Chapter 664: The Great Winner of Life

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:12
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Sakai Rie suddenly unobtrusively for the first time showed an unprecedented triumphant smile and said: ”There are many women out there who are greedy for you, and that’s an extremely normal thing.

It would only be abnormal for me if this didn’t have their existence. So what? I am your legitimate wife.

After listening to what you just said, Mei Ling is difficult to let go of her obsession with you, but it is also completely reasonable.

The average rich man that can be compared to you? It’s true what they say, “How can the light of a glowing fire compete with the splendor of the moon?”

Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at her triumphant and pleased look and knew that he had been captured by her. He wasn’t surprised that women were equally competitive, especially beautiful women.

The sense of accomplishment that came from allowing Sakai Rie to be able to defeat her opponents one by one and acquire him from the various beautiful women vying for him was unprecedented and extraordinary.

“I didn’t take the initiative to fall under your stone skirt, but rather, I fulfilled that book of marriage contract that our two families had entered into years ago.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

Sakai Rie spread out her hands, her smile still intact, “It all doesn’t matter at all anymore. You can say whatever you like. Anyway, I’ve become a big winner in life.”

“It’s said that a man’s unchanging heart is one that hasn’t changed since he likes beautiful women around twenty years old. This is one aspect, and the other aspect is that men look at women is based on different their own age will happen a certain difference.

Men in the young things, generally have had that kind of like than their own young older women’s mind. The only thing is that when a man gets older and enters the middle age, he likes the younger women.

The beauty of the young girl is the best but. Men look at women as they get older, moving from top to bottom. At first they look at the face, gradually the breasts below the neck, and then …… “Kishimoto Masayoshi lamented up.

Sakai Rie didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence, and directly interrupted, “At your current age, do you prefer mature women, or beautiful girls?”

“I just like lightly matured women like you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“Nonsense, I will always be a youthful and invincible beauty girl, and will always be only eighteen.” Sakai Rie intentionally also used her right hand to make a scissor hand gesture in front of her left eye and said.

“Is there a twenty-five year old, pregnant and pregnant beauty maiden like you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto cried and laughed.

“Who’s twenty-five? I can tell you, that’s just an appearance. Appearances are not representative of essence at all. Not only do I look eighteen, but my mental age will always be only eighteen. What’s wrong with being pregnant? Then I’m also an invincible youthful beauty.” Sakai Rie said with vigor.

“You’re just having another attack of middle-aged sickness that hasn’t fully healed yet!” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked, looking at her with a drooping head.

“Yes, so what? Do you have any medicine there that can cure my middle-agedness?” Sakai Rie even took the initiative to extend her right palm towards him and said.

“Not at the moment. However, I can go and acquire a pharmaceutical company in order to specifically treat your type of middle two disease. Have them specially develop a treatment medicine for you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said was couldn’t help but laugh.

Sakai Rie raised her head high and argued, “It is right for you to acquire a pharmaceutical company. However, it’s not for me to specialize in developing therapeutic medicines, but for you to develop your own medicines that can cure Bunsenosis.”

“I have Wenqing disease, what’s wrong with it? Is it in your way?” Justice Kishimoto retorted.

“Then I have middle-aged sickness, so what? Is it in your way too?” Sakai Rie said defiantly.

“Enough talk, let’s eat.” Kishimoto Masayoshi instantly reacted, not wanting to dwell on this meaningless matter with her endlessly.

“Every time, you’re like this.” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“I’m a good man, one of the signs of loving your wife is to let her be. Is it hard to believe that you like it when I get violent and fist fight you?

One of the bad things about you women in general is that you tend to break up in the middle of an argument and have to fight to win or lose verbally.

The man is silent or truce, but still not relent, have to force the man to yell at him, hands, as if it will be comfortable. Men hit women, is indeed a thing of no character.

However, sometimes, if you really get to the bottom of it, you’ll understand how many men can’t stand it before they move against a woman.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

Sakai Rie lowered her head, her right palm gently caressing her bulging belly, ostensibly talking to herself, but actually speaking to him, “Baby! You see how good your father is at strong words.”

Justice Kishimoto was speechless. In his mind, he consoled himself with the thought that good men don’t fight women. The first time you let a woman, consider the other person to be menstruating.

The second time you let a woman, then think of it as a woman having a reaction to menstrual cramps. As for the third time! Then we can only assume that she is in a completely unreasonable.

Fourth time? The third time, naturally, can not let again. When it is time to strike, even women can not win, then really should go to the gym to jerk iron.

“Teaching a child like you do will teach him bad.” Justice Kishimoto said in a cloudy voice.

“There’s no such thing. I’m letting him see your nature and true colors early on.” Rie Sakai said with a smile on her face.

“Tell me, how does he look while he’s still inside your belly?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a smile or not.

“Could it be that you haven’t heard that people have a sixth sense?” Rie Sakai asked rhetorically.

“I know that there is such a thing as a sixth sense for people? And do you know that there is also the seventh sense, the eighth sense, and the ninth sense?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“You’re fooling me again!” Sakai Rie said in disbelief.

“Then I’ll give you a good science lesson. What you call the sixth sense, also called the heart sense, can be described as the sense of consciousness or the sense of existence.

If a person doesn’t have mind-awareness there will be no sense of existence, and we used to say that the sixth sense of precognition and inference is the highest level of sensation, but there is the seventh sense after that, which is called M膩nasu consciousness in Buddhism.

The eighth sense, cosmic consciousness, collective consciousness, Buddhism called Arya consciousness, contains all things since the birth of all karma, karma. As for the ninth sense, that is everything else that is still unknown to mankind.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

“Baby ah! Look how learned your father is, knowing even the seventh sense, the eighth sense, and even the ninth sense.” Sakai Rie said as she once again stroked up her pregnant belly with the palm of her right hand.

“Is that a compliment or are you being sarcastic?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked casually.

“It’s obviously a compliment! Can’t you even hear that one?” Sakai Rie said with a meaningful smile.

“Eh, got it. Then you’re being sarcastic.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked towards her pregnant belly and said, “Baby! Don’t listen to your mom’s nonsense.

You have to remember one of dad’s maxims, women are born to tell lies, and the prettier a woman is, the more likely she is to tell lies. See how articulate your mom is at telling lies.”

“If I am pregnant with a son, so be it. If I am pregnant with a daughter, she will grow up to be a woman. There’s something very wrong with your statement.” Rie Sakai caught the obvious loophole in his statement and launched a counterattack.

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