Chapter 614: The Oldest Three

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was only after dawn that Masayoshi Kishimoto and the others dispersed. The amount of alcohol they had drank, they could no longer remember, they only knew that they had drunk a lot.

Kishimoto Masayoshi, who had drunk so much that he felt the sky was already spinning, didn’t know how, but he went towards the apartment where Fujie Nao lived in a ghostly manner. Shortly after he rang her doorbell, he was met with her answering the door in a silk nightgown.

“I’m sorry, Lao-san. I went the wrong way.” Masayoshi Kishimoto, smelling strongly of alcohol, said with drunken eyes.

Fujie Nao froze for a moment, then began to savor the meaning of his calling himself “Lao-san”. She naturally smelled the strong odor of alcohol wafting from Masayoshi Kishimoto’s body.

When Fujie Naoe saw that the other party had just turned his back and had not yet taken a step, she took the initiative to stretch out her hands and grabbed his right arm, saying with a smile, “You’re not going the wrong way.”

Before her words left her mouth, she directly dragged him towards the door of her room. She got Masayoshi Kishimoto inside before she went to close the door, and performed a reverse lock, as if she was afraid he would run away.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto went in, he casually took off the shoes on his feet, and forgot to put on his slippers, and directly ran towards the long sofa in the living room and went east.

Fujie Naoo squatted down and took his shoes in his hand, then opened the shoe cabinet and put it in, “How much wine did you drink in the end?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto turned around and sat down on the long sofa, his eyes half-open and half-closed, “I can’t remember exactly. Lao San, bring me a glass of water, I’m thirsty.”

Fujie Naoe responded with a “yes”, and immediately poured him a glass of water and delivered it to his hand, saying, “When did I become Lao San?”

“If you don’t like me calling you that, forget it.” Kishimoto Masayoshi gulped down the glass of water in one gulp and said.

“I’m not unhappy, it’s just that you have to make it clear to me first. Who is the boss, the second, and who is it?” Fujie Naoe took the empty glass from his hand of her own accord and said.

“The Boss lives in Nishi-Mabu, Minato Ward, the Second lives in Ueno, Taito Ward, and you live in Ginza, Chuo Ward. The three of you each live in different places is all.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a bit of a reply.

Fujie Nao thought about it a little more carefully, and felt that she was not too bad on top of the rankings. Of course she knew that the boss that Masayoshi Kishimoto was talking about was his explicitly legal wife.

All along, she had been clear about her personal status and had never had the luxury of that one position. The only thing that interested her was who would be the woman above the second position? And what kind of woman would the other side be?

“Where do the fourth, fifth, and even the sixth live in Tokyo? You don’t have a woman in every one of Tokyo’s twenty-four wards, do you?” Taking advantage of his drunken state, Fujie Naoe asked tentatively.

Masayoshi Kishimoto closed his eyes completely, as if he was talking in his sleep, “There is no fourth, much less fifth. More women may not be a good thing.

You women are all quite troublesome. However, your idea of proposing that I have a woman inside each of Tokyo’s twenty-four districts is not bad.”

“When did I give you this one proposal? Don’t talk nonsense. You don’t want to sleep over. I still have things to ask you!” Fujie Nao reached out a hand to shake him and said.

The reason Masayoshi Kishimoto had come to her was not entirely driven by a lack of subjective consciousness. As a man, he also had the faults that he should have.

The root cause of a man’s tendency to make mistakes when he drank too much alcohol was the sexual impulse that accompanied the male animal more or less instinctively. Rie Sakai was pregnant, so naturally she could not.

Even if the relevant scientific evidence, you can continue to live together, just can not be violent, but it is difficult for men to accept, after all, the other stomach inside the child is their own, not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of the eventuality.

As for Natsui Makoto’s place, it is also really inconvenient. If one of the two children cried out unexpectedly, then they would have to come to a screeching halt in the middle of it, which would really be too much of a spoiler.

Therefore, Kishimoto Masayoshi’s sudden thought was to come to Fujie Nao’s place, after all, they had already done that.

After all, they had already done that. However, after he really arrived here, he suddenly lost his interest in that aspect of sex. After walking in and sitting on top of the long sofa and relaxing completely, his body’s instincts turned back to wanting to sleep.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not open his drunken eyes and said, “What else do you want to ask me? Whatever it is, I’ll answer you slowly after I wake up.”

“No way. If you don’t answer my questions first, then you won’t be able to sleep soundly.” Fujie Naoe wasn’t stupid. It wouldn’t be so easy when he was fully awake. He himself was just going to take the opportunity to get him to say the truth when he was drunk.

“Hurry up and ask.” Masayoshi Kishimoto still had no intention of opening his eyes and said bluntly.

“Do you truly love me?” Fujie Nao asked a question that was not very nutritious, but a question that women especially valued, right off the bat.

“Love.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied succinctly.

“You’re not fooling me, are you?” A smile had blossomed on Fujie Nao’s face as she said.

“Then consider me fooling you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said offhandedly.

“How can you, a person, be like this? You come towards me when you’re drunk. Are you leaving me behind when you’re not drunk?” Fujie Naoe said a bit upset.

“Just be content! At the very least, I know to come towards you when I’m drunk, not towards other women.

Is it hard to believe that you want me to not come towards you even when I’m drunk, but towards another woman?” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

Fujie Naoe was instantly speechless. She did not fail to feel that the other party had his point. It wasn’t like Masayoshi Kishimoto was an ordinary man. He was a Japanese plutocrat.

As long as he wanted a certain type of woman, there was nothing he couldn’t do. As a woman myself, I am not unaware of the fact that a man like Masayoshi Kishimoto is particularly attractive and appealing to women.

Not only was he rich, but there were quite a few other aspects as well. Thus, she couldn’t help but recall the time when she had spent nine cows and two tigers to sleep with him.

That time, it was also the same time that he was in a drunken state, which then gave her an opportunity to take advantage of him. For this reason, she was also clear that Masayoshi Kishimoto was not that kind of casual man.

She had been offered to him many times, but he had also refused. Now, he has called himself Lao San, then it shows that the other party in his heart recognized his existence.

Even if she was just a lover of his, it was nothing. In her opinion, as long as they loved each other, that was enough. The rest was just a vain formality.

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