Chapter 579: The Original Sin of Capital

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:17
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October 10, 2001, Kishimoto Masayoshi and Sakai Rie’s wedding day is finally here. The weather was bright, the sun shone on people’s bodies and did not feel hot, but gave people a feeling of sunbathing to replenish calcium.

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto chose to marry Rie Sakai on this day was that he followed Chinese cultural traditions. He personally also looked up the old yellow calendar, which makes it appropriate to get married.

According to the Western calendar combined with the symbolism represented by Chinese numbers, the two would be perfect together. Even if perfect doesn’t exist in this world, it doesn’t stop people from pursuing perfection.

When the time came, the Luna sounded its horn and set sail, heading out of Tokyo Bay. Masayoshi Kishimoto, dressed in a very formal wedding gown, sat on top of a sofa in one of the cabins and rested.

He was just waiting for the auspicious time to arrive, so he could go out and go on deck to have the wedding with Rie Sakai, which was arranged by parents and matchmakers.

Inside this cabin, there was not only Masayoshi Kishimoto, but also his brotherhood members Kazuya Takahashi, Takayuki Minamino, Ryui Miyazaki, and Kazuhiko Inoue.

Inoue Kazuhiko was dressed very formally, “Masayoshi, for you, I not only dyed my yellow hair back to black, but I also cut my hair.

After this was done, I looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize myself. You see how much I sacrificed.”

“You look so much smoother when you look like this. In the past, you were a rogue at first glance.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“I used to be a rogue, and the person I am now is still a rogue. It’s not true that I’m a rogue, but I’m a rogue who is reasonable.

I also know that for your big wedding, being able to invite someone like me to attend is already carrying a lot of pressure. For this reason, I can see that you are a particularly righteous and nostalgic man.

Because of me, you are not only not afraid of other people having a bad impression of you, but also let me be one of your best men, which is entirely because you think highly of me, Inoue Kazuhiko.

In the future, if you need to use me, I will not say anything. If you need money, give it to me… No, you have too much money now, you don’t need money at all.

If you need me to do something for you that you are not comfortable with, that you cannot see in the light of day, just let me know. I’m not like the three of them can work with you under the sun.

All I can do is stand inside your shadow, ready to do your bidding.” Kazuhiko Inoue said as he hammered his right fist against his heart.

The reason Masayoshi Kishimoto liked him was because the other party knew his place well. He was sitting on top of the throne of the Zaibatsu, so naturally, he needed to use everyone.

Whether it was light or shadow, he had to make his presence known. His family history was already considered clean, after all, he hadn’t done a single thing to harm the heavens and the earth.

If this was compared to some of the hefty big families in the United States, he himself was simply as benevolent as God. Many famous families in the United States in the past, but rely on the smuggling of opium to China to start a family.

As for the famous families in Japan, they are not much cleaner either. Forced the men of the invaded countries to work as laborers to dig mines and coal ……

Forcing good women to serve as comfort women and other things, not only the group of beasts in Japan **** have done, and they are in the name of the company is also done a lot.

This is the original sin of capital that Marx mentioned in Capital, that capital comes to earth dripping with blood and filth from every pore from head to toe.

The reason for this is that the capital relationship is premised on the separation of ownership between the laborer and the conditions of labor, i.e., the minority owns a great deal of monetary wealth and the means of production, while the majority becomes a free laborer with nothing to lose.

The creation of these two conditions is the result of capitalism’s primitive accumulation process, which is a process of conquest, enslavement, plunder, and killing.

“When I first started my business, you were one of the few people who believed in me. At that time, I had arguably nothing to pledge, and you trusted me that much. Since then, you were the one who always supported and stood by me unconditionally.” Justice Kishimoto recalled the past.

“You know, I’m a person who doesn’t tell lies. If there is anything that doesn’t hit the mark, I hope you’ll bear with me. I’m not like President Miyazaki, Minister Nanno and Minister Takahashi who are men who went to prestigious universities.

I didn’t even finish junior high school before I became a socialite. At first, I believed that you were a man who could do great things. That’s not me kissing your ass to your face.

At that time, I am not stupid, not without thinking, if you borrowed my money, due to pay or cheated me, there is no forgetting things.

I will definitely personally dismantle you and throw you into the sea to feed the sharks.” Inoue Kazuhiko’s usual straightforward character was truthful.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t have a single star of anger, instead he laughed out loud. It wasn’t like it was his first day dealing with the Jianghu people. He naturally knew that the Jianghu people’s temperament was often like this.

Some of them are gentle, some of the jianghu people, generally is to advise as the dog head military adviser that kind of role, or is responsible for the group, will be inside the business, financial aspects and other related work.

Inoue Kazuhiko openly stood up, immediately made a jianghu person initiative toward others to apologize for the horse stance said: “I’m sorry. Today is a good day for you to get married, how could I say this some unlucky words?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his hand to gesture for him to sit down and said, “It doesn’t matter. It’s not like you and I have only just met each other. We’ve known each other for so many years and had dealings for so many years, how could I not know your temperament?”

Inoue Kazuhiko resumed his seat and said, “For me to be able to know you is also the luckiest thing in my life. If I hadn’t met you, I’m afraid I would still be harboring in the Adachi district.

I would have continued to live in the Ashikaga district, which is nothing more than keeping my family’s business and continuing to hang out in that area. Ever since you made me richer and richer, I realized that this world is completely different from the one I knew in the past, and it was you who opened the door to a whole new world for me.”

Justice Kishimoto responded to him with a smile in return. The other party’s words were true. There were more things like this above Chinese history. Liu Bang’s group of people might not have been able to do anything great that would warp the heavens and the earth.

But at this particular time, they met Zhang Liang, who was fleeing for his life, thus creating a marvelous “chemical reaction”. If Han Xin had not met Xiao He, he would have had nothing to do with him.

Then again, when Zhang Fei didn’t clash with the murderous fugitive Guan Yu, he met Liu Bei, who was nothing more than a meat baron in a county. If the three of them don’t get together, they won’t be able to do anything great.

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