Chapter 567: Ethnicity

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:51:42
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At noon, Masayoshi Kishimoto appeared at Makoto Natsui’s place. After he opened the door, he changed his slippers at the foyer and ran straight to his adorable pair of sons and daughters.

Masayoshi Kishimoto clapped his hands with a smile on his face as he walked into the baby’s room and said, “Little darlings, daddy’s here.”

“Keep your voice down, they were just put to sleep by me.” Natsui Makoto volunteered to perform a gesture saying.

Masayoshi Kishimoto nodded, indicating that he knew. He tiptoed noiselessly over to the cradle and saw the two little ones sleeping peacefully in there.

Natsui Makoto pointed her right index finger towards herself and then towards the living room, meaning for him to follow her outside.

Masayoshi Kishimoto nodded once more and followed her out of the nursery. Natsui Makoto didn’t forget to close the door to the room gently with her backhand.

With a self-deprecating tone, Masayoshi Kishimoto said, ”In the company, tens of thousands of people had to listen to my command. Nowadays, at home, even I have to listen to your command.”

“It would really be great if you were to follow my commands at home like you said. Today, I heard from someone that someone ran to the roof of the company building to jump to their death because they were laid off by the company and couldn’t think straight for a while.” Natsui Makoto was afraid that it was something that happened in his company said.

“Why am I not hearing the same version as you? Someone bought a bucket of gasoline and poured it on themselves to set themselves on fire because they were laid off from the company and couldn’t think straight for a while.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“This one thing you said is even more terrifying.” Natsui Makoto’s expression suddenly became grave and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was well aware that Japan was originally a suicide powerhouse. The most ludicrous thing about suicide was that one still had to choose the way, method and occasion as well.

If you were to choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building, don’t think that the government or the company would pay for it. They will just think that it is the deceased who has caused trouble for everyone.

All the aftermath costs incurred in this collection of the body and so on will still have to be borne by the family of the deceased. For this, the family would have to bow and apologize towards the public or something.

Therefore, many Japanese people choose to commit suicide in the most common way is either to find a scenic place to hang themselves, and at the foot of Mt. Fuji there is a mecca for suicidal people; or, at home in the bathroom and other places to hang themselves.

In Masayoshi Kishimoto’s opinion, this goes completely against one of the Chinese’s favorite sayings and beliefs in life, that it is better to die than to live.

“To be bitter, I lived a bitter life until I was with you. However, I have never once thought of committing suicide, and I have to live even if it’s hard.

Why are there so many people who can’t think straight and want to live lightly? If you lose your job, just find it again.” Natsui Makoto couldn’t understand that.

“That’s because you’re optimistic by nature and belong to a minority among the Japanese. The Yamato nation is inherently pessimistic and prone to extremes. Otherwise, how could there be a saying about the beauty of things that are sad?

Have you ever heard of any other people in the world besides Japan saying that? Moreover, many Japanese people have a tendency to take the bull by the horns.

Of course, there is a good side to this, and that is the obsession with doing things to the extreme. The bad side is that once they encounter a slight setback or failure, they will completely deny themselves and think that there is no point in continuing to live like this.

As a result, they will often go to the extreme and choose to end their lives by committing suicide. Take layoffs as an example. In the United States, things like this are not too common.

From the CEO of a large company down to the lowest level of a common laborer, there will be fired from time to time.

There are very few Americans who have only one job, and most people change jobs throughout their lives. How is it that Americans don’t go to extremes at the first layoff?

Ethnicity is a thing that does exist. If you can’t do your white-collar job, you can still do other jobs! There is no such thing as a high or low job, just a different division of labor.

Why do you have to stick to just one type of job? Driving a cab or working at a convenience store …… is perfectly fine. At most, it’s just less income than in the past. There’s a way to live with less money, and a way to live with more money.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

“I was thinking like you. I’ve worked as a bookstore salesperson, convenience store cashier, restaurant waitress, flower store salesperson, coffee shop waitress, and so on.

I can casually count them on one hand.” Natsui Makoto said as she recalled some of the jobs she had held in the past.

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to worry about a single thing. This kind of thing won’t happen in my company.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she was concerned about herself. He said in order to put the other party down for good.

Natsui Makoto said thoughtfully, “Perhaps, it’s because I’m young and I don’t have the pressure of raising a family, so it’s hard to understand those people.”

“If they really thought a bit more about their families, they shouldn’t have chosen to go to extremes. This death of a person, he is relieved.

The problem is what about his family? His family still has to go on with their lives. Suicide is not even covered by the insurance company.

No matter how much or how little money there is, one more person, one more income, there is always a way. Even if the Japanese are not doing well, they are not as bad as the billion people at the bottom of the world!

It has become a luxury for them to even have enough to eat every day. In my opinion, the Japanese culture of shame has a bad side which is to save face.

It should be to know the shame and then be brave, but not to know the shame and then commit suicide. To endure shame and humiliation, to lie down and taste the guts, that’s real rigidity and bravery.” Masayoshi Kishimoto has made a certain combination of Chinese and Japanese culture Dao.

Natsui Makoto said with deep feeling, “You are quite right. Most people won’t accept this new theory of yours.”

“Then we can only blame Japan’s family education, school education, social education, and corporate education for the problems above. The average Japanese person’s head is just brainwashed.

In order to change this situation you have to start at the source. However, if the general environment is not allowed, then there won’t be any radical change.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Or you said it well.” Natsui Makoto smiled at him and said.

“Who made me the one who is the leader? If I don’t speak well, how am I going to motivate my subordinates?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a slight smile.

“I’ll leave the burden of homeschooling our children to you. I just want them to grow up happily and joyfully, not to be devastated or even go to extremes just because of momentary setbacks and failures.

It is not easy for people to come to this world. Since they are alive, then they should live well.” Natsui Makoto said with great emotion.

“Even without me, your naturally optimistic attitude towards life will infect the children. Not to mention that they still have a part of your genes in them.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

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