Chapter 580 – Western Style Wedding (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:19
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When the time came, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked out of the cabin under the front and back of the brotherhood, went up on the deck, and came to stand on the side of the priest’s heel.

When the music started, Sakai Rie, dressed in a white floor-length wedding gown, holding a bouquet in one hand and holding her father’s arm in the other, was walking towards the priest from afar.

In front of them walked, naturally, a pair of golden children. A little boy and a little girl each held a bamboo basket in their left hands, and while walking forward, they scattered the rose petals inside the basket on the ground.

Behind the Sakai father and daughter were four young girls dressed in pink bridesmaids’ dresses, two on the left and two on the right. They walked forward at the same pace as the father and daughter.

When the Sakai father and daughter reached the priest, they stopped walking forward. Sakai Masao slightly moved his body sideways and very solemnly handed his daughter over to Kishimoto Masayoshi, who was across from him.

Although it was just an established process in a Western-style wedding, it had gone through many rehearsals on the ground before this.

Masayoshi Kishimoto solemnly received Rie Sakai’s hand from Masao Sakai in the presence of his family, friends, and celebrities from all walks of life in Tokyo.

After completing the handover ceremony, Masao Sakai silently walked to the front row and turned around to take his seat.

Meanwhile, Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai stood on the same level to face the priest.

The pastor spoke the words he had already said to the newlyweds many times in the established format, “Lord, we have come before you to witness the blessing of this man and woman who have entered the halls of holy matrimony. According to the Lord’s will, the two become one, and respectfully perform the wedding ceremony to grow old together for a long time.

From now on, they will walk together in heaven, love each other, help each other, teach each other, and trust each other; the Heavenly Father has blessed the couple, so that they will be blessed by the Holy Spirit, love the Savior, and glorify the Lord all the days of their lives.

If, when the marriage covenant is about to be consummated, there is any fact that prevents their union, let it be brought up at once, or let it be kept silent forever.”

At this point, no one present stood up to voice their opposition. Even if Sakai Meiling was extremely opposed in her heart, she did not dare to speak out at this moment.

The priest looked towards Rie Sakai and solemnly said, “Rie Sakai, do you take this man to be your husband to enter into a marriage contract with him?

To love him in sickness and in health, or for any other reason, to care for him, to honor him, to accept him, and to be faithful to him always until the end of your life?

Without hesitation, Rie Sakai answered, “I do.”

The priest moved his body slightly sideways and looked at Masayoshi Kishimoto again is the same solemnity, “Masayoshi Kishimoto, do you wish this woman to become your wife and enter into a marriage contract with her?

Whether in sickness or in health, or for any other reason, love her, take care of her, honor her, accept her, and remain faithful to her until the end of your life?

Masayoshi Kishimoto answered with a firm, “I do.”

The priest faced the crowd of guests seated at the foot of the stage and said, “Do you all wish to bear witness to their marriage vows?”

The crowd present answered in silent unison, “Yes.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto faced Rie Sakai and took her right hand, saying, “In the name of God, I solemnly swear: to accept you as my wife, to love and cherish you from this day forward, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do I part.

After he voluntarily lowered Rie Sakai’s hand, she raised the groom’s hand again and said: “In the name of God, I solemnly swear: I take you to be my husband, to love and to cherish you from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

After she lowered his hand, Watanabe Saeki brought the pair of wedding rings that had been prepared long ago is to the center of the two.

Masayoshi Kishimoto first picked up the woman’s ring and put it on Rie Sakai’s left ring finger, saying, “I give you this ring, which represents the symbol of love, and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I give you everything I have.”

Rie Sakai then took the man’s ring and placed it on his left ring finger, saying, “I give you this ring, a symbol of love, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to give you everything I have.”

The priest watched them finish exchanging the wedding rings before is spoke again, “Lord, the ring will represent the binding of the vows they have made.”

He paused for a moment and took the right hands of Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai, left and right, and continued, “The bride and groom have sworn to each other and accepted the rings.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I pronounce you husband and wife. God has joined you together and no one may separate you.

I have witnessed that you have sworn to love each other, and it gives me great joy to declare you husband and wife to all those present. Now the groom may kiss your bride.”

As soon as his words left his mouth, Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative and swept Rie Sakai into his arms. The two were embracing and kissing in public.

The people in the audience all stood up in unison, cheering at the couple and clapping their hands in blessing.

Masao Sakai and Aiko Sakai couldn’t help but burst into tears. As Rie Sakai’s biological parents, their emotions were normal and could not be more normal.

As Sakai Rie’s little brother, Sakai Shota, although the same as the surface of the happy for his sister, but more than a motive impure.

He did not fail to think that he has a hard gold plutocrat, Kishimoto Masayoshi such a brother-in-law, then he will be unusual in the future.

The person with the most complicated feelings was none other than Sakai Meiling. When she saw this romantic, happy and sweet scene, it was as if she had overturned a bottle of five flavors in her heart.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai separated, it was time for one of the exciting traditions of western weddings, grabbing the bouquet that the bride threw out towards the crowd.

It was known that whoever grabbed the bouquet thrown by the bride would be able to find his or her true love in the near future.

Rie Sakai turned her back to the crowd and cheerfully shouted, “Three, two, one.”

She finished her countdown, only faking a movement in her hand, but not actually throwing the bouquet in her hand. She didn’t need to look and knew that the crowd had been fooled by herself.

“This time, I’m really going to throw it oh! Are you guys ready?” Sakai Rie said with a full smile.

“Ready.” The crowd said in unison.

Rie Sakai counted down again, “Three, two, one.”

After she finished counting down, she still didn’t throw the bouquet in her personal hand. Just as the crowd was about to say something to her, she coldly threw the bouquet out of her hand.

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