Chapter 616: Structural Unemployment

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:53:59
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Even though Fujie Nao was one of the people who did business, she was only a woman who ran a small business. If this was compared to the capital that Masayoshi Kishimoto controlled and operated, it was something that was not worth mentioning at all.

“Structural unemployment? How is the middle class structurally unemployed?” Fujie Naoe said with a bit of a lack of understanding of the true meaning of the word in his mouth.

“You’re the one who doesn’t listen to half of what you’re told. Didn’t I also say that the skills someone acquires will not be able to keep up with the rapid pace of the times, which means that he will be unemployed in the future as a result.

Once a person is unemployed, re-employment becomes difficult. In order to survive, one has to take up simple and repetitive jobs again, which means that one’s income will shrink considerably.

This brings us to another concept, fault tolerance. Our future society will have less and less tolerance for the mistakes that people are allowed to make.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“I’m not afraid, I have you.” Fujie Naoe didn’t create any little sense of crisis in her heart and said with a smile.

“The middle class in some developed countries will be decreasing, while the middle class in some developing countries will in turn be growing.

Like mainland China this kind of vigorous development of basic construction, actively attract investment in developing countries is given to foreign businessmen and foreign capital tax and other concessions.

As for the purpose, only want to learn advanced technology and management experience, so that it from the ranks of low-income countries can get rid of, and then can be promoted to the ranks of middle-income countries.

After reaching the middle-income countries, there will be the problem of moving towards the high-income countries, that is, the middle-income trap.

China’s development, will inevitably be reversed towards the same low-income countries in the past and it is a paid transfer of certain technologies and equipment, more mature management experience, the use of capital and other means, so as to obtain a large number of profits with their own scissors advantage, to enhance the influence in the surrounding and international.

At present, mainland China has the characteristics and advantages of low labor cost, low land cost, low cost of other resources …… will inevitably snatch away some low-tech, labor-intensive industries in developed countries or regions.

Mainland China is a country with a large population, which means it is a huge consumer market. Want to let the Chinese mainland people have strong consumption power, then we must first let them out of poverty and become rich.

Only when they have money in their pockets will they be able and dare to spend more. Otherwise, just like Coca-Cola, Pepsi began as an empty joy.

In 1978, the Chinese mainland reformed and opened up. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo executives were elated, thinking that with more than a billion Chinese drinking a bottle of Coke every day, they would have endless money.

However, the price of a bottle of Coca-Cola or Pepsi was on the expensive side for the average working-class Chinese mainlander at that time.

At that time, for the Japanese, a can was a casual drink, and there was no financial pressure or burden at all.

However, they could not. Only at weddings, funerals or New Year’s Eve, a table of eight or ten people could share a 1.25-liter bottle of Pepsi or Coca-Cola. Or maybe a 1.25 liter Sprite.

They generally drink a kind of drink made of saccharin and so on in a plastic bag with a weight of 200 grams or 250 grams, which is called Big Ice. Otherwise, it’s a mishmash of local beverage brands.

Of course, compared to Pepsi or Coca-Cola, it doesn’t taste good and has obvious disadvantages. If I have to say what advantage I have, it is the cheap price.

In the beverage market, the 1984 Jianlibao has been the scenery. To put it bluntly, it is a carbonated drink with orange flavor, but it can be advertised as a magic water that can boost people’s spirit and physical strength.

In 1993, a truly remarkable beverage brand appeared on the Chinese mainland market, almost killing the Coke duo. Its flavor was not quite the same as what mainland Chinese used to drink in the past.

That is the Sunrise Iced Tea (with a patent, resulting in Master Kong and other iced tea can not be used in this word, is the name of the iced tea, as JEEP this brand, so that the other car manufacturers and its same model can only be called SUV) the rapid rise of a local Chinese brand.

Unfortunately, it is small capital, never dry can not be capitalized company. In addition, the existence of a series of management problems, resulting in a good situation is lost.

Pepsi began to focus on the Chinese youth market, and actively used their local popular stars to package and advertise, thus overpowering Coca-Cola and sitting at the top of the carbonated gas drinks in China.

In 1987, KFC’s first store in mainland China produced long lines of people waiting for hours to buy a burger, a cup of Coke, and a fried chicken.

It is not that mainland Chinese people have money, but they feel that this is a good meal, foreign style. Even in 2001, when mainland Chinese college students were able to eat a KFC, it was also very good, which is the same as eating a big meal.

It is especially popular among students and children. You go to mainland China will see parents can not afford to eat, sitting next to watch their children eat big mouthfuls of food.

After twenty years or so since 1978, mainland China has come a long way. It was not Japan, but Korea, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan that suffered first. Geographically speaking, proximity has its advantages, and proximity also has its disadvantages.

Even if you add a transportation cost, it makes the whole cost lower, so naturally it will be quite attractive to factory owners, prompting them to relocate their processing plants from a place where all costs are high to a place where all costs are low to rebuild their factories.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

He suddenly paused here, and thoughtfully then added, “Next year, 2002, our Hard Gold Group’s center of gravity will be in South Korea.”

“You’ve only just finished ransacking Argentina in South America. What, are you planning to loot Korea again?” Fujie Nao said casually.

“You can’t be as blunt as you are! Capital is naturally a bloodthirsty beast. When it smells blood, it will pounce on it.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“You’re really going to make a move against Korea next year?” Fujie Nao said in surprise.

“You always have a huge misconception that it is the host country itself that has problems in the first place, and that is what gives outsiders the opportunity to take advantage of it.

If there were no problems in the country itself, it wouldn’t be attacked. The object of capital attack, will not prefer the strong, but will prefer the weak.

All along, the international financial market has been following the principle of the law of the jungle, which is the law of the jungle, the strongest eats the weakest.” Justice Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“I don’t understand any of what you’re saying. Anyway, I know that where a person like you with a large capital in hand walks, there will not be an inch of grass.” Fujie Naoe was listening with a growing cloudiness.

“By you saying that, it makes us look like locusts.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed and said.

“Aren’t we?” Fujie Nao asked rhetorically.

“No.” Masayoshi Kishimoto answered firmly.

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