Chapter 638 – Girl Gossip

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:55:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Meiling got out of class, carrying her own designer bag in her hand not alone, but talking and laughing with two other girls.

She saw the black Maybach parked next to the school building. One didn’t need to look at the license plate to know that it was the car that had come to pick her up, after all, there weren’t that many coincidences in real life.

“The car that’s picking me up for the fashion walk is here. I’ll just go ahead.” Sakai Meiling with a proud smile was taking the initiative to say goodbye towards the girls.

The two girls directly froze. They coincidentally stopped and watched Sakai Meiling get into the backseat of the luxury car.

What surprised them the most was not that Sakai Misuzu opened the door herself, but that a middle-aged man dressed as a full-time private driver got out of the car and opened the door for the other party, then closed it afterwards.

Sakai Rie couldn’t help but blurt out, “Satisfied in your heart!”

Sakai Meiling did not hide it and said, “I want this kind of effect. All of these people think that I don’t have any background and mistakenly think that I’m just like them.

Today, I just want to let them all know, so that they can give me the word out. There’s nothing more annoying than the rumor that I took the initiative to seduce Suzuki Shinsuke.

That’s why I’m trying to get a favor from him. Just him, just Suzuki Shinsuke, is he worth me, Sakai Mirei, seducing?”

After hearing her own sister say that, Sakai Rie thought that she wasn’t doing it for vanity, but rather to defend her own reputation and break the rumors that were unfavorable to her personally.

Sakai Rie said calmly after seeing her own chauffeur rejoin the top of the driver’s seat, “Drive.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The driver gripped the steering wheel with both hands and led the way.

The black Maybach that Rie Sakai and the others were traveling in was able to start up again. The car did not travel at a fast speed and drove on the road of Keio University again.

“Sakai Mirei really is a rich family’s golden young lady. It’s really different from us.” University girl A said as she watched the black Maybach disappear from her sight.

“At the moment, it really seems that Suzuki Shinsuke is the one who is actively pursuing Sakai Mirei, rather than her seducing the other party. As for the words that she’s using her body to exchange for money, and then taking the money to buy luxury goods or something, it’s even more unbelievable.” College girl B was thoughtfully saying.

“The rich man’s world is not something that some of us from ordinary working class families can understand.” College girl A said bluntly.

“What’s not to understand? It’s just a political marriage between rich people.” Female college student B said with a tone of envy and jealousy.

“Why have I heard that it’s not Sakai Meiling herself who is rich, but her own sister who is especially rich?” Female college student C suddenly came between them and said.

“This one thing you said, isn’t it, isn’t it the same thing? Since they are both sisters, what difference does it make?” Female college student A retorted.

“She could be saying that Sakai Mirei and her sister weren’t born from the same father and mother. It’s either the same father or the same mother.” Female college student B gave full play to the woman’s imagination and spirit of gossip and said.

“As far as I know, Sakai Meiling and that one sister of hers are indeed blood sisters from the same father.” Female college student C seriously said.

Female college student A straightened up and said, “Even you have admitted that they are blood sisters from the same father and mother, so that 100% proves that Sakai Meiling is a rich family’s golden girl.”

“No, no. The relationship here is a little complicated. Sakai Mirei’s own sister is married to a rich man. According to reliable sources, that is, Suzuki Shinsuke’s own words.

That day, he was drunk. Don’t you guys go around saying that. I’m the one who said it. I heard it from a good friend of mine.

A good friend of mine has connections with the Suzuki Shinsuke coterie. Sakai Misuzu’s own sister’s husband is the chairman of the Hard Gold Group.

He is a very remarkable man. In the Japanese financial world, he was known as the Hard Gold Zaibatsu, a rare investment wizard of the millennium.

The old city redevelopment plan of Roppongi in the harbor area was undertaken by the Hard Gold Construction Institute, a subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group.” Female college student C intentionally lowered her voice and said.

“No way!” Female college student A and female college student B coincidentally put their right palms in front of their respective mouths, and at the same time, silently and unanimously let out an incredulous accent.

“Really, I won’t lie to you guys. Think about it, if it wasn’t for this causal relationship, how could Suzuki Shinsuke have taken the initiative to chase after Sakai Meiling?

It’s not like everyone doesn’t know that Suzuki Shinsuke is the grandson of Suzuki Automobile’s founder, Suzuki Michio, a true nobleman of a famous family.” College girl C said in a serious manner.

Female college student A began to analyze, “If it’s really like you said, there are also unreasonable places. It’s not like Sakai Meiling’s sister married a plutocrat and became rich.”

“Why can’t you get your head around this one? Think about it nicely, would a rich man marry a woman from an ordinary family background like you and I?

Definitely not. They will only act from the most practical and immediate interests. Rich men will only marry the daughters of rich families with the right family.

As for the daughters of rich families, they will only marry rich men from the right family. Is it not a popular saying in Hong Kong? Hong Kong men tend to marry only Hong Kong women, and Hong Kong women tend to marry only Hong Kong men.

Of course, the Hong Kong men and women here refer to those who have expensive real estate in their names and can live in high-class neighborhoods such as West Mabul, Castle Peak and Platinum.

This also reflected that the Sakai family, which Sakai Meiling was a member of, was not an ordinary family. Otherwise, how could her own sister marry a plutocrat?” Female college student C spoke eloquently.

“You have a point.” Female college student B completely believed her words and said.

Female college student A still had some disbelief, “Really, fake? It can’t be another piece of gossip inside our college campus!”

Female college student C swore, “You don’t have any doubts about Suzuki Shinsuke’s status as a famous nobleman, do you?”

Female college student A seriously said, “It’s an open secret that other people drive a supercar and come in and out of campus to go to school. A campus sensation like him has been rumored among us girls for a long time.

Not only our university, but also many girls from other schools are interested in Suzuki Shinsuke. He’s young, rich, from a famous family, tall, and handsome. Whoever is able to marry him is directly a sparrow turning into a phoenix.”

“Do you think a famous nobleman would take the initiative to pursue a girl from a poor family? We are all people who studied economics. This is a practical analysis from the perspective of economics, not to say there is absolutely none, but the probability is negligibly small.

Therefore, the rumor that Sakai Mirei took the initiative to seduce Suzuki Shinsuke is just a falsehood. In my opinion, I’m afraid that there are girls who are deliberately messing around.

As for the purpose, it’s nothing more than trying to screw the strongest competitor out of the game. The girl who used this kind of dirty trick is most likely the one who can benefit the most.

I’ve decided that it’s Suzuki Shinsuke’s ex-girlfriend, the one who’s the vice president of our student council.” Female college student C made an analysis of the case as if she were Conan, saying.

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