Chapter 594 Finance and Economy

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:52:59
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Masayoshi Kishimoto’s heart was like a mirror, the end of the Argentine financial crisis was a long way off! Right now, it was still only the beginning, and Argentina had directly fallen from a medium developed country to a third-rate country in the world.

The current Argentine financial crisis has become the focus of world attention. In fact, looking at Argentina’s post-war economic development, Argentina is a country of frequent economic crises, since the second half of the 20th century, Argentina has broken out nine times a major crisis.

Of course, Iwasaki Maki’s obtaining this amount of money from herself was not a waste of money. It wasn’t hard to guess by himself that she would continue to consolidate and increase her related investments in Argentina on the one hand.

In fact, this was not difficult to understand. Just as cooking rice a reason, rice before not cooked before uncovering the pot, then it becomes inedible sandwich rice. The only way to cook rice well is to add enough firewood.

On the other hand, she will be the bottom and their previous investment in Argentina related industries, so as to realize the integration of a certain industry or some areas, and ultimately be able to realize the monopoly, as well as to obtain the initiative, the right to speak and greater profit margins.

In any case, Japan is a resource-poor country, and will inevitably need to import a large amount of resources from abroad. This objective fact will never change.

Argentina’s mineral and other resources are relatively rich, naturally, is a Japan’s domestic natural shortcomings above the supplementary access to one of the places.

In addition, the Mitsubishi Group’s industry is penetrated into all aspects of Japan, and even the world. This also includes industry, manufacturing. Therefore, there is no worry that there is no place to consume.

The reason why Iwasaki Maki to Kishimoto justice to ask for 3.5 billion dollars, rather than another figure, is that she has long let their accountants, actuaries is well calculated their hands hard gold media shares of the current market price is this one, is also the most reasonable offer.

Similarly, Masayoshi Kishimoto had also asked his accountants and actuaries to calculate the market price of Iwasaki Maki’s Hard Gold Media shares as a reasonable offer. Since the other party was asking for a reasonable and sensible price, there was no reason for himself to suppress the price.

“What do you think is the root cause of the outbreak of the financial crisis in Argentina?” Iwasaki Maki was just starting to move her chopsticks, eating while chatting.

“The existence of plutocrats for a country has its drawbacks, but in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This is especially true for small countries.

Our East Asian countries are heavily influenced by Confucianism, and the culture of the zaibatsu also carries the symbolic characteristics of family culture. As for the purpose, it is to counter the manipulation of the country by powerful foreign investors.

Although the Nordic countries do not have a family type plutocracy, but there are sovereign funds established in the form of capital on behalf of a country, so that all over the world to carry out a variety of investments.

In the proceeds of the above is all the people of the country to share. This is also fully in line with the Nordic countries, few people, distribution of the above with a socialist tendency of the white left thought, is a model of the modern state system and the benchmark.

Argentina’s financial crisis did not break out once or twice. From the second half of the last century, if you count the current one, the total should be exactly ten times.

For so many years, Argentina has not been able to form a strong enough plutocratic capital to fight against foreign consortiums. When the wolf comes, it will only cry for foreign help.

In addition, Argentina’s own financial market is too open, free market economy and full competition step too fast.

Obviously is a student level, but to compete with the veterans of the battlefield, is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. Argentina has already been reduced to a servant economy.

Among the developed countries, the United States is when you want to harvest you, when you can harvest you. This is similar to the economic situation of the Southeast Asian countries.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

He said here paused for a moment, feeling dry mouth, so he picked up the sake cup in front of him, a tilt of the head and drank up the cup of wine, and then said: “mainland China has been criticized by the developed countries in the West, and even Japan and South Korea mainstream economists is that the financial market is particularly conservative, completely free market economy is just a mere appearance.

To be precise, China is a dualistic form of economy. Inside the system is a planned economy, outside the system is a market economy, also belongs to the market economy is not fully competitive.

The advantage, that is, foreign capital is difficult to enter, it is also difficult to realize a relevant manipulation. Even if the reformed foreign capital infiltrated, it is difficult to have a great deal of work.

Since October 1, 1949, when the new central government of mainland China was established, the state system has been socialism, which means that private ownership is only a supplement and will not be the mainstay.

Since its founding, to deal with speculative behavior that disrupts the financial market, the general handling routine is to start with economic means, and when that doesn’t work, administrative means will be used, that is, the military and police will be sent directly to arrest people.

Although contrary to the market economy, especially the financial market above the principle of free competition, but very effective to ensure domestic stability, in full compliance with the interests of most people.

At present, mainland China will be the reason why the country’s financial market to foreign capital openness is small, is the vast majority of ordinary Chinese people for the financial sector completely belongs to the layman who does not understand.

They are often cut as leeks by the relevant interest groups in their own countries. If encountered again like a tiger of foreign capital, that and is not even more miserable?

Europe and the United States and other developed countries have not recognized the market economy status of mainland China is also derived from this. Mainland China has been artificially built up a high wall, both to block the outside of the tiger and wolf, but also fatten the wall of a number of pigs.

Once the high wall is no longer, the latter among a number of vested interests, do not look at them today, one by one jumped happily, tomorrow will show a more than a tragic death, after all, is to eat from the diet into the habit, has lost the ability to find food to eat.

However, financial products and so tempting to people, from time to time to be able to hear outside rumors of so-and-so overnight wealth of mythological stories.

This money for money, the middle missing a link is the product, whether it is a physical object, or a service, is because of the missing link, things become treacherous.”

“So how come you’re still so bullish on the prospects for market development in mainland China? The country is less open to foreign investment and remains in a relatively closed market?” Iwasaki Maki not without extending the topic to the two once betting agreement above said.

“The smartest thing about China’s powers-that-be is that they know that if you take a big step, you’re going to pull the egg underneath your legs, and the way to do that is to pilot the program. The pilot situation is good, then gradually spread and spread to the whole country.

Many of their elites have a background of either studying in Japan and Korea or Europe and the United States. They know both the national situation of their own countries and the international situation.

For the development and growth of the country, those in power are bound to carry out in-depth reform and opening up. Only, this needs to be done step by step. The Chinese have a saying that you can’t make a big fat man out of a single bite.

Rice is to be eaten one bite at a time, and steps need to be taken one step at a time. I have no doubt that mainland China will open up more and more to the outside world, thus also being able to stimulate the upward motivation of the domestic grassroots class born elites.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

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