Chapter 584 – Assets

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:30
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The arrangements after the wedding reception were an equally exciting one. The Lunar God shut down its engines, dropped its heavy anchor, and finally came to a stop. Whether those who wanted to go into the water for a swim or take a dip in the ship’s bath, all were allowed.

Saunas, cafes, cigar bars, pubs, discos …… don’t close from day to night. For those who want to go back to Tokyo, helicopter transportation is available.

After Iwasaki Maki used the wedding banquet, did not choose to continue to stay, took the first step to take their own helicopter to be able to leave.

Masayoshi Kishimoto personally escorted her to the helicopter, and then watched as it slowly lifted off into the air and flew off into the distance, disappearing into the blue sky. In fact, the helicopter hadn’t flown far when his cell phone rang.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took out his cell phone to see that the caller ID was her name, and directly pressed the answer button and said, “Did you forget something on board?”

Iwasaki Maki let out a slight chuckle and said, “I did forget that there was someone still on the ship. I really should have taken him.”

“You really know how to make jokes. Today, I realized that you have a great sense of humor.” Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that there was a person she was referring to when she said that she said.

“Did I cause you trouble by coming on this trip?” Iwasaki Maki said as she laughed again.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t say “no” hypocritically, but just kicked the ball she had kicked in front of him back to her, “What do you think?”

Maki Iwasaki did not make a positive reply, “The bride is very beautiful. You have a good eye!”

“Parents’ orders, matchmakers’ words, and heaven’s arrangement have no connection to my vision.” Justice Kishimoto was making a double entendre, not only indicating the purity of the marriage between himself and Rie Sakai, but also implicitly pointing out that the other party’s marriage was likewise difficult to be chosen by himself alone.

Iwasaki Maki was silent for a moment and said: “If the bride’s family background is outstanding, your words would make me feel that you are more or less helpless in it.

As far as I know, the bride is only the daughter of an ordinary family. If you say that, why do you make me feel that you are moaning about nothing? With your current strength, if you really want to repent this marriage, it’s completely easy as pie.”

“Then wouldn’t I really be a son of a bitch? There is a well-known ancient antagonist in China called Chen Shimei. After he became rich, he abandoned his wife.

Chinese feudal society, there are three to go, that is, three can not be repudiated hard terms, one of which is the first poor after the rich, not to repudiate his wife.

Not to mention the marriage early and late is to tie the knot. The only difference is the question of who to tie the knot with. Marriage can be seen as either a formality, or a symbol of love that is cultivated, or it can be seen as a partnership.

The essence of marriage is a reorganization of the assets of both parties. If the assets of the two parties are similar, the reorganization plan can be easily implemented.

If the assets of the two parties are too different, then the negotiation process will be full of thorns. Not only will the talks fall apart nine times out of ten, but the party with the larger assets may not genuinely want to talk to the party with fewer assets.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto, holding a cell phone in his right hand attached to his right ear, stood alone at the stern of the ship, looking out at the boundless ocean with both eyes, and said.

“Then the assets between the two of you belong to too much of a disparity, how did you negotiate?” Iwasaki Maki laughed for the third time and said.

“Didn’t I tell you earlier? Parents’ orders, matchmakers’ words, heaven’s arrangement. At that one time when our two families were joined in marriage, both sides had similar assets. So, it was negotiated.

As for the gap widening later, that’s in a different category. From the perspective of investment, when one party makes a venture that is a huge success, it’s impossible for the other party that has been venture capitalized to disown it!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

Iwasaki Maki was an extremely intelligent woman, and would not fail to understand that his words implied that the assets between the two of them just belonged to the overly disparate. For this thing that has no chance of winning, why bother to touch that one nail?

Besides, this to a certain social class above, marriage can not by themselves, still is the parents’ order, matchmaker’s word, the arrangement of heaven.

Whether it’s Japan or the United States, it’s the same thing. For the so-called true love, break the relationship with parents and family, give up a good and rich life, everything from scratch ……

In reality, how many people can actually do that. All of the world’s major companies in the recruitment of personnel, especially the top executives, there is not the other side of the origin, family background to take into account.

A child from an ordinary family, smart, hard work, plus good luck, can become an executive of a big hand enterprise.

As for cleverness, hard work, good luck, as long as one of the three is a little bit worse, even just a little bit worse, it is difficult to be among the upper echelon.

Those big famous school graduates every year so many, mixed bad people, and not no, there are a lot of people. Most of them are able to climb to the middle cadres of the big hand enterprise, the manager level is even to the end.

Although the big hand enterprise explicitly does not say these, but will not not secretly face a plus points to consider. Even some of the small to big and from weak to strong entrepreneurial success of the company, can not be completely exceptions.

After all, this is even the famous Harvard Business School has recognized an established objective fact. They will also secretly consider the background of the student applicant in their admissions.

In business, the importance of connections is self-evident. Just a matchmaking, the rest of the things do not have to do anything, can profit from the thing, do not too much.

“Actually, even though I’m the daughter of the Iwasaki family’s original family, I don’t have many assets under my name, not at all as much as you do now.” Iwasaki Maki wasn’t really being polite.

“It’s not tangible assets that are assets, intangible assets are equally assets. The Iwasaki family’s more than one hundred years of cards is a huge asset.

The political, official, business, and financial circles …… have long since penetrated into every aspect of not just this one country, but all over the world.

What the Prime Minister wants to do, there are often things that can not be done. However, the Iwasaki family is different. Even the previous Prime Ministers of Japan would have asked you for something, right?” Masayoshi Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

“See how you make it sound like we Iwasaki family are all-powerful like the Freemasons.” Maki Iwasaki said calmly.

“Isn’t it, isn’t it?” Masashi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“Well, enough of this idle chatter. After delaying you for so long, the bride should be angry if she can’t find your people.” Iwasaki Maki laughed for the fourth time and said.

“Then hang up!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Iwasaki Maki then hung up the phone. Masayoshi Kishimoto held the phone inside his hand, still looking at the endless blue sea in front of him.

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