Chapter 599: Falling Short

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When Rie Sakai looked at the tonics piled up inside the living room, she frowned slightly. Not to mention being pregnant herself, even if she wasn’t, she wouldn’t eat something sent by a stranger.

She was about to dispose of it when Yuki Mizuhara arrived. As soon as she walked through the door, Yuki Mizuhara giggled unabashedly.

Rie Sakai didn’t have to ask her to guess why she was laughing. I’m afraid that the fact that her front door was blocked by a container truck had already spread to the ears of the surrounding neighbors at the speed of bacterial contagion.

“Why did you skip school again?” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“I’m not skipping class again, but I don’t have class today.” Mizuhara Yuki said bluntly.

Sakai Rie said in disbelief, “No way! It’s such a coincidence every time?”

Mizuhara Yuki sat down on top of the long couch in the living room and said, “It’s that coincidental.”

“Take your pick of what’s here, and take whatever you like for a while.” Sakai Rie raised her hand and pointed to those tonics that were piled up like a small mountain.

The reason why she was sent so many things by the Kyoto branch chairman of Pachinko lay in the fact that the other party still maintained the habits of the 1980s of the previous century, when the Japanese economy was in its heyday.

At that time the ordinary Japanese, walk a family and friends inside the home, that is absolutely also a big bag with a lot of gifts to go.

This will make them feel that they are not being rude. Not to mention the fact that there is something to ask for or there is still a relationship of interest. Then it will only send more powerful.

Mizuhara Yuki joked, “What if I see all of them?”

“That would be really great. You’ve solved a troublesome problem for me, take them all. I’ll have the maids at home send you home.” Sakai Rie said on the spot.

“I’m merely talking. Don’t take it seriously.” Mizuhara Yuki wasn’t the kind of girl who came from the lower middle class of society who liked to take advantage of small advantages.

If she saw something she liked, she would buy it out of her own pocket, after all, she was already given enough pocket money by her family.

“If you really don’t want it, then I can let the maids at home share it.” Sakai Rie had no intention of leaving these tonics behind. Even if they were expensive one by one, don’t use them for your own use.

Only then did Mizuhara Yuki hitch her eyes to look at them and said, “Oh yo! Bird’s nest, Koryo wild ginseng, American ginseng ……”

“You take away all the bird’s nest. Women eat it, but it resides in the face.” Sakai Rie calmly said.

“Thanks, or no. If I bring good things home from you again, my sister becomes more and more displeased with me.” Mizuhara Yuki shook her head.

“And what’s wrong with you sisters? You’re the one who can’t get along with your own sister, and I’m the one who can’t get along with my own sister. Yet, we were able to get along.” Sakai Rie understood that all families have difficult relationships Dao.

“It’s not like you don’t know my sister as a person. After I got engaged to Kazuya, not only did my family’s status rise above my sister’s, but my status within the family also rose a lot at once.

In the past, it was my sister who was always praised by friends and family. Nowadays, the person everyone praises has become me.

Plus, when you got married, I was one of your bridesmaids. This one objective fact that we are particularly close has taken on a utilitarian aspect in some people’s minds.” Mizuhara Yuki had always been with her is whatever there is to say Dao.

Sakai Rie said with a heartfelt smile, “Listening to you, if I were your own sister, I wouldn’t feel any pain in my heart. The difference is just too great.”

Mizuhara Yuki snapped her fingers and said, “That’s it. Therefore, right now, I, a person who is a younger sister is being careful for fear of irritating my sister.”

“In the past, once you and your sister had conflicts and clashes, your parents, without asking the reason, were definitely biased in favor of supporting your sister, all saying that it was your fault.

Nowadays, it’s the wind and water that has turned, and you have become the hope of your family. Your sister has definitely become the one who tends to be blamed.” Sakai Rie is laughed again and said.

“You are truly not wrong.” Mizuhara Yuki acknowledged with a nod.

“It’s a big contrast that not only upsets your sister, but you’re not used to it either. It’s not uncommon in your mind to think how your parents are so snobbish.

It’s not that they are snobbish, but they are influenced by the outside world. Only the person to adapt to the environment, it is impossible to let the environment to adapt to the person.

Your family’s friends and relatives, the neighbors around you every day say good things about you, then it will make your parents from think you are nothing, gradually in the heart of the change, think you are really good.

People’s social status has changed, then the social treatment will be corresponding to the occurrence of high and low changes. We women go to the mall shopping is not obvious?

You wear good, then the salesman will go to great lengths to provide you with an attentive service. If you are poorly dressed, it will be a different story.

Even when you go to the bank, there are VIPs and non-VIPs, and VIPs don’t have to queue up at all and walk straight into the one-on-one private banking reception room.

At least you’ll be personally served by a relationship manager, and you’ll be served tea, coffee, pastries and sweets. If you’re a non-VIP, you’ll have to wait in line.

If you are a non-VIP, you will have to wait in the queue, and if you are a gold or platinum card holder, you will have to jump the queue in front of you. This differentiation is ubiquitous in society and is also known as snobbery.

Then again, if it’s still the same as it was in the past, you’ll feel like your parents are too biased and only love your sister, not you.” Sakai Rie said and laughed again saying.

“Talking to you is just comfortable and I listen. This is something I wouldn’t be able to listen to if I were a different person.” Mizuhara Yuki said honestly.

“Because we’re on good terms, you develop a liking in your heart. For someone you like, no matter what they say or do, you will like them.

Even if it’s wrong, it will still cause you to actively find reasons in your heart to excuse it, not his fault. On the contrary, the person you hate, no matter what the other person does, you will be disgusted.

This is similar to a relationship between a man and a woman. I’m sure you’ve seen it before, a lot of guys or girls unilaterally give all they have for each other and the other person remains unmoved.

There are those who give nothing, and just by ticking their fingers, they are able to take care of everything with complete ease.” Sakai Rie said unhurriedly.

“Is that the only reason you don’t like handsome men?” Mizuhara Yuki instantly remembered something she once said and said.

“That depends on how you take and choose. As a woman, if you like to be held up, to enjoy that feeling of being a princess, then don’t look for handsome men.

If you are good at male color and have a big interest in that one face of a man, then it’s better to look for a handsome man. However, you have to know that handsome men are either gay or philanderers.

If there is also money, then even if you are a beautiful woman, you still can’t capture his heart. He will never have a terminal day. Even when he gets old, he still won’t.” Sakai Rie hit the nail on the head.

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