Chapter 560: Wish

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:51:22
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Sakai Meiling stood up violently, with some unhappiness in her countenance, and took three steps towards the stairs.

Sakai Rie said thoughtfully, “It may not be a blessing for a girl to be too good-looking but come from an ordinary family.”

“By that, you’re blaming me for not arranging a blind date for Meiling.” Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned his back against the back of the sofa, crossed his legs, and spoke bluntly.

“Not at all. At Mei Ling’s age she really should have been on a blind date too. Finding a marriage partner of one’s choice can be harder than finding a good job.

A woman’s best age is nothing more than the ten years between fifteen or sixteen and twenty-five or twenty-six, completely unlike you men, who are always young as long as they have money, power, and social status.

Once a woman misses out on the best time, it becomes harder and harder to find a good match. Which there’s no guarantee that you men won’t be thinking inside your heads about who she gave her best period of time to, while taking over the other person’s not-so-good times themselves.” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“Then you, the one who’s a real sister, will have to be active in giving Mei-Ling a good spread.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seeing that she still cared about Sakai Meiling.

“The problem is that she has to listen to me for that to happen! Earlier, some of the things Mei-Ling said were not unreasonable. If she really marries into a rich family, I’m afraid that it will be difficult for her to have a family status and say.

If she missed out on her most youthful and beautiful age, it would be more and more impossible for her to marry into a wealthy family. After all, the generation of girls behind this had also grown up.

She would never do it if she was asked to marry a full-fledged member of a big-handed corporation that was around her age. To be precise, even a cadre of a big hand enterprise would still not do it.”

Sakai Rie had more or less understood and grasped the rules of the game of high society by now. Plus, this one of her own sisters had to compare paths with her in everything.

Kishimoto Masayoshi saw her analyzing the situation and said with interest, “You know a lot about it! In the beginning, you didn’t use a lot of thoughts and means to deal with me, right?”

Sakai Rie stared at him sideways, “If you’re not happy to marry me, then forget it. It’s not like I have to pester you. I just can’t believe I can’t live without a man.”

“Just kidding with you. Look at you, you’re in a hurry again!” Justice Kishimoto said calmly.

“I’m also wondering if you would still occasionally make jokes about such things if I came from a wealthy daughter of a powerful family or a young lady from one of the political families.” Sakai Rie didn’t take that remark he just made as just a joke.

“Your associations are just too past rich. Our relationship is a marriage that was arranged by the heavens a long time ago. Even if you are poor and ugly, I will still marry you. Who made the marriage arranged by heaven to be irrefragable?

To be precise, it must be that I owed you in my last life and need this life to make a repayment.” In order to ease the atmosphere of the conversation between them, Masayoshi Kishimoto intentionally got undignified and said.

“Good to know.” Sakai Rie held her head high. She was the mistress of the house who had the status and say in this one. One didn’t have to worry at all about being personally swept off her feet by her in-laws.

Even if she signed a prenuptial agreement, she was able to ensure that she and Masayoshi Kishimoto would still be able to continue to live a life of wealth and honor after they divorced one day.

What’s more, the relationship between men and women is good, will not be because of this kind of sesame seed small things hurt feelings, on the contrary, will also enhance the feelings.

Two people really have problems with their feelings, the most common situation is the long-term cold war. You don’t talk, I don’t talk. You ignore me, I also ignore you.

You play with you, I play with me. Even if you live under the same roof, eat on top of this same table, and sleep in the same bed, you will each have your own agenda.

“I really don’t have much to do with Mei Ling. She’s been like this since she was a child.” Sakai Rie suddenly said with feeling.

“If you, as her own sister, can’t do anything about it, then what else can I do?” Masayoshi Kishimoto spread his hands to show his powerlessness and said.

“For the small things, I’m still letting her go. As for the big matters of marriage, I still have to give her a good look. It doesn’t matter if she’s happy or unhappy.

If you really miss a good opportunity, it won’t come again.” Rie Sakai knew that relying on her mother to find a good man for her sister was impossible.

Mom’s circle of people was all in Shikoku Kochi Prefecture. Mei-Ling would never go back to her hometown in the future, and would definitely stay in Tokyo.

The cost and pressure of living in Tokyo is undoubtedly much greater than at home. According to a normal life path, by the time she graduated from university, she would be twenty-three years old.

Entering the big hand enterprise work, overtime is unavoidable. This becomes even more no time. The way to get to know men was only through friendships and blind dates.

As for encounters, the probability of them happening in real life is extremely low. Besides, there are so many “fakes” and “scammers” out there that you may get yourself directly involved if you don’t pay attention.

Moreover, in the first one or two years of employment, the salary is only about 5 million yen. This is good enough for a small company worker.

However, compared to the upper class, it’s still a hundred thousand miles away. Sometimes, the upper class could spend more than that on a casual gathering of friends.

“As a man, I can responsibly say that as long as a man has a little bit of ability and a little bit of money in his pocket, no matter how old he is, he will go for the young and beautiful ones.

Even if they were to go to places like a custom store, or a materialless anejo, they would only look for young and cute girls, and wouldn’t spend money on older women.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“If I were old. Wouldn’t you also go for young and pretty girls?” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“You’re old, and I’m old too. Even if I wanted to, I’m afraid it would overwhelm me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made peace with the situation.

“What if you’re old and your stamina is okay?” Rie Sakai pursued.

“This assumption of yours is completely out of line with the laws of human life and death. From time to time you have been able to see a man grow old with an old woman at his side to help him along. How often do you see an old woman with an old man supporting her?

When a man gets old, he needs a companion to support him, to keep him company, to talk to him, not to think of something to solve his physical problems. No matter how much money there is, it will be as if it were waste paper.” Justice Kishimoto lamented.

“Then I’ll have to die behind you. Otherwise, there will be no one to fulfill this one wish of yours after you grow old.” Rie Sakai laughed.

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