Chapter 626 History

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:54:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The duo of Masayoshi Kishimoto and Nao Fujie went out like this without much problem. It didn’t even matter if neither knew a smattering of Korean.

There were more than enough Koreans who knew a bit of Japanese, especially the elderly. Failing that, speaking English is capable of solving all the problems.

Koreans have mixed feelings about Japan, both love and hate. This ambivalence towards Koreans, more recently, is also due to the fact that the Korean Peninsula was ruled by Japan for 35 years.

During the period of Japan’s rule on the Korean Peninsula, it was natural to suppress everything about their ethnicity. The Koreans who were well-educated and even went to university at that time developed a cooperative attitude with the Japanese.

Even after the restoration of the Korean Peninsula, it was divided into two countries. In fact, in terms of the history of the Korean Peninsula, it was not too long as a unified country. It was basically either split into two or three countries.

The group of people on this side of Korea who were viewed as Korean traitors both by North Korea, and by some people within South Korea, didn’t exactly carry out a being liquidated, symbolically screwed up.

They still continue to hold important positions in various aspects. In fact, the reason is very simple. If we don’t use these people, who else can we use?

During the 35 years that Japan ruled the Korean Peninsula, which is also known as the Joseon Japanese rule period (from August 29, 1910 to August 15, 1945, when Korea became a Japanese colony under Japanese rule).

Ordinary Koreans were allowed to finish elementary school at best. A large number of illiterate and semi-illiterate people filled Korea after independence. The U.S. had no choice but to let those people continue to work.

Over time, they naturally formed an impregnable force in Korea, after all, is a hair, move the whole body.

South Koreans can only be on the Internet, movies and TV dramas inside the whining …… there will always be such a sentence, this country in dealing with Korean traitors above can have so resolute on the good.

Farther, Toyotomi Hideyoshi ruled Japan era once sent troops to invade the Korean Peninsula for the second time. This fight went on for many years. Even farther back, there was the Battle of Baekgangkou during the Tang Dynasty.

In the past, the attitude of the rulers on the Korean Peninsula was to pay tribute to both China and Japan.

Even though Korea has become an independent modern nation, with the Han River miracle as the symbol of its economic rise, it has not been able to get rid of Japan’s influence on it.

Korea’s propaganda to its citizens is all about independent research and development, while in fact, many technologies are still Japanese. Before the creation of the so-called Han River miracle, Park Chung-hee cooperated with the United States to send troops to Vietnam, is to want the United States to South Korea for an economic support.

This is an issue that has been historically debated again? For one thing, the U.S. agreed. South Korea has the United States, Japan technology, the transfer of production, but also from the establishment of labor-intensive industries, followed by a variety of cottage, and finally began to embark on a road of independent research and development.

In this process, the South Koreans are also experiencing a lot of pain, hundreds of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people towards the Middle East to transport cheap labor.

A little earlier, South Korea also large quantities of East Germany to send its domestic cheap labor to dig coal. All countries have a history of blood and tears at the beginning of their economic development.

Men were often exported as hard labor to make money, while women were generally exported as prostitutes to make money. Japan is no exception.

This can be traced back to the sending of prostitutes to the South Seas, or Southeast Asia, before the Meiji Restoration in Japan. The most famous movie, “Looking Homeward,” reflects some of the realities of that time.

They sent a lot of money back to Japan in exchange for selling their bodies, but in the end, they did not get the respect they deserved. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan’s economy rose and did not care about their money.

Even if they did play a small role in the early days, they tried their best to deny it in every way, after all, they were regarded as a stain on the country and existed in the world.

On the other hand, the United States agreed. Although there is the United States, Japan’s technology and produce transfer, but mainly in the direction of Southeast Asia, the transfer of labor-intensive industries, after all, the United States of America’s war on Vietnam, and is not limited to Vietnam a country, but also spread to the surrounding neighboring countries.

Whether it is South Korea, or Japan, fortunately the sacrifices of the previous person is not in vain, in their respective domestic elites under the joint efforts, is to make their own country has been unprecedented development.

South Korea achieved a 100-fold increase in GDP in 30 years, and was able to become a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1996.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Nao Fujie didn’t have to walk far before they found a Korean fried chicken restaurant on a street not far from their hotel.

They walked in and chose an empty table and sat down facing each other. Fujie Naoe took the initiative to make a Korean order.

“I didn’t see that you even know Korean.” Even though Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she knew just a little bit and spoke it lamely, it didn’t hinder the basic communication between the two countries.

“Have you forgotten my PR girl origins? As a female publicist, it’s more or less necessary to master a little foreign language.

When the rich Koreans come to Tokyo, they still go to the clubs in Ginza. If you know a little Korean, you have an advantage over others.

As for those who don’t understand, the common international practice is to use your hands and gesture with your body movements!” Fujie Naoe said seriously.

“Makes sense. What about the time you’re not at Club Firefly?” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Even if I’m not inside the store for a few days, it won’t collapse. I’ve already explained it clearly to the people long ago.” Fujie Nao smiled sweetly and said.

“We can agree in advance. During my stay in Seoul, Korea, I can’t keep you company like this all the time. However, sleeping with you all the time is not a problem. All of your spending is on me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled.

“I have money of my own, I don’t want to spend your money! Otherwise, it would make it seem like I’m some female publicist who needs to go accompany clients out on escorts because of the nature of her job.” Fujie Nao said bluntly.

“Whatever.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t insist, after all, there were more than enough ways and means he could give back to her. They weren’t a one-shot deal Dao either.

“This meal is likewise on me.” Fujie Naoe said with an intentional pat on her chest.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t refuse and became less and less serious as he said, “Good. Wait until I’ve eaten and drunk enough to be able to serve you properly at night.”

“Badass.” Fujie Naoe completely understood the true meaning of his words and pursed her lips as she said.

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