Chapter 574 – Champagne Towers

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After the two champagne towers were set up, Takahashi Kazuya and Kishimoto Masayoshi, surrounded by the crowd, walked over and started pouring the wine. The atmosphere in the store was completely ignited all of a sudden.

Someone at one table asked offhandedly, “Who’s that?”

A friend who came with him introduced him seriously, “This one is Kazuya Takahashi, the head of the legal department of the Hard Gold Group. The other one is much more important. When you become a familiar customer here, you’ll know who he is as well.”

“Don’t be so secretive!” A certain person impatiently pursued the question.

“You know Hard Gold Plutocrat, right? That person is Masayoshi Kishimoto, the president of the famous Hard Gold Group.” A female publicist sitting beside someone had a pair of eyes that showed envy and jealousy in her facial expression as she looked towards Masayoshi Kishimoto and the others.

Although she was also a female publicist of the Firefly Club, she was also divided into three, six, nine classes. The female publicists sitting beside some of the ordinary customers were not the highly popular female publicists within this store.

Highly popular female publicists would be sent by the mama-san to serve the VIP guests in the first place. As for them, compared to the ordinary PR girls, although their income was not low, but they would be very angry compared to others.

The VIP guests could spend millions of yen in a single night. If any of them got high, it was entirely possible for them to exceed the ten million yen mark in one night.

The more a customer spends in the store, the more the corresponding PR girl earns. As they get to know each other better, many of them give gifts to the publicist.

Among them, there is never a lack of brand-name bags, shoes, perfume and so on. After the publicist gets these things, either she keeps them for herself, or turns around and sells them to the relevant vintage store the next day. In a way, this was also one of their sources of income.

Besides, no matter what line of work they were in, they all wanted to get to know people from the upper class, especially the big shots, just because the other party had a lot of power.

If a little bit escaped from the other person’s fingers, they would be able to eat for a long time. Similarly, even if the Firefly Club became a membership system, it would still be graded among the members.

On the surface, the female publicists naturally would not say anything. They still had the professional ethics they should have. Secretly, each of them will treat the guests differently.

Guests’ birthdays, and even guests’ wives’ birthdays, wedding anniversaries and so on, I do not remember, she will also take the initiative to call to tell you.

This is an important guest in the female publicist, she will also personally send gifts, and even take the initiative to invite you to dinner. Everything you do is not simply limited to in-store consumption.

Interacting with guests outside the store and maintaining a certain level of friendship is also part of the PR woman’s repertoire. Female publicists are smart, and guests are not stupid.

Guests spend so much money to buy is a caring service, some fun …… outside the store happened some other what, that belongs to the adults between you love me.

“I heard a long time ago that the hard gold plutocrat is a man who is not too old. Today, at first sight, let me not expect he will be so young.” A certain person was silent for a long time before he said with great emotion.

The one-woman publicist beside him winks and says, “Why don’t you also have a champagne tower for me?”

“How much does that cost?” Although it wasn’t the first time that a certain person had come to spend money in a club with a female publicist, he himself wasn’t a familiar customer here.

Tonight, he was able to appear here, and it was also because one of the acquaintances here had brought himself here to have some fun. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that a champagne tower didn’t come cheap daw.

“Two million yen.” The female publicist was a serious one who erected two fingers of her right hand towards him and said.

“Next time!” Someone didn’t answer the mouth, but just made a polite refusal to say.

As soon as the female publicist heard the other party say this, she knew it was hopeless. However, she didn’t show any unhappiness either. She still had professional ethics.

If she couldn’t even do this, she wouldn’t be worthy of being a publicist at Glow Club. Furthermore, her own guests were already not many, and fat customers and whatnot, were even more so.

If she wanted to make her personal performance up in the store, then she could only accumulate little by little. Mosquito meat is still meat even if it’s small.

On top of that, it was that she had to have a good relationship with her mom, Naoe Sando. Of course, she also knew in her heart that if she wanted Fujie Nao to give herself a chance, then she first had to let the other party see her efforts before she could do so.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto and the others were done, they rejoined their table is sitting down one after another. Fujie Nao had temporarily left the matter of allocating the female publicists for tonight to the store’s foreman to make an arrangement.

She wasn’t like this on a regular basis, and the only person who could get her to temporarily hand over such power was Masayoshi Kishimoto. She accompanied him when he came to the store to have fun.

She didn’t arrange for other female publicists in the store to accompany him, that was because she was worried that her man plus the gold master would be poached by someone else. Even if the probability was only one in ten thousand, one could not take such a risk.

“I’ve heard that Chairman Kishimoto has a racehorse. When, can you take me to see it?” Just as Fujie Naoe turned to walk away and went to the restroom in between, a female publicist at the same table with an outstanding appearance was boldly saying.

“What’s a horse race? Our chairman even has a hundred million dollar private cruise ship. It’s super big, super luxurious, and it’s capable of taking off and landing a helicopter. His wedding will be held on that one ship.” Takahashi Kazuya was quite excited and said.

Not only did this bold publicist say “awesome” with all her heart, but the other publicists at the same table also shouted “awesome” with all their hearts in unison.

They all knew that the plutocrat was rich, not generally rich, but they didn’t know that the other party would be so rich. What is the concept of one hundred million dollars?

That is more than ten billion yen. In the minds of the majority of Japanese people, not to mention more than ten billion yen, or even one billion yen, is also something extraordinary.

Those individuals whose net worth, or value, exceeded 100 million yen would be recognized as rich. They are always surrounded by a lot of beautiful women around him to compete with each other.

In mainland China twenty years from now, an individual with a net worth of more than 18 million RMB would have crossed the 1% threshold at the tip of the pyramid. As for the small goal of one hundred million yuan, that really is not a small goal.

Of course, if you invested 10,000 RMB in Alibaba at the initial stage of the company’s founding, you would be able to multiply your net worth by more than 1,000 times in 20 years, and you would be able to directly join the top 1% of mainland China’s society.

If he had invested 100,000 RMB, he would have been able to accomplish the small goal of earning one hundred million RMB. Kishimoto justice is the man who invested 20 million dollars to him.

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