Chapter 641 Investing in Education

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:55:09
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Within days, Kitagawa Eiko received a phone call from the secretary’s office of the chairman of the Hard Gold Group. The appointment between the two sides was at 10:30 this morning.

Kitagawa Eiko prepared everything and personally came to pay a visit to Kishimoto Masayoshi. Soon after she sat down in the Hard Gold Group Chairman’s office, a female secretary brought her a cup of freshly ground and brewed Brazilian coffee.

Kitagawa Eiko had long heard that Hard Gold Zaibatsu Masayoshi Kishimoto was a young man. When she saw it today, it still deeply surprised her.

At such a young age, he had such a big career. From the bottom of her heart, she couldn’t help but respect the young man she had met for the first time.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t move, but he was already fully prepared. Sakai Rie put the business card and things to himself after, he not only did not in the heart to reject, but also think is a good investment field. 21st century, the most lack of what? The 21st century, what is the most lacking?

The cultivation of talents is naturally inseparable from education. Not to mention the affluent class, even the middle class, will increase the expenditure and investment on children’s education.

Japan is one of the countries that places great importance on education. The middle class is large in this country, and there is no shortage of consumer groups. Soon, Masayoshi Kishimoto arranged for his subordinates to conduct various investigations into Eiko Kitagawa’s education group.

The report that came back to himself was that the other party belonged to a group of schools from kindergarten to high school located in Minato-ku, not a group of training institutions.

In the past one, two years, it has been growing vigorously, and is highly sought after and popular among the middle class in that it is moderately priced and has a good standard of education.

Their publicity advertisements and flags are that education should start from the child and escort him/her all the way to a prestigious university in Japan.

Even though there is still a big gap between it and the traditional and prestigious private kindergartens, private elementary schools, private junior high schools and private high schools located in Minato-ku, there is no stopping the enthusiasm of the middle class parents.

It is actively seeking an IPO in order to raise funds from the financial market to expand its scale, recruit better teachers, and so on.

The financial market is not a park where people can walk around freely. People here don’t care whether you have a heart for education or not, they just want to know whether they can make money in the future by holding their stocks.

In addition to that, the governmental authorities naturally have their own stringent requirements when it comes to the qualifications for listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

“I wonder if Chairman Kishimoto is interested in the education business?” Kitagawa Eiko drank her coffee, and it was only then that she asked in a targeted manner.

“Since you are Yanai Zheng’s sister-in-law, then I have something to say straight away. All along, our Hard Gold Group has either been doing direct industrial work or investments.

In terms of shareholding in investments, my investments in the companies I’ve seen above have been maintained at a ratio of thirty, forty percent. How many shares are you going to offer to me? And at what price?” Masayoshi Kishimoto crossed his fingers and said in a serious manner.

Kitagawa Eiko wouldn’t dare to give her shares at the thirty, forty percent requested by the other party. Not only her, but also the other shareholders behind her were not without fear of being eaten up in the future.

However, their immediate need was still a lack of funds. Without money, the expansion of the school was an empty word. The land in Minato Ward was expensive, and one of the most expensive in Tokyo.

This moving the school away and rebuilding it would inevitably be both a delay and a loss of style. The target group they are targeting is the middle class of Tokyo.

The dream they are creating for the Tokyo middle class is the same dream of having their children not only be able to go to a prestigious Japanese university someday, but even more so, to be able to join a big company with a decent and good income after graduating from the university.

The last key point is to be able to afford a house in Minato-ku, to start a happy family, and to live a life and a life that everyone envies.

Without some of these as the backbone of the school’s philosophy, it’s all water without a source and without a foundation. Minato Ward has a unique and unrivaled place in the hearts and minds of Tokyo’s middle class.

“Chairman Kishimoto, although I know that you don’t lack money, I’m afraid that it would be difficult for us to come up with 30, 40% of the shares for you.” Kitagawa Eiko said seriously.

“Then how much are you guys planning to take out for me at most?” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“At most ten percent.” Kitagawa Eiko erected her right index finger and said.

“Just a measly ten percent, so you won’t have any more shortfalls in funds?” Justice Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“If we are able to go public with the support of the Hard Gold Group, then it shouldn’t fall below the issue price, it will just continue to be sought after.” Kitagawa Eiko smiled.

“Your main concern is not to cede your shares to us, the Hard Gold Group, but more so, you want to utilize our reputation above the financial market so that you can brand this one brand of your school.” Justice Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

Kitagawa Eiko was the one who spoke plainly and said, “Indeed, I hope that Chairman Kishimoto can take more care of it.”

“Ten percent of the shares is indeed too little.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had other plans, but feigned a look of difficulty. His body weight fell towards the back, and he leaned on top of the chair back and said.

“As a matter of my personal perspective, I naturally want to give you more. However, there is indeed nothing more I can do.” Kitagawa Eiko put down the coffee cup in her hand and said seriously.

“Ten percent of the shares is fine. I have an additional condition. If you agree, I can lend you the prestige of our Hard Gold Group in the financial market.

If you don’t agree, just pretend that nothing has happened between our two families. This will also not negatively affect the relationship between me and the Yanai family.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Please speak.” Kitagawa Eiko was afraid that he would make excessive additional conditions and said.

“Your unwillingness to give us more shares in the Hard Gold Group is nothing more than a desire to continue to maintain independence above management. On this point, I can completely respect your choice.

My additional condition is that I need you to take out ten enrollment quotas for our Hard Gold Group every year. These ten places are not only limited to kindergartens, but also elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools.”

Justice Kishimoto’s reckoning was that there were over forty thousand employees under the Hard Gold Group. Most of them were young people. In the future, there will always be the problem of getting married and having children.

After the children were born, the troublesome thing that ensued was on top of the choice of schools. Good schools, often with limited places, have many competitors.

Between work and children, parents tend to put out quite a bit of energy and time for their children. They do everything they can for no other reason than to get their own children into a good school to attend.

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