Chapter 632 Understanding

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:54:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When Masayoshi Kishimoto returned home, he sat on his butt on top of the long sofa in the large living room on the first floor. He leaned his back against the back of the sofa, and his entire body looked particularly relaxed.

Masayoshi Kishimoto said with deep emotion, “It’s still best to be at home.”

Sakai Rie, who was sitting next to him, said in disbelief, “Why does your statement sound particularly contrary to me? Didn’t you have a single beautiful encounter in all the days you went to Seoul, Korea?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto motionlessly dropped his center of gravity on top of the sofa and said, “First of all, I went on a business expedition, not for fun.

Secondly, do you think this is a youth idol drama? In real life, there are so many beautiful encounters. Lastly, inside the days without you, I can’t sleep through the night when it comes to thinking about you so much that I can’t sleep.”

Sakai Rie retorted one by one, “Firstly, I admit that you were on a business trip to Seoul, Korea, not a tour, but it doesn’t mean that you were always on official business, right? In your free time, who knows what exactly you went for?

Secondly, oops …… you went to act in an idol drama, that’s an absolutely impossible thing. The male lead definitely doesn’t have a part for you. As for the supporting roles, you are suitable for playing the role of a passer-by, lewd man, dead house dog and so on and so forth.

You’re not good looking, so I’ll have to pity you. I’m the only one who will pity you. I’m really a flower on top of a pile of cow dung like you. Third, at night, you can’t sleep? Will you miss me?

No! You say that to me from time to time, touching me is like touching your right hand with your left, it’s not new at all.

Otherwise, it’s just as if you look at me like you’re watching a movie that’s both coded and uncoded, there’s nothing special about it, only visual fatigue.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Still my wife understands me the most.”

“If I didn’t understand you, would I still sleep with you? Nowadays, we even have a child. Don’t think that you’re the only one working hard outside, I’m working hard too.”

Sakai Rie subconsciously placed her hands on top of her slightly bulging abdomen. She was pregnant for the first time, and was clearly feeling some discomfort Dao.

“You’ve worked hard. You’re the person who has worked the hardest in our family.” Justice Kishimoto said with an unchanged smile.

“It’s good to know.” Sakai Rie said offhandedly.

“Tonight, I’ll personally cook two dishes for you and reward you properly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without joking.

“You being less angry with me is better than doing anything for me.” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

“Where did I piss you off again?” Masayoshi Kishimoto cried out.

“And you have the audacity to be sophomoric. Just a moment ago, you pissed me off. I can tell you that being angry with me is the same as the child inside my belly being angry.” Sakai Rie said in a disruptive manner.

“I can’t afford to piss you off. No, I can’t afford to piss off you mother and child.” Justice Kishimoto shook his head helplessly.

“How do you dare to conclude that the one I’m carrying is a son and won’t be a daughter? Could it be that this pair of eyes of yours is even better than an ultrasound?” Sakai Rie unconsciously and habitually began to fight and carry on with him, saying.

“I’ll add that I can’t afford to mess with you mother and daughter, that’s fine!” Kishimoto Masayoshi once again said with a crying and laughing expression on his face.

“According to you, after I give birth, you can mess with us all you want.” Rie Sakai picked up the conversation.

“When I was once young and ignorant, I thought of marrying a wife and then being able to double date her, as if my right and left hands fit together.

It is only to this day that I truly understand what is meant by that saying, there are no good times after marriage.” Justice Kishimoto smiled without saying a word.

“Regret?” Sakai Rie said as she suddenly put on a stern face while staring at him.

“A little indeed.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said honestly.

“You even have regrets, huh? That’s really great.” Sakai Rie clapped her hands together and suddenly smiled.

“What kind of wife did I marry? Why don’t you follow the common sense?” Kishimoto Justice drooped his head, crossed his arms in front of his chest and said.

“You married a good wife who is gentle, virtuous, kind, beautiful and wise. I don’t follow the norm, and that’s something I learned from you.” Sakai Rie said as she smiled more and more happily.

“How is it that you didn’t learn to be good after me, but learned to be bad instead?” Masayoshi Kishimoto shook his head once again and said.

“Who made you a bad teacher? Bad teachers can only teach bad students.” Rie Sakai perked up and said.

“Can I understand it as, I’m a bad teacher and a bad man, and you’re a bad woman who was taught bad by me?” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“Can’t.” Rie Sakai said firmly.

Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at her in this posture of only setting fire to the state officials and not allowing the people to light the lamps, and couldn’t help but feel amused in his heart again. Women were like that.

It was a little fun to have a fight like this between herself and her. From a certain degree above can also relieve their own mental pressure.

Of course, this is all based on the material foundation. If the material life is not properly guaranteed, there is no such leisure.

At that time, whether it is the wife, or girlfriend, that will eventually become a chatter on their own in a variety of counting. Misfortunes within the family often began with the woman counting down on the man.

Sakai Rie saw that he didn’t say anything, so she asked again: “Why don’t you say anything? Not saying anything can mean you’ve admitted defeat.”

“I haven’t seen any benefits from winning against you!” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“What more benefits do you want? I’ve given you this one, and that’s the biggest favor I’ve ever given you.” Sakai Rie said with a straight face.

Kishimoto Masayoshi once again fell into silence. It would never do for him to say that she was bad. He could not treat marriage as child’s play.

Once one was married, then one had to shoulder the responsibilities that a man and a husband should do for his wife. If he said she was good, he would definitely be called out by her again for being tongue-tied and hypocritical.

In short, there are times when both good and bad things are said by the woman alone. As a man saying anything at this one time was at fault.

“You look a little off today. Did you go behind my back and do something wrong to me when you were in Seoul, Korea?” Sakai Rie was intentionally making a scam out of it.

“You’re so smart, you guessed it all at once. I used the occasion of my business trip in Seoul, Korea was to have an intimate meeting with my lover.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without changing his face.

Sakai Rie was completely unconvinced. Even if he was telling the truth, it would be viewed as a lie by her said, “It’s good that you’re having fun.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew he had passed and made a point of scowling at her, “I’m having fun.”

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