Chapter 586: Honeymoon

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai began their honeymoon as newlyweds. During this time, it didn’t mean that Masayoshi Kishimoto was out of the office. The Luna was equipped with all the office paraphernalia, including a satellite phone.

During the period of time when he was not at the headquarters of the Tokyo Hard Gold Group, the day-to-day affairs of the company were temporarily handed over to Takayuki Nanno to be in full charge of the company.

After the Lunar God docked at Kansai Osaka, the people on board began to stir, thinking of getting off the ship to take a look. When it docked again, its next stop would be Shikoku Kochi Prefecture.

By that time, it would have sent home the old family and friends familiar with it, and left them with an experience that they would remember for the rest of their lives and tell everyone about.

“Aren’t you going to get off the boat and take a stroll inside downtown Osaka?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was asking Rie Sakai inside the cabin of the two.

Rie Sakai was a bit angry when she heard him say that and said, “No.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at the unhappiness on her face and knew that he had told her last night that he would get off the ship to meet with the president of the Kansai Pachinko Federation and others to talk about things when he arrived in Osaka today.

She hadn’t gotten upset when she hadn’t said anything about it herself. After he himself finished talking about it, the two had a long argument last night. Rie Sakai’s reasoning was simple, the two were not even able to make her comfortable on a honeymoon together.

She tolerated it when he used part of his time on the ship to conduct an office. What she couldn’t tolerate was the fact that he didn’t act like he was on a honeymoon with her, but like he was on a business trip.

“Just one stop in Osaka. I’ll spend the rest of the honeymoon with you properly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto soothed.

“If we get to Fukuoka, Kyushu, are you really not going to get off the ship? There are still people from the Pachinko Guild waiting for you there, right?” Rie Sakai said in disbelief.

“It’s not like I’m improvising, it’s something that’s been on the schedule for a long time. I’m planning to place the Hard Gold Group’s second headquarters in the Kansai region, so naturally I had to take a good look at Osaka, which is the number one city in the Kansai region.” Masayoshi Kishimoto explained.

“You’re not going sooner or later, and you chose to go at this one time when I’m on my honeymoon with you? I see that you’re just bent on it.” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“I know I lacked consideration.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not fail to feel that he did feel a little bit justified, after all, it was during the honeymoon period of a newlywed. A woman focusing on formalism would rightly be upset then.

“You’ve always been a thoughtful man, why are you suddenly lacking in consideration? You’re just bent on it.” Rie Sakai argued.

Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his left wrist and looked at the time on the dial and said, “Think what you want. I’ll leave first.”

After he finished speaking, he opened the hatch and walked out. He got off the ship and directly got into a car that the Kansai Pachinko Guild had sent over to pick him up.

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on top of the backseat of the car, and inside his head, he didn’t think about whether or not Rie Sakai was still messing with him and losing her temper.

He was thinking about something serious. In addition to the matter of the Hard Gold Group’s second headquarters, there was another matter that concerned the setting up and expansion of the Hard Gold Bank’s future outlets in Kansai.

As long as the people of the Kansai region’s Pachinko Guild deposited all of the store’s running water into the Hard Gold Bank’s outlets and walked inside over, it was a considerable amount of income that would be completely beneficial to the turnover.

If I don’t go out and talk about this matter, Kamiji Inoue won’t be able to handle it at all. People in this circle, especially the old men, don’t trust people outside the circle.

Furthermore, there were some pachinko parlors that had their own banking outlets. That suddenly kept him from dealing with old relationships from the past, and it would be necessary to come up with a compensation in the form of benefits that would move it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not intend to impress some of these people by raising the interest rate, but rather he could promise to give them more in return.

Just as he had promised to the pachinko bosses in the Tokyo area. He used their money to enter the financial market to make more money.

It wouldn’t be too long until November, and that would mean that the financial crisis in Argentina would be complete. At that time, the more money he had on hand to short it, the more profit he would be able to make from it.

He is currently on the money is like Han Xin pointing troops, the more the better. He did not believe that the Kansai pachinko bosses would be different from the Kanto pachinko bosses.

Masayoshi Kishimoto believed that in the face of money, they were all the same and the same. Nowadays, it was much easier to talk to the Kansai Pachinko Chairman and the others in his capacity as a hard gold plutocrat than it was to talk to the Tokyo Pachinko Bosses when he didn’t have that title.

He could also promise to give a guaranteed annual interest rate on the utilization of their funds. Whether it is not less than 12%, or clear to the tens of percent, their own will not lose money, only a steady profit.

The wealth of the Argentine country, which had been developed over many decades, would be scraped away by himself. When the time comes, the interest one cashes out to the Guanxi pachinko bosses will be nothing more than a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction.

The more money they earned, the more they would trust themselves in the future, wanting to take them to earn more money. Who would mind more money?

Meanwhile, although Sakai Rie was cursing Kishimoto Masayoshi for being an asshole on top of her mouth, she still expressed an understanding and support in her heart.

It wasn’t like she wasn’t aware that the cost of this enviable dream wedding between the two of them wasn’t huge. For ordinary people, it was an astronomical figure.

Without a good entry, it was bound to be unaffordable. On top of that, the large cost of raising a boat will not be missing inside the future family expense program. One earns a lot and spends just as much.

“What about Justice?” Seeing that the cabin where her daughter and son-in-law were staying was open, Aiko Sakai walked right in, only to see her daughter alone inside.

Instead of answering, Rie Sakai came to her and asked, “Mom, do you have something to do?”

“Aren’t you guys going to get off the ship and walk around and look around?” Aiko Sakai asked.

“If you guys want to go within the Osaka city limits, go ahead! I can keep the ship docked here for a few more days, no problem. After all, the next stop will be home.

Not to mention that Osaka isn’t far from Kochi Prefecture.” Sakai Rie’s first thought was that Kishimoto Masayoshi would also need to stay here for a few days, so she might as well do a favor and say.

“You just understand everyone’s heart. It was hard for our family and friends to get out on this trip, so they all thought about having a good time.

After everyone returns to the old home, they will have to return to their day-to-day humdrum life and work. They won’t be able to have a chance like this again in the future.

Osaka wasn’t too far from Kochi. Some of them have never really been to Osaka.” Aiko Sakai said matter-of-factly.

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