Chapter 589: The Make-A-Wish Foundation

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the evening, Masayoshi Kishimoto appeared in a high-class restaurant within downtown Osaka. The reason he had come was because he had received a call from his mother-in-law herself.

As soon as he arrived, he noticed the faces of his friends and family in Shikoku Kochi Prefecture looking at him with smiles on their faces to one degree or another.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s instinctive first reaction was that something was up. One believed that it should be something good. Otherwise, people wouldn’t be wearing smiles, but rather a sad look.

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on top of the seat that had been reserved for him, and on his right hand side was his wife, Rie Sakai, and on his left hand side was his wife’s sister, Mirei Sakai.

Sakai Aiko suddenly stood up and formally announced, “I want to announce good news. Although quite a few of you know about it in advance, Justice is the only one who doesn’t know about it yet.”

There was an intentional three-second pause as she said this before continuing, “Rie, is pregnant.”

As soon as she said that, the crowd unanimously applauded at Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai while repeating the words “congratulations”.

Rie Sakai consciously put her hands on her belly and smiled widely as she thanked her friends and family over and over again.

Masayoshi Kishimoto froze for a while before responding by looking at his wife, who was sitting on his right, and confirmed, “Really?”

Rie Sakai nodded, “Really. Shortly after you left this morning, I suddenly felt sick, accompanied by vomiting. At first, I thought it was because I was angry with you.

I called the ship’s doctor to give me a preliminary diagnosis, and then sent me to Osaka Hospital for a full physical examination. The hospital’s final conclusion even concluded that I was pregnant.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said, “Osaka is truly a blessed place for me. Today, everything is going well for me.”

Sakai Rie didn’t lift a finger with him as she was wont to do. It wasn’t like she was pregnant because she had arrived in Osaka, but she had been pregnant as early as when she was in Tokyo.

It was only that she didn’t have any pregnancy reactions at the time, so she didn’t care about it, after all, it was closely related to each person’s physique.

After all, it is related to each person’s physical condition. Some women have a particularly good body and skin, even to the time of giving birth to a child, there has not been any vomiting pregnancy reaction.

On the contrary, some women’s bodies were not in good condition, and their pregnancy reactions were especially obvious, and could be described as a situation where they would vomit whatever they ate.

“Justice, you have a successor to your career as well.” Sakai Aiko was completely relieved on behalf of this one daughter, saying.

“This child’s arrival is a blessing to me. I’ll have to reward him properly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his right index finger and said.

“What does this one finger of yours signify?” Rie Sakai couldn’t guess and said.

“I will set up a 10 billion dollar wish fund for him. In the future, it will increase to 100 billion dollars. The money inside this one pool is for global venture capital (VC).

Allowing more talented and capable people in the world to make their dreams a reality through this one fund.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

The people in the audience immediately had their jaws dropped after hearing him say so. For some ordinary people like them, not only was it an astronomical figure, but it was something that they had never even thought about.

Some people even began to calculate with their fingers, 10 billion dollars converted to yen, that would be more than one trillion yen. If this was 100 billion dollars, that would be more than ten trillion yen, to describe it as being rich is not an exaggeration at all.

“Son-in-law, you’re not joking with us, right?” It wasn’t that Aiko Sakai didn’t believe that Masayoshi Kishimoto had this much money, but she couldn’t believe that this could be true.

It was as if she was right in the middle of a dream. Her grandson hadn’t even been born yet, and he was already able to take charge of a large fund in the future.

From this, it could be seen how high Masayoshi Kishimoto’s expectations for this one child were, and it also reflected the fact that the status of her own daughter and her future grandson would also be equally high above society.

“I’m not joking.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

At this time, Sakai Mirei, who was sitting on his left hand side, was full of frustration, her mood low to the extreme. Both herself and her sister were born from the same parents, yet they felt like they had very different fates.

Her sister was a step up to the top of the ladder. Although she was not so much a step up and a person down, she could not be compared. The result of a comparison would be that she would be greatly hurt.

“Don’t get me wrong, you guys. The wish fund I set up for this one child inside Rie’s stomach is not a property left for him to just squander.

If he grows up to be untalented in the future, this heavyweight fund that belongs to the Hard Gold Group will not be handed over to him for him to take care of.

Of course, if this child is not talented and has mediocre abilities, then don’t blame me for not entrusting him with a heavy responsibility. However, Rie’s children born in the future will likewise enjoy the same opportunities as this one.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was afraid that some of them might misinterpret or misunderstand his words, so he intentionally focused on making a clarification, saying.

“You just know he won’t be able to make it in the future?” Sakai Rie said unhappily.

“I’m just assuming. Besides, you can’t 100% guarantee that he’ll be able to succeed in the future.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely raise all my children to be talented.” Sakai Rie swore with conviction.

“That’s good.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he couldn’t wait for the blue to be blue.

Sakai Aiko picked up her wine glass and said joyfully, “I propose that we all raise our glasses to bless this one child inside Rie’s belly.”

This proposal of hers was instantly met with a unanimous response from everyone present. Even Sakai Meiling, who was the most unhappy in her heart, had to be forced to accept it in front of such a large crowd.

Everyone raised their glasses in front of them and said in unison, “Cheers.”

Sakai Rie knew that she was pregnant, so she didn’t drink. She used a glass with freshly squeezed orange juice instead.

“If the boat ride makes you uncomfortable, we’ll take an airplane is to hit the road.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, not without thinking of the inevitable bumps that would occur when the boat was affected by the waves.

Sakai Rie disagreed, “We’re still honeymooning. Now, you’re making me return to Tokyo, I’m not going to.”

“The honeymoon is a small matter, while you raising your baby is the big thing. As for the honeymoon, we can still make it up in the future!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Daughter, I think you can interrupt your honeymoon trip and fly back to Tokyo from Osaka.” Aiko Sakai said just to be sure.

“As far as that goes?” Rie Sakai said not without feeling that it was petty.

“This child inside your belly is not ordinary. Not only will he be the future heir of the Kishimoto family, but he will also be the heir to Justice’s future endeavors. Your responsibility is incomparably great, you must not be sloppy.” Aiko Sakai emphasized.

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