Chapter 602: It’s hard to return home

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At ten o’clock in the evening, when the fan door of a traditional Japanese style izakaya with a red lantern hanging in front of the door in the harbor district opened, Nanjo Nana and Watanabe Saki were the ones who walked in.

The two of them were chatting about something, and their attention was on each other. Just following the guidance of a clerk, they sat face to face next to an empty table.

Mao beans, chicken kebabs, and chicken gizzard kebabs …… were the must-order items for office workers who came here for a drink after finishing their overtime. When the beer was served, Nanjo Nana and Watanabe Saki raised their glasses while saying in unison, “Cheers.”

Nanjou Nanae took a big gulp as soon as she tilted her head. She put down the beer glass in her hand on the tabletop and suddenly said with an unhappy tone, “Our bonuses for the second half of the year are nine times out of ten out of luck.

Within the same group of companies, some people are able to get more than a hundred months’ worth of bonuses, while we’ll just be able to watch them count their money until our hands go limp.”

“This is also something that can’t be helped! Who let them earn a lot of money for the group company? This is the bonus they should get.

Our company has been in a state of loss, and it’s good enough that we haven’t made a single layoff. It’s too realistic for you to expect a bonus.” Watanabe Saki spoke bluntly.

“I’m just upset. I was originally thinking that after I got my bonus, I’d be able to take advantage of the New Year’s vacation to go abroad for a bit.

Now it seems like there’s no play. We’re both full-fledged official club members, so why is the difference so great?” Nanjou Nana said in discouragement.

“You have to look at things with a long-term perspective. As of now, our company is not in too good of shape, but it will definitely get better in the future.

According to the principles of economics, if the scale effect doesn’t come out, then it won’t produce a profit or maximize profits.” Watanabe Saki did not have too many negative emotions like the other party did and said.

“Well said.” Masayoshi Kishimoto, who was sitting at the table behind them, suddenly interjected.

Nanjo Nana and Watanabe Saki then looked over in the direction of the voice. As soon as Watanabe Saki saw that it was Kishimoto Masayoshi, she stood up as if she had been electrocuted and blurted out, “Chairman, why are you here?”

Meanwhile, Nanjou Nana originally thought it was a drunken nuisance picking up the conversation, but she didn’t expect it to be the Chairman himself. She instantly showed her flustered side.

“Why can’t I be here?” Justice Kishimoto said with a kind smile.

“I just don’t think a place like this fits your status, only for salarymen like us.” Watanabe Saki explained.

Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed out loud, “Saiki, your concept of hierarchy is just too much. It’s after hours, there’s no chairman, only your friends.

As long as something is delicious, it will be able to attract people to come here. Food is something to be discovered by the individual themselves. Boss, am I right!”

The owner of the izakaya not far away was busy grilling the food ordered by the guests while responding, “That’s right. Even the former Prime Minister even came inside my store for a drink!”

Seeing only the chairman sitting alone, Watanabe Saki knowingly asked, “Just you.”

“Three.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he held up three fingers at her.

Watanabe Saki then saw him alone. She didn’t react in time for a moment and said, “Did the other two go to the bathroom?”

“Aren’t you guys human?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with an easygoing smile as he took the initiative to sit down at the table with the two of them, holding a glass of beer in one hand and a long tray with skewers in the other.

Watanabe Saeki suddenly realized and smiled shyly, “It’s us!”

“Why are you still standing? Showing off that you’re tall?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Watanabe Saki was able to sit down again saying, “I really didn’t think we’d be able to meet you in a place like this.”

“Right now, I’m not even able to go back to my home. Rie gave me a personal call saying that our house is surrounded by reporters.

She really had no choice but to accept one of their interviews. If I don’t want to face the reporters’ questions, then I’ll go back later.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said truthfully.

“Behind a successful man is always a successful woman. Rie is such a successful woman.” Watanabe Saki said with a slight smile.

“And do you know what is behind a successful woman?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

Not only did Watanabe Saki shake her head at him, but the greatly nervous Nanjou Nana also shook her head towards him.

“There are always too many secrets behind a successful woman that men don’t know.” Masayoshi Kishimoto wasn’t exactly joking when he said.

While Watanabe Saki and Nanjou Nana looked at each other in disbelief, each of them recognized this kind of statement of his in their hearts. Women more or less always have secrets hidden in their hearts.

There is always a certain little secret that a woman will always hide in her heart, and will not tell it to any man. Even if that one man is his husband in the intimate zone, don’t.

“Just now, I overheard you guys talking about the bonus.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Nanjou Nana instantly broke out in sweat on her forehead. She knew what she had just said. If this was something that was only said between herself and Watanabe Saki, it would not be a thing at all.

Even if she had talked about it with her coworkers, it would have been treated as the venting of office workers in an izakaya to reduce stress. However, after the chairman heard his inappropriate remarks, he became worried.

Masayoshi Kishimoto recognized Nanjou Nana’s nervousness and said, “It’s not work time. There is no hierarchy between us. Everyone is an equal.”

Nanjou Nanae and Watanabe Saeki were not women who had mixed with society and the workplace on their first day. Saying that and taking it seriously would be foolish.

When the chairman currently said that, he was just being polite with them. If you really believe it, then you are not understanding the rules of society, you do not understand the human affairs of the arrogance.

When Justice Kishimoto saw that they didn’t say anything, he understood everything and said, “The more you work, the more you get, the less you work, the less you get, and the less you work, the less you get. This is fair distribution.

There’s no need for you to be jealous of the extra bonuses they received, after all, the results are there for all to see. You should not lose confidence in this either.

Hard gold electric business has been losing money, and why do I continue to invest money in this? Is it possible that I really have so much money that I have no place to spend it? Watanabe, tell me about it.”

Watanabe Saki replied in a serious manner, “The chairman must be very optimistic about the future development of our main business.”

“That’s right. When the market is cultivated and people get used to the convenience that online shopping brings, that’s when your time to reap the rewards will come.” Justice Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

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