Chapter 577: The Incarnation of Capital

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai’s group of family and friends from Kochi Prefecture in Shikoku had arrived in Tokyo a few days earlier. This was all through Rie Sakai’s deliberate arrangement.

Instead of arranging for them to stay at any of the five-star hotels in the city, she had arranged for them to stay on the Tsukigami.

Rie Sakai’s intention was clear: to let the people from her hometown familiarize themselves with the environment first, so that they wouldn’t act shocked and completely uninitiated on the day of her wedding.

After all, her hometown was called the countryside by the people of Tokyo. One’s friends and family were rightfully country people. The so-called people of Tokyo were those born in the 23 wards.

In addition, the 26 cities, 5 towns and 8 villages under the jurisdiction of Tokyo are also regarded as villages by the people of Tokyo. Moreover, most of the people invited to her wedding were from the upper class of Tokyo.

Rie Sakai made this arrangement so that she would not be seen as a comedy movie. When the group of people from Shikoku Kochi Prefecture saw the Luna for the first time, they couldn’t help but utter exclamations such as “ah” and “oh”.

Their eyes were wide open, almost falling out of their sockets. After they boarded the ship, they were divided into rooms, which was tantamount to starting a luxury cruise.

This kind of personal experience for them was not only the first time in their lives, but it would also become a topic that they would look back on and brag about for the rest of their lives.

Sakai Meiling took the initiative to find Kishimoto Masayoshi, still looking resigned, “Are you and my sister really planning to get married?”

“Now that it’s come to this, do you think your sister and I still look like we’re playing a child’s game of house?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Could it be that my sister is really that good? I’m really completely and truly confused as to what the hell you’re thinking?” Sakai Mirei blurted out.

“All I can say to you is that you haven’t met the one in your life yet. After you meet it, you’ll completely understand.” Masayoshi Kishimoto crowned.

“I’d say that I’ve already met it myself a long time ago!” Sakai Meiling looked at him with a sudden change in her eyes and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto said, “Don’t take a certain time or a certain number of men who treat you well as liking you.

The most different thing between us men and you women is that it is easy to distinguish between what is sex and what is love. What I am to your sister is love.”

The reason why he said that was because the reason why Sakai Mirei had developed a favorable impression of herself was because she had taken the initiative to take the money for her to go on a study trip, gave her various gifts, and so on.

Some of his actions were due to his love for her, but Sakai Misuzu had completely misunderstood her. In a girl’s teenage years, the good that she received from a stranger of the opposite sex that was beyond her parents’ ability was especially easy for her to regard as love.

In addition, Sakai Meiling was already a gold-digger, so she naturally favored Kishimoto Masayoshi more and more. Who made him the embodiment of capital?

A man who is the embodiment of capital is seductive. When a woman is faced with such a man, even if she loses herself, it is also a very normal thing.

“I don’t believe that you don’t have any other thoughts about me at all.” Sakai Meiling took the initiative to poke through that layer of windowpaper as thin as cicada wings and said.

“Yes, so what? No, so what? Is it hard to believe that I would decide to cancel my marriage with your sister and then elope with you just because of your words today?” Justice Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“Why not?” Sakai Mirei asked rhetorically.

“Do you think you’re watching an urban teenage idol drama? Or are you watching a drama where you love the beautiful people, not the mountains? I’m sure there are words that you understand even if I don’t say them.

As long as a man has money, power, and social status, he can get his hands on any kind of woman.” Masayoshi Kishimoto once again laughed a little and said.

Sakai Meiling was momentarily speechless, unable to make a strong rebuttal. She herself was originally a more realistic girl.

Nowadays, the man standing opposite her was full of rationality, and would never do anything that would go against reason and be wildly emotional for once, as if he were an artist.

“Instead of doing these things that don’t make any sense, you might as well return to reality. In the future, whether you choose to work hard on your career or marry someone, it won’t be bad.

You have to make your sister so hateful as if she were an enemy when she sees you, then even if I want to help you, I won’t be able to help you. You can weigh the pros and cons yourself.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

Sakai Meiling did not completely die in the face of his showdown. Of course, she also understood that if the sisters really turned against each other, they would really be doing themselves no favors. She and her sister were weighing one another in Masayoshi Kishimoto’s mind, and there was no doubt that her current self was the lighter side.

“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t mess up your and my sister’s wedding.” Sakai Meiling said in a serious manner.

“Since I asked you to attend our wedding, I’m not afraid of you messing up. If you really make a mess on our wedding day, I can guarantee that not only will your sister completely turn against you, but I, as well as your family, will cut ties with you.

The door to the high society of your dreams will also be permanently closed to you. You’re a smart person, you won’t not understand!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

Sakai Meiling hung her head and said, “I understand.”

“I’m not threatening you, but merely reminding you kindly. I hope you don’t get the wrong idea of what I mean.” Justice Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“With you and my sister’s backing, sooner or later in the future, I will become a member of this Tokyo upper class social circle.

If I lose your support for me, even if I work hard in the future, it will still be difficult to cross that bottomless class divide in front of me.” Sakai Mirei completely made it to her heart and said.

“It’s good that you know. Entering the circle of high society, especially in Tokyo, is something that countless people think and dream about.

As far as your current condition is concerned, if you want to break through this limit and ceiling, without the help of external forces, it is absolutely impossible.

If you have to come to a near and far, it is not a smart person’s choice and practice. The society is never short of all kinds of liars. Don’t think you’re smart and won’t be fooled.

Since you are not willing to be plain and want to head upwards, stand tall, see far, and reap the rewards of another way of life and experience that the vast majority of people simply won’t have, then you have to pay the necessary price for it.” Justice Kishimoto solemnly said.

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