Chapter 601 – Bonus Money

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:17
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Natsume Ryosuke held his coffee cup in his right hand and turned sideways to look through the glass window towards the downstairs. Surprisingly, he also saw a reporter moving up the elevator.

“We’ve got more things going on in the Publicity Department again.” Natsume Ryosuke said with emotion.

Takahashi Kazuya, who was also holding a cup of coffee, coincidentally looked at the situation downstairs through the glass window just like the other party, and said with a slight smile, “Those who can, can do more.”

“The president has said that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Being famous may not necessarily be a good thing. It would be inconvenient for this celebrity to want to go and do a bad deed of any kind and cheat on his wife.

He was considered to have made a big name for himself this time, and could be considered to have a worldwide reputation. The reporters would let it go so easily. Every one of them is riveted on the news and can’t wait for it to be an exclusive.” Natsume Ryousuke had a word to say.

“Don’t express your feelings! How are the preparations for the relevant press conference going?” Takahashi Kazuya said as he took a sip of coffee from his cup.

“It’s still under preparation. The chairman definitely won’t come, so I’ll be the one answering questions from reporters. I’m not very good at financial matters.

If it wasn’t for an internal Argentine official who broke the news about this matter to the outside world, even I wouldn’t know that our Hard Gold Group is playing such a big game in the dark this time.” Natsume Ryosuke said seriously.

“Not only did you not know, but even I was equally unaware. It’s evident how well they’ve kept the secret.” Kazuya Takahashi said honestly.

“Our Hard Gold Group should have made a lot of money from the Argentine financial crisis this time, right?” Natsume Ryosuke said with slight excitement.

“Definitely a lot. Kiyoshi Kobayashi is definitely the best employee this year. The team he leads is definitely the best team this year. At that time, each of them will get a lot of bonuses.

I can hear rumors that they will share an average of one hundred months of year-end bonuses per person. Let’s not be too envious.” Takahashi Kazuya said with a smile or not.

“Why am I hearing a year-end bonus of one hundred and twenty months per person?” Natsume Ryosuke corrected.

“There’s nothing for us in the Legal Department if they split it any more than that. You took good care of the aftermath for them and played a supporting role, shouldn’t you more or less get some hard-earned money?” Kazuya Takahashi joked.

“You’re thinking too much. The year-end bonus, we definitely have it as well. Only, it’s definitely not as much as Kobayashi Kiyoshi and the others is all.

Even if we were envious, we wouldn’t be able to envy them. This year, the company’s earnings are quite good, so we shouldn’t pay less! If you really want to say miserable, I’m afraid that it’s still the hard gold e-commerce side that’s the most miserable.

Hard gold electricity supplier is still in the state of loss. The first half of the bonus is not, and the second half of the bonus is also estimated to be the same no more.

All of us are in the same company, looking at other people getting so many bonuses, but we don’t have any, how big is the gap in our hearts?” Natsume Ryosuke bluntly said.

“Hearing you say that, I’m thinking how sad the people over at Hard Gold Electric would be to hear that Kiyoshi Kobayashi and the others will be getting over a hundred months of bonuses while they’re the ones who won’t get a single month of bonuses?

Miyazaki Ryui, as the president of Hard Gold Denshi, had even more mixed feelings. His team wouldn’t be able to lead well, and his subordinates would become disheartened one by one.

At that time, there will be all sorts of people on the personnel department’s side who are looking for connections and want to transfer from Hard Gold Denshi to other subsidiaries or headquarters.” Takahashi Kazuya couldn’t help but say with the mindset of a spectator.

“Human nature makes it so. Being in the same company, having the same position, and doing similar things, but suffering two very different treatments because of a reason that has nothing to do with one’s own ability is difficult for you and me to accept.

The biannual half-yearly bonus has a great impact not only on the regular members, but also on us executives.

A large portion of our annual income is concentrated in these two half-yearly awards.” Natsume Ryousuke said nonchalantly.

“Isn’t that so? Some people save money to buy a car or a house, and marrying a wife all depends on these two half-yearly prizes. It’s not a big deal if you don’t want to, but when I think of Kobayashi Kiyoshi and the others handing out so much money, even my heart is starting to get a little unbalanced.” Takahashi Kazuya half-joked, half-seriously said.

“Who made them contribute the most this year? Under the Chairman’s planning, they made a lot of money for the company, so it’s only right that they should get more of the bonus.”

Natsume Ryosuke felt in his heart that Kobayashi Kiyoshi and the others just got lucky, and that it was entirely thanks to the chairman, rather than them actively plotting all this Dao.

Kazuya Takahashi didn’t hide his dumbfounded laughter in any way and said, “I see how you’re saying that so unconvincingly. The fact that they were able to obtain such a good opportunity was all given by the chairman.

If the chairman had given it to Inoue Kamiji, it probably wouldn’t have been any worse. At this point in time, Inoue Kamiji has even more envy and jealousy in his heart towards Kobayashi Kiyoshi.”

“How exactly is the relationship between the two of them?” Natsume Ryosuke had heard that Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Inoue Ueniji had quite a bit to do with each other and said.

“They’ve been rivals since the University of Tokyo. Both of them belong to the finance majors. Kobayashi Kiyoshi has always been more skilled than Inoue Kamiji.

Inoue Kamiji always had the feeling of being crushed by Kobayashi Kiyoshi. In order to reverse this kind of life, he tried his best to surpass his opponent.

The relationship between Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu in the Chinese Romance of the Three Kingdoms is similar. Zhou Yu even cried out before he died, “If you are born with Yu, why are you born with Liang?

When it comes to Uji Inoda and Kiyoshi Kobayashi, the former has quite the same kind of unfinished business that Zhou Yu had.” Kazuya Takahashi said without haste.

“Interesting.” Ryosuke Natsume said as he rubbed his chin with his left hand.

“There are more interesting things that happened to them! I’ve heard it too, not exact news, little gossipy news.

I’ll give it to you, don’t spread it around. If Kobayashi Kiyoshi goes after a certain girl, Inuyasha Kamiji will go after that one too. Even if the latter doesn’t like her at all, he’ll still do it.

When Kobayashi Kiyoshi ran inside the playground, he would likewise come and run. As soon as the two met, they started to compete and kept running. Whoever stopped first would lose.

Whatever Kobayashi did, Inoue would do as well. The company’s annual meeting was coming up, and when they got together, they were bound to fight it out.

At that time, drinking would also become a competition between the two. They will surely drink themselves into unconsciousness on that day.” Kazuya Takahashi chuckled.

“It’s just a pity that they’re not a man and a woman. Otherwise, they really should be together.” Natsume Ryosuke instantly laughed as well and said.

“Who stipulated that you have to be a man and a woman to be together, and that two men can’t be together? Men and women love each other only for the sake of passing on the family name, while men and men love each other, that’s true love.” Takahashi Kazuya laughed even more happily and said.

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