Chapter 623 – Underground Radio Station

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:54:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The table closest to Justice Kishimoto suddenly became lively. One of them drank a few more cups of shochu, and his voice became a little louder.

Yamada Mirai, who was fluent in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, English, and Russian, heard him and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Kishimoto Justice asked curiously, “What are you laughing at?”

Yamada Mirai knew that she had lost her temper, so she made a Japanese gesture and apologized, “I was laughing at the loud talk of that one. If he really knew finance, he wouldn’t be eating here.”

“If I know finance, I’m still not eating here either.” Justice Kishimoto retorted.

“Chairman, I didn’t mean it that way.” Yamada Mirai hurriedly explained.

“Don’t be nervous, I know that you meant nothing more than mocking the other party for being unassuming and making a fool of themselves. The financial market above loves this type of people the most.

Otherwise, the scythe that has leeks to harvest? That some live in mansions, open luxury car financial practitioners, one by one on the surface looks gentle and elegant, but in fact, more ferocious than the robbers.

The robber’s work has no technical content, at most, will rob you with cash, cell phone and other valuable things.

The financial losses you incur are quite limited and do not affect your personal or family life in the future.

Muggers are robbers who rob and run, basically a shot in the dark. Even the next time they commit another crime, they tend to choose a different place.

Always walk by the river, there is not wet shoes. Robbers have been committing robberies for a long time, and there will always be a day when they are caught, after all, good luck does not come every time and every day.

Financial professionals are highly skilled in their work, not only robbing you of your money, your car, your house, etc., but also robbing you of all future possibilities, draining you of everything, and leaving you penniless.

They don’t have to change the place of operation at all, just operate as usual.” Masayoshi Kishimoto hit the nail on the head when he poked at the unbelievably bloody and cruel ways of the financial business.

Yamada Mirai fell into deep thought. She understood the meaning of the chairman’s words. It was completely understandable for ordinary people to want to get rich, but they had to live within their means.

If they enter the financial market blindly, they are just like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Some people can not withstand the lobbying of financial practitioners, and even over-the-counter capital allocation and leverage, there is really a kind of suspicion that their death is not fast enough feeling.

For ordinary people, for the sake of their own and their family’s future life, please cherish life, away from the financial. There is really extra free money, but it may be good to consider to buy some treasury bonds, physical gold, steady fund, famous big company stock …… or can.

Even if the high buy or fall, but also not to blood money. However, the vast majority of people are not listening. What they want is to get rich quickly, preferably overnight, so that they can live the kind of rich life inside the movie and TV drama. Investing in stocks is too slow and not fast enough, so they go directly to play futures.

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly thought of one more thing and faced Hidetaka Sato and said, “Do you know about the underground radio stations within the boundaries of Seoul, South Korea?”

“Know.” Sato Hidetaka answered dryly while pulling out his cell phone with his right hand. He selected a radio function on top of his personal cell phone, tuned the frequency was placed on the desktop and said, “This is an underground radio station that you want.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto heard a female voice speaking Korean coming out of his cell phone. He couldn’t understand Korean and said bluntly, “Yamada, translate for me.”

“Her husband lost his job three months ago. Until now, no job has been found. Life has become difficult for their family.

The credit card debt has also become bigger and bigger, to the point where they can’t pay it off. She is worried that before long she will be unable to repay the card debt and subsequently receive abusive phone calls from debt collectors to force her to pay the debt.” Yamada Mirai performed a simultaneous translation saying.

Sato Hidetaka saw fit to say, “There is more than one underground radio station of this kind within the boundaries of Seoul, South Korea. As far as I know, it can’t be less than five at least.

The things they broadcast are either those complaining about being unemployed, not being able to find a job, or being owed wages or something. Otherwise, it’s credit card debt, mortgage stress, and so on.”

Justice Kishimoto listened attentively. He knew deep down that these seemingly insignificant little things truly reflected the economic and livelihood conditions of Korean society.

When a country’s economy is in good shape, even the lowest class of nationals will benefit from it. To put it bluntly, the low income insurance given to them will go up.

On the other hand, if a country’s economy is just as magnificent as paper, the people who suffer greatly are also from the lowest class.

The prices of goods will rise, but the low income insurance will not rise, but will also reduce the audience group, so as to achieve the purpose of saving part of the financial expenditure.

Often at this time, the number of people applying for low income insurance will increase, after all, the number of unemployed people in the country will continue to increase.

Inside the underground radio station, some of the people talking about their own difficult life, although not all from the bottom of the society, a large part of the most ordinary residents of Seoul, but always can not get around the difficult life of this topic.

In the Yamada future to their own translation of the three people’s current situation, are not missing that an important word, credit card.

The thing that bothered each of them the most was the credit card debt they owed, worrying about the credit stain caused by not being able to pay on time, but also fearing that they would be forced to pay the debt in the future.

“You guys eat instead!” When Masayoshi Kishimoto came back to his senses from listening carefully to Mirai Yamada’s translation, he realized that the two of them hadn’t moved their chopsticks.

He paused here, then looked at Sato Hidetaka and said, “Is there any more tonight?”

Sato Hidetaka was knowing what he was talking about, saying, “Yes. Most of the twenty-four hours of the day are there, and there are even underground radio stations that don’t take a break and broadcast non-stop.”

Justice Kishimoto had a number in mind. The outbreak of this credit card crisis in South Korea was inevitable, and the solution could only be to let it erupt so that a reconstruction could take place in the future.

Old leeks lose their value when they are harvested. This is especially cruel for middle-aged and older people. They don’t feel any financial pressure when they start out with credit cards.

This is mainly because the base of arrears is not yet large enough and the interest rate being created is small, resulting in giving many people an illusion.

Often at this time, human desire is like a flood that has broken through the levee, and it is not easy to control the outpouring.

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