Chapter 605: Unwelcome Guests

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The next morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto drank two cups of coffee continuously, still sitting on the chair in the chairman’s office, unable to stop yawning. Just last night, he had slept late.

It wasn’t that he was willing to sleep late, but he was pestered by Sakai Mirei not to go to sleep. In some ways, Sakai Mirei and Sakai Rie were both the same, worthy of being sisters.

Masayoshi Kishimoto closed his eyes and gently rubbed his temples with the thumbs of his left and right hands. He was making a self-adjustment and recuperating.

Suddenly, the noises outside were getting louder and louder as they entered Masayoshi Kishimoto’s ears. He reflexively opened his eyes.

An unfamiliar middle-aged man wearing a traditional Japanese kimono had barged straight into the chairman’s office. At the same time, a group of people chased after the strange middle-aged man who had trespassed into the Hard Gold Group’s headquarters and came within Masayoshi Kishimoto’s line of sight.

When the strange middle-aged man saw Masayoshi Kishimoto, he pulled out a short knife, and the security chief at his side said sternly, “What do you want?”

The strange middle-aged man didn’t reply and suddenly dropped to both knees. He placed the short knife on top of the carpet and peeled off his upper body’s clothes with both hands.

He just wanted to take the short knife placed on top of the carpet in his hands again when he was already completely subdued by the security chief leading the way.

“You guys let go of him.” Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at the posture of this uninvited guest, not like he was intruding to carry out an assassination on himself, but rather wanted to commit harakiri in front of himself.

“Chairman, this person is dangerous.” The security section chief did not immediately let go and said.

“Dangerous or not, would I still not know? Hurry up and let go of my hand.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a commanding tone.

The security section chief could only follow the order. Even though he let go of his hand, he didn’t stand far away, and his eyes were dead set on this person.

He also signaled one of the security guards under him to take away the other party’s short knife at the same time, and for the sake of safety, the person was only allowed to sit on his knees on top of the carpet and was not allowed to get up.

“You must have something to say to me for making such an extreme move!” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“I am a dignified Kyushu man, and naturally have the bloodlust that Japanese men should have. A soldier can be killed, but not humiliated.” The middle-aged man sat on his knees on top of the carpet in the chairman’s office, stood up straight and looked at him with his head held high.

Kishimoto Masayoshi, after hearing him say this, was instead filled with confusion. He has long known that Japan’s most tough folk is Kyushu, which is often said to be the poor mountains and bad water out of the unruly people.

Do not look at Kyushu is not a big place, but the Japanese underworld is the most place, Fukuoka is their base camp. In World War II, the Japanese army, the most ferocious, but also from Kyushu Japanese.

Not only that, during the Warring States period, the ronin, samurai, and so on, were also the toughest in Kyushu. Both Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu had to deal with people from Kyushu. In the past, Kyushu was also an important place used to exile criminals.

Justice Kishimoto calmly asked, “Is there any necessary connection between what you said and you running to me?”

“We Kansai people within the entire pachinko industry are able to take money to you for your benefit. Why is there nothing for us Kyushu people?

Could it be that you only value the people of Honshu, while intentionally belittling us Kyushu people?” Although the middle-aged man was full of vigor, there was something incoherent and logically confusing in his speech.

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto would take money from the people of Kansai was because there was such a need in his own company strategy, and also to facilitate the establishment of a stronghold in Osaka, Kyoto, and other places to expand his business in the future.

The Kansai region had not even gotten the business it should have gotten up and running, so he still had the heart to go to Kyushu, Fukuoka, and other places to set up a base.

Some of the benefits he had channeled to the Kansai people were not for nothing. It looked as if someone had leaked the news and it had spread to the Kyushu area.

When people spread the word, there would always be additions to it. Inevitably, the ears of the middle-aged man in front of him became that he valued the region of Honshu and looked down on the region of Kyushu.

Even if everyone has a background in pachinko parlors, they have decided that the Kyushu region is a poor place with little money. In Japanese history, the Kyushu region had been synonymous with either a place of exile or a poor mountainous region since ancient times.

“In your mind, you just look down on us Kyushu people. I know that you not only made an extremely large amount of money shorting Argentina, but you also became the pride of the Yamato nation.” The middle-aged man spoke bluntly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at him at such a handful of years old, at least a man in his forties, how did he act and speak in a completely rash manner?

Inside his head flashed a thought, they say that Japanese people are born with a middle-aged temperament is really true. That was true when it came to people from Kyushu like the other man.

Just as the Okinawan people don’t remove their hair, after all, after removing their hair will soon grow back again, simply don’t take it off. They laughed into being people with Ryukyu souls, not Yamato souls.

Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his hand to signal that all other unrelated people could go out and continue to do whatever they should be doing, while crying and laughing, “After hearing you say so much. By the looks of it, you should be a small business owner running a pachinko parlor in the Kyushu region.”

“Yes.” The middle-aged man had a reason for making such an overly aggressive move. He was indeed running a pachinko parlor in the Kyushu region.

Only, his store’s business was not only bad, but it was also getting worse by the day. It was during a drinking conversation with his counterpart at an izakaya one night that he learned something about Masayoshi Kishimoto’s arrival in Osaka.

Currently, the Japanese domestic news media, especially the economic news, and is covered and long reports Kishimoto justice how amazing, how in the Argentine financial crisis in the profits, after all, is for Japan from abroad to earn a lot of foreign exchange.

So, he thought, if he could also entrust his money to Masayoshi Kishimoto, then he would not have to work so hard, but also be able to earn more money.

The next day, he took an airplane from Fukuoka to Tokyo. Another day later, after his full preparation, there is today’s farce. After all, in his opinion, this was the most direct way to show his determination, bar none.

Justice Kishimoto could not acquiesce to this extreme approach of his. He didn’t want a man to come along in the future who wanted to commit hara-kiri in front of him every now and then.

He looked at him with such a middle-aged, no, hot-bloodedness, and still felt that the other party belonged to a man who was a little bit interesting. He weighed a moment and said, “I can give you a chance to pitch in.”

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