Chapter 662 The Aftermath

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:07
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Masayoshi Kishimoto and Inoue Ueniji more time, also let to the hard gold group headquarters of Miyazaki Ryui is waiting outside to sit and drink coffee.

Masayoshi Kishimoto still stayed in Tokyo, Japan headquarters, while Inoue Ueniji personally led the team to Seoul, South Korea, the first line of combat. When he and Kobayashi Kiyoshi in the short Argentina battle in the division of labor above is the same.

When the door opened, Inoue Uenji stepped out. When he saw Miyazaki Ryui, he simply exchanged pleasantries and left.

Miyazaki Ryui similarly just exchanged a greeting with his opponent. Both of them knew each other well enough to ask what should be asked and not what shouldn’t be asked, and to say what should be said and not what shouldn’t be said.

Afterward, Miyazaki Ryui walked inside the chairman’s office suite was to meet Kishimoto Masayoshi. He found a seat and sat down, opened the door and said: “Hard gold electric business has realized the turnaround of losses to profits. Is it possible to consider us for this year’s bonus regarding the first half of the year?”

“You made this trip to see me specifically to talk about this one thing, to ask for a bonus?” Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned his back on the top of his chair and said.

“All along, among the entire group, we, Hard Gold E-Commerce, are the only ones who haven’t given out a half-yearly bonus. I was thinking if I could use this one opportunity to boost the morale of the employees.”

The reason why Miyazaki Ryui wanted to fight for the other party’s approval was that he knew that once he took the initiative to bring it up at the top of the regular senior management meeting on a certain Monday, there would inevitably be objections from other people.

At that time, there would inevitably be another war of words. If one had the president’s consent and support, then the next thing would be a done deal.

“Wait until the second half of the year.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without agreeing.

When Miyazaki Ryui saw him say it dryly, he knew that this one was completely out of the question. He believed that the president had the president’s considerations.

The other party was not a stingy man. When it should be rewarded, it would definitely be rewarded. When it should not be rewarded, there will not be any reward.

Although he himself was not waiting for that one half-year bonus, the group of employees of Hard Gold Electricity had more or less expectations.

“Instead of focusing your mind on that small matter of three gua and two jujubes, you might as well think about how to more drastically improve the actual performance of Hard Gold Ecommerce.

From the day I put you in full charge of Hard Gold E-Commerce, what I wanted was for it to become the number one e-commerce platform in all of Japan, dominating the online shopping business in your country, not to be number two.” Justice Kishimoto reminded.

“As of now, our Hard Gold Ecommerce is already the largest local online shopping platform in the entire Japan.” Miyazaki Ryui blurted out.

“Then do you think you should just lie on top of the credit book and sleep? You can’t forget that there are still eBay Japan, Amazon Japan, and Yahoo Japan.

Although we, the Hard Gold Group, own part of the shares of Amazon and Yahoo, there is still a competitive relationship. Investment is investment and business is business.

I’m not going to incorporate them into Hard Gold Ecommerce through mergers and acquisitions for the time being. The advantages these companies have, ours do. The advantages they don’t have, we still have to have.

I’m asking you to vigorously develop the logistics under your banner, that is, the advantages that they currently do not have, but ours.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“I will lead Hard Gold E-Commerce is to build on our strengths, and further go on to compete for a wider market share in the Japanese online shopping industry, and become the veritable number one in Japan.” Miyazaki Ryui swore.

“I don’t need you to take a stand with me, but rather I hope that the Hard Gold Denshi you lead will work diligently to advance this one new endeavor.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Argentina was considered a developed country. It was sort of the only example in the world of regressing from a developed country to a developing country.

Why did this happen to Argentina? For one thing, it was a messy domestic political situation, which led to a messy, left-right economy, and for another, it missed the historical opportunity of the Third Scientific and Technological Revolution.

What I mean by this is that in my opinion, the future trend of shopping is online shopping. We, the Hard Gold Group, cannot afford to miss such a historical opportunity of Internet development.

If you miss it, when you look back and then catch up, that can only run behind others, in addition to eating dust, there is not much left to develop and profit space.

My attitude toward the online shopping business is consistent, always, unchanging, and will not be the same as Argentina’s left-right economic development policy.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto is serious at the same time, not without thinking of Spain again. In 2002, Spain embarked on a seemingly economic miracle of the development of the road, but for the future in 2011 buried the seeds of the outbreak of an economic crisis, which led to the country’s young people’s unemployment rate is as high as 50% or more for a long time.

That future economic crisis in Spain began when the country’s building boom led the government to introduce something called the Labor Reform Law.

It ostensibly reduced benefits for workers, companies became more competitive with each other, deals were made more frequently, big bosses had more money to hire more people, and then the unemployment rate went down.

In this way, the demand for labor begins to surge. Studying couldn’t save Spaniards, and thousands of young Spaniards abandoned school to join the construction (isn’t it d茅j脿 vu that studying is useless and you might as well go out and work for a living).

At the same time, a large number of overseas laborers came to Spain to make money. The essence of the Spanish good life is to buy a house (don’t be mistaken to think that Europeans like to rent a house and don’t like to own their own property. Renting is often the result of not being able to afford to buy a house).

Buying a house became the trend of the day for Spaniards. If a Spanish man was disliked, especially by women, it was because he didn’t have a house (deja vu again, the importance of buying a house, a man without a house, a woman won’t marry).

In the opinion of Spaniards at that time, what kind of era is this, still renting a house to live? This is no different from begging for food (isn’t it d茅j脿 vu?). In Shanghai, the monthly income of more than ten thousand, no house, is a beggar).

As soon as the demand for houses increases, the price of housing starts to rise. The price of the land also increases. With such high profits, there is no doubt that it will attract countless speculators, which is commonly known as the capital of the big called “speculation group”, the capital of the small called “housing bugs.

Spain has built more real estate than France, Italy and Germany combined. Under the stimulation of real estate, Spain’s economy has risen as fast as a rocket.

On the other hand, the majority of ordinary working class people in Spain receive SDM (average salary), which is so low that Spaniards call it “shit salary”.

How can Spaniards afford to buy a house when prices are high and wages are low? At this point, the good friend of the people, the bank should come on stage.

Mortgages can be repaid in installments of up to 40 years. As for the guarantee and so on, it is completely useless. Spaniards only need to submit an application to the bank, and the loan will be approved and disbursed immediately.

If Spaniards applying for a mortgage are worried about a fall in house prices, they are bound to hear that there will be no fall in house prices (deja vu again, house prices will only go up).

For other countries, it is an economic crisis, but for Masayoshi Kishimoto, it is a good opportunity to short other countries and loot a lot of their wealth.

Of course, this is all an afterthought. In addition to Spain, there is also Greece, a European country, will also become one of the objects of their own shorting and looting in the future.

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