Chapter 633: Song of the Company

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:54:47
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On Monday morning, this weekly meeting was routinely held in the high-level conference room of the Ueno Hard Gold Group’s headquarters, located in the Taito District.

Miyazaki Ryui was in an unusually good mood, greeting everyone he saw. This included Kobayashi Kiyoshi, who was not quite on the same page as him in terms of work.

As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived, the meeting officially began. Miyazaki Ryui with a proud smile is the first to speak: “Hard gold electric business is in the last month to realize the turnaround of losses to profits, end has been loss-making state.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the lead and applauded him with a commendation, “Well done. I hope that you will keep up the good work, and do not fail to fulfill my expectations of you, and of Hard Gold Denshi.”

Miyazaki Ryui looked to him was a serious, “Never fail to fulfill my mission.”

“Hard Gold Denshi’s Tokyo Takkyubin also needs to accelerate the pace of its expansion and layout throughout Japan. Within this year, the company will establish outlets in cities from Western Japan to Eastern Japan.

As long as the registered users who bought something on the hard gold e-commerce shopping platform will be able to get anything they bought from the Internet the next day.

This can be realized so that they do not leave home, whether it is windy or rainy, even if it snows, twenty-four hours a day without closing to let them buy as they wish.

The key to logistics is in the speed of delivery. The basis for supporting this element is to have many outlets, complete warehousing, vehicles, airplanes, and all kinds of staffing should be reasonable.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“That would require further additional related investments.” Miyazaki Ryui understood that the chairman’s intention was to be the first in Japan in terms of online shopping.

“The matter of money is still coming from Hard Gold Capital. As for how much you need on your side, just report it to the headquarters.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“President Kobayashi, you won’t disagree this time!” Miyazaki Ryui intentionally smiled at him and said.

“As long as it’s an investment project that’s favorable to the Hard Gold Group of Companies and has good development prospects, there’s no reason why I, as the president of Hard Gold Capital, wouldn’t invest in it. Besides, the president even gave his word.

Even if I have a problem with you, I don’t have a problem with money. My principle is that the company’s interests are above all else, and personal grudges are put aside.” Kobayashi Kiyoshi looked at his face with vengeance and provocation then said in his heart with displeasure.

“President Kobayashi, your last two sentences are just too much. I have no beef with you, and even less with money.

There is no enmity between us. Even if our personalities don’t match up, it won’t make me hold a grudge against you alone.” Miyazaki Ryui once again laughed a little and said.

“Just that little conflict above work, are you two as bad as this? Right now, each of you is also the president of a large handful of companies, managing hundreds of millions of dollars in assets and many employees.

In Tokyo, you’re considered to be prominent figures. Why do you strike me as immature as minors? Hard Gold Capital’s participation in the shorting program in Argentina last year was very profitable.

Nowadays, there’s so much cash that you have to find ways to spend it. Hard Gold E-Commerce’s side also happens to need more capital for business expansion, so it’s exactly complementary.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Miyazaki Ryui coincidentally both stopped speaking. They could both completely see the situation, and the chairman did not want to listen to their theories here today.

“We already have a company song for the Hard Gold Group. I’ll sing it for everyone.” Natsume Ryosuke suddenly stood up and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto once again led the applause. He didn’t see this as a completely futile formalism, but rather a sense of cohesion and belonging.

The country had a national anthem, and the school also had a school song. In his own previous life when he was in college, he even chose a popular song that everyone agreed on as the dormitory song.

Natsume Ryousuke started singing cleanly without any musical accompaniment in a big way. His right hand was beating the beat while he was cheering himself up.

Although his singing skills were not good, the meaning of the lyrics was fine, showing a spirit of pioneering and enterprising from the top and bottom of the Hard Gold Group.

After Natsume Ryosuke finished singing, he blurted out, “I’m sorry.”

“Ryousuke, your singing is still okay. It’s just that there were those three spots where it wasn’t much in tune and was a bit out of tune. However, for an amateur, you’ve sung quite well.” Takahashi Kazuya straightened up and said.

“Thank you for the fallacious praise.” Natsume Ryousuke was readily accepting it, and following that, he slowly resumed his seat and said.

“To my feeling, there’s nothing wrong with the song. The problem lies in how to promote it to the entire group’s employees there to be able to sing it.” Oda Feiqi said bluntly.

“One proposal I have is to organize a karaoke contest within the entire group. In addition to singing the mandatory song which is our company’s song, we can also let the participants freely choose a song to sing.

At that time, some of our executives will form a jury to score them. Not only should there be first, second and third prizes, but also encouragement prizes and participation prizes.

This will be able to greatly mobilize the employees within the group company.” Natsume Ryosuke spoke out a promotion plan that he had already had in mind.

“That’s a good idea. The best way to motivate everyone is to make the prizes more expensive. In addition to that, the number of prizes should also be higher.

As you said, a participation prize would be good. Anyone who signs up to participate will be rewarded. Even if it’s just 2,000 yen for transportation, it’s fine!” Ota Feijo added something.

“Alright, let’s do it as you guys said. I agree to organize the Hard Gold Group’s first internal karaoke contest.

The composition of the jury will be composed of Ryosuke Natsume, Otabi, and Kazuya Takahashi, the three of you. As for the rest, such as the prizes and the number of winners, you can decide.

I only have one request, and that is, I want everyone in the entire group to be able to sing the company song. This includes me as well.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“I have a proposal, in order to motivate my subordinates to participate. The ministers at the headquarters, the presidents of the subsidiaries but they need to take the lead.” Natsume Ryouji smiled meticulously.

“I’m too busy to do that.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei bluntly refused.

“Even if you’re busy, you still need to find some time for me to practice. This is one event that all of you as executives will have to participate in. I’ll be the first to sign up for it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto, in order to take the lead, then said that he wasn’t afraid to sing out of tune.

Seeing that the chairman had said so, Yamaguchi Katsuhei could only change his words, “Then I’ll be the second to sign up for the competition.”

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