Chapter 591 Leader of the Pack

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:50
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On November 2, the Argentine stock market’s Melva stock index fell 284% from the previous trading day. Government public bond prices continued to fall.

At the same time, the money market interest rates rose sharply, so that the overnight interbank lending rate was as high as 250% to 300%.

As a result, the Argentine Country Risk Index (CRI) assessed by JPMorgan Bank in New York once exceeded the 2,500-point mark, a record. So the Argentine government continued to urgently to the International Monetary Fund for help.

Masayoshi Kishimoto layout for nearly a year to short Argentina’s timing is finally fully ripe. He personally gave Kobayashi Kiyoshi, who was far away in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, the order for a full-scale attack.

With him as the leader of the international lobbying short Argentina in the push and pull, Argentina’s financial market is suddenly worse. Argentina’s financial order began to fall into the chaos.

In this regard, not only the Japanese news media of all sizes reported, but also the media of all countries in the world reported.

There were cases of vandalism and looting in several cities in Argentina. The problem of social security is also facing further deterioration.

The people of all countries are both the most realistic and the most helpless group of people. They always seem to be so powerless when facing various crises.

They have to work, earn money and live, and when even these basic things are not met, they are bound to explode.

In addition, what makes them angry is that the money they have in the bank is gone. This is the life-saving money that they have saved for the purpose of preventing future changes in their family life and economy.

Under this financial crisis, small and medium-sized banks have gone bankrupt, which will definitely make the small depositors’ money is a waste of money, directly negatively affecting their future days, after all, there is no egg under the nest.

As for the money into the financial market inside the small and medium-sized investors, it is even more want to cry without tears, completely is even the heart of death. Some people are unable to withstand the mental pressure, first bid farewell to this world, to another world.

At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto turned on the television set in his president’s office, following NHK’s special news report on the Argentine financial crisis.

His satellite phone suddenly rang. So he held it in his hand and knew who was calling without looking at the caller ID at all.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pressed the answer button with his right thumb, attached next to his right ear, and said in his usual concise style, “Speak.”

“Chairman, I am in awe of you.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s voice filled with unbridled joy said.

“We’ve made a bloody fortune this time. I’m afraid the person the Argentines want to get killed the most is not their president, but me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without a single star of meticulous laughter.

“Even if we don’t do it, the other shorting international lobbyists will do the same. The rules of the game in the financial market are that the weak are the strong.

Since we have played such a game, then we have to be prepared to be willing to gamble and lose. To be precise, one would be able to put one’s life on the line.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said with the insight of his long experience in the financial market.

“You are getting cold-blooded.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi didn’t dare to directly dislike the words to the chairman saying that the other party was hypocritical. If the chairman was truly a benevolent man, he wouldn’t have volunteered to be the leader.

Argentineans watching the stock market, currency markets and other financial markets wildly diarrhea is a worrying. This is for short sellers, completely is a carnival feast.

“Right now, the only thing I’m worried about is that the International Monetary Fund will provide money to save Argentina.” Kiyoshi Kobayashi’s concern is not without merit.

In the Mexican financial crisis of 1994, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came to the aid of Argentina, and in the Asian financial turmoil of 1997, the IMF also came to the aid of Argentina.

“Don’t worry too much. As you have said, since you have played such a game, then you have to be prepared to lose.

Nowadays, it is a bet against a bet. We have laid out for so long, waited and endured for so long, not to eat some small fishes and shrimps.

Judging from the current form, our side is more favorable. The only variable that exists is the fear of the International Monetary Fund to give a helping hand.

Is it possible to stop worrying about this one thing? Well, then, let’s just settle and get out while we still can. That’s not in character for me or you.

We are both people who either win completely or lose completely. Not going up or down is not our style at all.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto has long known that the International Monetary Fund will not continue to assist Argentina, after all, even it is difficult to save the tide lies in the Argentine this country’s too many accumulated ills.

Instead of throwing more money into the useless, it is better to wait for the reconstruction after the destruction. Of course, this is also an opportunity. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has provided assistance to countries with financial crises on many occasions.

Therefore, some people may think that this time the IMF will also come to the aid of Argentina. There were a few people who thought that way, and even the financial experts who were invited to the NHK special report mentioned it.

“I understand. I will continue to attack Argentina’s financial market without reservation.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi wanted such a determination from the chairman.

As far as he was concerned, as long as the commander-in-chief’s will was firm and unshakable, then he could execute the initial strategic plan without any worries.

As for the goal, to maximize the fruits of decades of economic development from Argentina to scrape away a good portion of it, and then turned into hard gold group to grow their own nutrition.

Some of the fruits of the development of the Argentine economy are the people’s fat and wealth of the Argentine people. Once the financial war is started, the degree of tragedy can be no less than the real war.

The reason why Justice Kishimoto chose him in the first place was that Kobayashi Kiyoshi was able to fit in with his own thinking. The things that he handed over to the other party to do were always able to be done well against all odds.

“This year, the best of our Hard Gold Group is you and the team you lead. After your triumphant return, I will personally celebrate you.” An unconscious smile of triumph surfaced on Justice Kishimoto’s face as he said.

“I don’t dare to take the first credit. If it wasn’t for your foresight, Chairman, this one plan would have been terminated a long time ago. There would be no such thing as today. The person who takes the first credit is you, Chairman.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi said extremely seriously.

“This time, all of you have done a very good job and are a credit to the Hard Gold Group. However, you all cannot afford to be paralyzed and happy too soon. As long as the game is not over, then changes will happen.

Regardless of whether or not the International Monetary Fund will aid Argentina, we will fight without hesitation until the final victory.” Justice Kishimoto said with a resolute attitude.

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