Chapter 571: The Present Moment

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:51:53
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As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto stepped through the door of the Firefly Club, two rows of female publicists dressed in various colors led by his mother, Nao Sando, were all smiles, with their hands folded on their stomachs, bowing at forty-five degrees to him, while at the same time shouting out in unison, “Welcome to the club” as opposed to the words of the other guests. “Welcome home”.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t look away at all, and his steps didn’t stop as he walked straight ahead. It wasn’t like this was the first time he had come to this kind of place to spend his money, so he had already seen it all before.

The reason why he himself was treated with special courtesy was because he was the owner behind this club, that is, the gold owner of his mother, Naoe Sando.

Regarding this, not only were the female publicists of this club aware of this, but the entire Ginza’s mama-sans were aware of this.

Even though every momsan had a gold master behind them, their backgrounds were all too ordinary compared to that of a plutocrat.

At most, they were the presidents of private companies, landowners, and plutocrats. There are plutocrats behind the scenes support, that will immediately highlight the status and strength of this club is extraordinary.

The reason why dare to be called zaibatsu, that lies in its strength can not be underestimated. Not to mention the six major plutocrats in Japan, as long as they are able to advance to the plutocrats of this paragraph above, that do business, even if it is not a monopoly, but also is a big deal.

A Ginza Club’s water flow can be how much? The plutocrats could not afford it. Besides, this kind of business involves women selling their sex, which is always bad for their reputation.

Therefore, the most important people in society would pay for a woman they were in love with to open a store in a place like Ginza, and that would be a good deal.

Of course, this does not exclude black money from entering this business. Even if this industry is able to legally exist in Japan, it still belongs to walking in the gray area. In addition, it is open at night, inevitably adds a touch of mystery.

Fujie Nao rushed up from the right side behind Kishimoto Masayoshi, smilingly took the initiative to stretch out her hands to take his right arm, and the side of her body also leaned closely to him.

“It’s the first time I’ve gotten a call from you offering to make good preparations for you. Are you entertaining a particularly important guest or celebrating a something?” Fujie Nao smiled sweetly.

“I’m getting married. Tonight, it’s my last night. From now on, I won’t be coming back.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Fujie Nao froze for a moment, then quickly recovered and said, “There are plenty of married men who come to my place. Why do you have to be so thin-skinned towards me? Could it be that whoever is out there has poached you from me?”

“I really must be getting married.” Justice Kishimoto of course knew that there was a lot of open and shut fighting in their line of work. On the surface, none of them dared to blatantly poach each other’s acquaintances, but secretly they all did so to a greater or lesser extent. Each of them knows very well that the monthly consumption of a big fat customer can even support the daily expenses and operation of a store.

“It’s really sad that your marriage partner isn’t me.” Fujie Naoe really wasn’t just talking about it, and did indeed feel a good deal of loss in her heart.

However, she had known for a long time that she would never be able to give Masayoshi Kishimoto a wife, and that at most she would be an underground lover for him who could not see the light of day.

Fujie Naoe accompanied him to its exclusive seat and sat down there, and added: “Your marriage partner is that family’s famous daughter?”

“She’s not a thousand-dollar girl, but an arrangement of her parents, a matchmaker, and heaven.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“You must be teasing me.” Fujie Nao did not believe that the woman who was explicitly married by a plutocrat in Dangdi would not be a famous golden lady said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned his back against the back of the sofa and said, “I’m definitely not teasing you.”

“Then what you’re saying is that the other party is the daughter of an ordinary family?” Fujie Nao asked tentatively.

Masayoshi Kishimoto let out a “hmm” and slowly crossed his legs, looking very relaxed.

Fujie Naoe became more and more confused. If Masayoshi Kishimoto had married someone’s famous daughter, it would be reasonable for him not to come here in the future.

It was more or less a matter of looking after the face of the wife or the wife’s maiden family. Even if a famous family was entertaining some important guests and needed a woman to set the mood, they would follow the Japanese tradition and go to a geisha.

Otherwise, they would find some popular and beautiful actresses to accompany them. Like this kind of place, in comparison, that is considered to be low-grade.

If it’s really just an ordinary family’s daughter, as he said, then there’s no need to worry about a what? There was no need for that at all.

She wasn’t unaware of the fact that Masayoshi Kishimoto had built a business empire entirely on his own ability, which gave him the title of a hard gold plutocrat today.

“What, you still don’t believe me?” Justice Kishimoto laughed and said.

“And can it be? She really is too lucky.” Fujie Nao said with immense envy.

“Not only do you see it that way, but many people see it that way, but it doesn’t mean that she thinks that way about the one I have.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without changing his smile.

“Is it hard to believe that she’s a celestial immortal?” Fujie Nao did not fail to feel that the other party’s that one she was just too arrogant.

In terms of cuteness, in terms of beauty, in terms of figure …… the female publicists here on their own, picking out a random one from amongst them, they were also first class beauties.

Their biggest dream is to marry a rich man or have a rich man who can fund her to run a club in Ginza.

The reason why they would commit themselves to working here was that it would be too one-sided to simply say that they loved vanity.

Because they were poorly born, either the daughters of poor families or too ordinary families. Women who look good but are born in the lower middle class, then naturally they will not be willing.

Beautiful things are always desirable, especially for women. That didn’t have enough money, then it would be completely untenable to support the consumption of beautiful things.

“You should understand that the woman who really impresses a man’s heart may not necessarily depend on beauty. The most important thing that men look for in a woman is whether or not the other person has herself in her heart. How much of herself, is it all, or some?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

Fujie Nao reacted, understanding that he had met the so-called fated true love. She didn’t mean to throw cold water on the other, but just said matter-of-factly, “A woman’s love for a man can increase or decrease over time.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto nodded his head and agreed with her statement, “Indeed. However, I value the present moment even more.”

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