Chapter 595: China Pass (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:02
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Iwasaki Maki knew that Kishimoto Masayoshi was a China Generalist. After she heard him say that, she became more and more interested in China and said, “Tell me more about China’s economic development.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that she was really interested and didn’t hide it. Iwasaki Maki wanted to pull her funds out of South America so that she could invest in China, something that was impossible to do in a short period of time.

Her first priority was to cope with the Argentinean financial crisis that had brought trouble to her investment program. In fact, he had the most in mind, this trouble will last for years.

When the time comes, the two of them bet against each other, and he won her again. Even if she will invest in China in the future, it will not affect him. The Chinese market was large in volume, and there existed infinite possibilities.

As of now, his purpose has been completely achieved, the other hand’s hands about hard gold media shares are all back.

Even if the hard gold media still have some small shareholders, also is only completely to obey their own orders, simply will not appear a dare to rebel or force the palace of the situation occurs.

He had achieved absolute control over Hard Gold Media, and their combined shares did not exceed 5%. If the shares they held in their hands were put into the large pool of Hard Gold Group, they would be diluted even more. After all, the size of Hard Gold Media’s assets ranked third in the entire Hard Gold Group.

In front of it are the second-ranked Hard Gold Construction and the first-ranked Hard Gold Capital. Not only that, there was also the fourth-ranked Hard Gold Electricity and the fifth-ranked Hard Gold Bank.

In the past, when he himself and Maki Iwasaki had maintained a reciprocal shareholding ratio, some of their minority shareholders still had not a small amount of choice and say.

Once he and she had any internal conflicts of interest, then naturally they would each try to pull in the minority shareholders, and then be able to realize the situation where their individual side of the stock accounted for the majority of the shares.

Often at this time, the small shareholders become a real variable factor. Nowadays, you can ignore the minority shareholders of Hard Gold Media.

Anyone who disagrees with him or her can simply withdraw their shares. At that time, he used the right of first refusal is to buy back the shares in his hands is.

“The current financial crisis in Argentina, and you want me to tell you about China’s economy, also let me first think of Hong Kong.

In the last century 1997, 1998, to Soros as the representative of the international lobbying and international speculators sniped Hong Kong twice.

As for the results, there have always been divergent views. The most rumored is how the Chinese central government how. And how the Hong Kong government.

This is not something I want to say to you. There is another force that stabilizes the Hong Kong economy and repels the international short sellers, and that is the local plutocrats in Hong Kong.

From the angle of practical interests, Hong Kong’s plutocrats have their corporate headquarters and homes in Hong Kong. The first victims of the financial chaos and economic recession in Hong Kong are not the general public of Hong Kong, but the local plutocrats.

Their combined investments and assets in Hong Kong are an absolute monopoly, and they completely control every aspect of Hong Kong’s livelihood.

For example, Li Ka-shing’s Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong Holdings group of companies are hailed by ordinary Hong Kong citizens as living to work for Superman LI.

Communication is his, electricity is his, harbor is his, live in a house also have his …… even go to a supermarket shopping, also have his.

To put it badly or bluntly, outsiders are taking the initiative to hit the door, want to harvest their own leeks, that is certainly touching the bottom line of their interests.

For them, absolutely do not do things. Their own territory, naturally, will not still by others to carry out a wanton wild.

Morally speaking, as the representatives of the 7 million Hong Kong people, they absolutely cannot stand on the opposite side of the fence and become Hong Kong traitors.

No one dares to take the blame for this. It is also totally impossible to take no action, to stand on the sidelines and watch the Government and the international short-sellers fight it out, or even to think of picking up the pieces.

At the critical moment of right and wrong, their attitudes and stances will determine their respective power of speech and prestige in this international metropolis of Hong Kong in the future.

Whoever dares to stab the government in the back will definitely be remembered by the government. After the government has recovered, it will certainly look for opportunities and reasons to clean up whoever it wants to.

It is because Hong Kong’s local plutocrats are strong enough to be able to defend themselves against external invasions, so that they do not appear to be crying out for help as in the case of the Argentinean financial crisis.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Your investment in Hong Kong is very limited, but put a lot of investment is into the mainland China market. I want to hear about things related to mainland China, not things in Hong Kong. You’re getting off topic.” Iwasaki Maki said with a faint smile.

“I didn’t go off topic. Hong Kong not only has a close relationship with the mainland, but it also has a close relationship with Macau, which has a population of only 800,000 people and is mainly focused on the gaming and custom industries.

In addition, Hong Kong has a close relationship with Taiwan, which has a population of 20 million, as well as with the Chinese people who are spread all over the world.

Although they are all Chinese, their cultural heritage is completely different. Hong Kong people are of Chinese and British culture, Macau people are of Chinese and Portuguese culture, and Taiwan people are of Chinese and Japanese culture.

Mainland Chinese belong to a single Chinese culture, but not the traditional culture of the past. Overseas Chinese retain both the traditional culture of China’s past and the local cultural influences of their host countries.

Chinese culture is both a very exclusive culture, Chinatown, OCT is relatively independent of the existence of Japan, it is also there, but it is also a very strong assimilation of culture, the absorption of other cultures into the other culture, not to change their own, but to change the absorbed culture.

This is completely different from the attribute of Japanese culture that absorbs other cultures and improves itself.

In mainland China, the year 1978 is the new symbol of what the Chinese call reform and opening up, and what the Japanese call economic innovation. This is a typical practice of releasing water to raise live fish.

To this day, the effect is obvious, a part of the people got rich first, China’s national strength is significantly strengthened. This can be seen from the body of Chinese people who come to Japan to travel, business trips, study, etc. A lot of things.

Among the first generation of students who stayed in Japan after China’s reform and opening up, most of them were publicly funded students. Nowadays, the number of people who come to Japan to study at their own expense is increasing year by year, and the majority of them are studying in Japan.

The first generation of students who came to Japan not only in terms of clothing, but also in terms of thinking, is almost completely out of step with the rest of the world. Those who came here were generally children from powerful families.

Nowadays, if you take a good look at the new generation of Chinese students who are staying in Japan, they have changed a lot and have been brought into line with the international community. Many of them are from ordinary families.

This shows how strongly the Chinese common people want to learn more about the world, and even embrace the world, after all, the cost of staying in Japan can be very expensive for an ordinary Chinese family.” Justice Kishimoto explained.

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