Chapter 652: Early Learning

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:55:37
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When the meal started, Natsui Makoto went and fed the two prepared bottles of milk into the mouths of Kishimoto Makoto and Kishimoto Mika respectively.

Of course, as the biological mother of the two, she naturally knew to drop the milk on the back of the individual’s hand to test the temperature. This temperature would only be just right before giving it to the two little ones.

Each of them clutched the bottle of milk that belonged to them with their two little hands, eating it happily, and then also making some noises.

“Why don’t we drink some wine?” Seeing that there was no wine on the table, Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to propose.

“You still have to work in the afternoon, right!” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“It doesn’t matter if I go or not. I can keep you three mothers company for the afternoon.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without joking at all.

“It’s still important to work. It’s not like you’re seeing it today and won’t see it again.” Natsui Makoto still didn’t want to delay his regular work said.

“It’s not guaranteed to be a possibility oh!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a slight smile.

“You’re celebrating your birthday today, don’t say these unlucky words.” Natsui Makoto said seriously.

“This one is all yours. However, for lunch today, we’ll just have some wine, it doesn’t matter.” Masaru Kishimoto laughed once again and said.

“It’s not like I don’t know you. You’re one of those men who picks up a glass of wine and has to drink it to the end. Besides, I still have to keep an eye on these two little guys. In case I get all relaxed and fall asleep after drinking here, it would be troublesome.

Whoever among them appears a …… yuck, absolutely not a thing. You really want to drink. We’ll just have drinks!” Natsui Makoto said in a serious manner.

“It’s fine just like that.” Kishimoto Masayoshi saw her unfailing care for the children, so he had to change his personal mind and said.

“Let me discuss something with you. Now, shouldn’t we send Makoto and Mika to an early childhood program? I can hear from several moms here.

If you want to go to a famous kindergarten in Tokyo, then you have to make all kinds of preparations in advance. There’s also a pre-enrollment test at a prestigious kindergarten.

If you want your child to be able to pass the test, you have to send them to an early childhood education class that has a connection with the other side for the necessary learning.” Natsui Makoto’s body leaned forward to look at him was quite serious and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had known from a long time ago that the Japanese were particularly focused on education. The private prestigious schools in Japan, especially the private prestigious schools in Tokyo, were simply not generally strict.

This is not only to conduct all kinds of tests on students, but also to examine the parents’ jobs, annual income, education, and so on. The Japanese interviews are not really a walk in the park, and it’s entirely possible that a student who passes the written test will be brushed off. The root cause of all this is the social stratification of the country.

Teachers know very well that there are two completely opposite results when a child from the upper middle class enters the finance department of the University of Tokyo and when a child from the lower middle class enters the finance department of the University of Tokyo.

The former could easily be accepted by a large company, while the latter would have a harder time. Even if both of them have exactly the same grades in school, they will still encounter the unspoken rules of recruitment.

People in large companies, especially those in middle and senior management, generally come from upper-middle class families. Their habitual thinking is that it is easier to work with people from the same class as their own.

As for people from lower-middle class families, they are born with one bad thing or another in their bodies.

Then there is the fact that it is easier to match resources or make a necessary exchange between two parties from the same upper-middle class. What resources do people from the lower middle class have around them to utilize?

“Instead of Makoto and Mika being dragon and phoenix babies, it would be good if they came one by one. If the older brother enrolls first, then it would be easier for the younger sister to enroll later.” Natsui Makoto had a word for it.

“You’re God, you make the arrangements.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a knowing smile.

“The fact that they are siblings together really makes me not without worry. After all, if someone in front of them enrolls, then the one behind them holds the enrollment spot.” Natsui Makoto said after hearing about the unspoken rules of the prestigious private kindergartens from others.

“You don’t even need to worry about one whatsoever. Aren’t there still me?” Masaru Kishimoto didn’t fail to feel that she was worrying about nothing.

If their family was just an ordinary middle-class family, it was indeed something to worry about. It wasn’t like the prestigious private kindergartens were short of money; after all, tuition received so expensive every year.

This does not mean that it will be absolutely fair, just and open. If the private kindergarten wants to establish itself in society, it naturally needs to maintain a good relationship with all walks of life, especially the financial and political sectors.

He was at least a hard gold plutocrat in the Japanese financial sector. Even if his two children with Natsui Makoto were illegitimate, there wouldn’t be any problems.

In the pedigree theory or gene theory people, their own outstanding, then the species is good. From the most practical point of view in the adult world, Kishimoto Makoto and Kishimoto Mika, as their own sons and daughters, the process of growing up, even if it is not a straight path, there will not be any major setbacks, after all, it is someone who will be on the side to carry out an escort.

As for the school, they can use their future achievements as a member of the distinguished alumni list is vigorously publicized.

The hidden behind this in the clear-eyed person there at a glance to know how it is a matter of time. The school in the external publicity above, naturally will not mention the student’s family background, will only say how good the quality of teaching, faculty strength how powerful ……

“I still want to let their siblings enroll in school from the regular channels.” It wasn’t that Natsui Makoto hadn’t thought about utilizing Kishimoto Masayoshi’s social connections and power to achieve her goal.

She had only used it as a backup plan, and the first option was to want her children to prove their true potential and talent in front of their father.

That way, Masayoshi Kishimoto would love and value Makoto and Mika even more. Otherwise, things wouldn’t have been as easy as he made it sound now.

At that time, not only would the children be scolded by him, but also he himself would be scolded by him. If she couldn’t even bring up the child well, she wouldn’t be able to compete, which would make his feet reluctant to come this way.

As time went on, it would become especially difficult for her to see him, which would mean that she herself would fall out of favor. Living expenses and all that, of course he would pay.

How much? Another thing altogether. Even if she was able to live a decent life, it would be nothing more than becoming his captive pet. This was not the life he wanted.

Justice Kishimoto pondered for a moment and said, “Then it would be good to let them try.”

“I am full of confidence in Makoto and Mika, after all, if you are so outstanding, the children won’t be bad either.” Natsui Makoto swore.

Masaru Kishimoto of course hoped that the blue would be better than the blue saying, “I hope so.”

“The children will definitely be what I say they are.” Natsui Makoto said with a particularly serious face without a smile.

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