come.

We Wang family can where the money, are you Jia family earned. Don’t make me sick. You look at your family what Shi Chong Deng Tong.

Sweeping my Wang family’s cracks, it is enough for you to live for the rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to speak out! Existing evidence: Mrs. and my dowry look carefully, compared to your, that same is not worthy of you.

Even the feudal society of China, that is, the actual Qing Dynasty Kangqian Sheng Shi this stage, the importance of money is also self-evident.

As long as a woman has money in her hand and the strength of her mother’s family, the inferiority of men over women is a load of crap. Not to mention modern Japan. The Japanese still love money twelve times over, no less than the Chinese.

“Kazuya, if you still can’t get over this threshold in your heart, then I’ll pay for it for you first.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“No need. I was just wondering, will the annual dividend distribution from our Hard Gold Group still be mine or the Mizuhara family’s when the time comes?” Takahashi Kazuya was not at all as deep in thought as one of his own hairdressers.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was amused in his heart, does the Mizuhara family still have time to wait until the day when the dividends of the Hard Gold Group’s shares are in their hands?

Mizuhara Yuki’s father was going to sell the hard gold group stock to himself to cash in, and then go to make up for his current liquidity fund shortage.

“Whose hands the stock is in, then whose hands the year-end dividends of the stock are. How could you even forget such a simple truth?” Justice Kishimoto reminded.

“It’s me who got confused.” Kazuya Takahashi laughed at himself and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s gaze shifted to Yuki Mizuhara and said, “What do you think?”

Mizuhara Yuki couldn’t make up her mind, and habitually answered in one of the common ways girls do, “I don’t know.”

“There’s no rush, let’s eat first. You can tell your father whenever you want to.” Justice Kishimoto had plenty of time to wait.

He himself was just doing a favor for his hairy son. Not that he had anything to gain. By his own calculation, Mizuhara Yuki’s father’s path was that narrow, with no extra good options.

Real estate and other mortgages to the bank, also need a certain amount of time to be approved by the bank side. In this period of time, the stock market may make the stock of the Literary Spring and Autumn Publishing House that he holds in his hand fall again and again, and even replenish the position becomes useless, after all, it will only be put into more cash into it.

Looking for relatives to borrow, looking for friends to borrow, looking for coworkers to borrow …… money, and how much can be borrowed? Not to mention that Japan is a highly developed capitalist country, favor can be as thin as paper.

The “strong arm” to sell the hands of the holding of the Literature and Art Spring and Autumn Publishing House shares, and simply do not have that kind of courage and determination.

That is a direct loss of two-thirds of the money is more upsetting than the stock trap. This stock is still able to self-consolation, one day will be unlocked.

As for borrowing from loan sharks, it should be impossible. I don’t believe that Mizuhara Snow’s father would be so stupid as to drink hemlock to quench his thirst.

If such a good offer was placed in front of the other party, it would be false not to be moved. The only difficulty lies in Mizuhara Yuki’s father not taking the bull by the horns and thinking that he is selling his daughter.

Takahashi Kazuya and Mizuhara Yuki love each other, it’s not like they’re shaving their heads, it’s just that Takahashi Kazuya loves Mizuhara Yuki and she doesn’t love him.

“Brother Justice, why are you helping my family?” Mizuhara Yuki asked thoughtfully after a long silence.

“I’m not helping your family, but Kazuya and you. I want to see a lover get married. Furthermore, you and Rie are good girlfriends.

You’re another girl with a good heart and full of sunshine. I don’t want you to become depressed all day because of the financial difficulties your own family is experiencing.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto said one thing but not the other. The other thing he had in mind was to let some people in the outside world know that the benefits of being good friends with Sakai Rie were immense, thus further elevating his wife’s actual status inside the upper class.

Sakai Rie’s mother’s family was very ordinary, so it was inevitable that she would be belittled, mistakenly believing that she had no say in her husband’s family, that she had no status to speak of, and that she was just lucky.

With a living example like Mizuhara Yuki, that would make some people greatly change their minds to re-examine and look at their wives. In his opinion, to look down on his own wife would be to look down on himself.

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