Chapter 665 – Jun’s Generation

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:15
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Two days later, the first round of auditions for the Hard Gold Group’s first internal karaoke competition began. Each participant had a mandatory song, the Hard Gold Group Song, and a self-selected song.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into a specific room in the middle of the headquarters. Inside, Ota Ashitaka, Natsume Ryosuke, and Takahashi Kazuya were seated in a single file line.

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood in front of the karaoke screen, picked up the karaoke microphone in his right hand, and sang the “Hard Gold Group Song” in a decent manner as the music played.

He sang to the climax of the song, the mood is naturally rising, the room is full of and bring people a kind of power and heroic.

Kishimoto justice just finished singing, immediately got the three main judges “clap” applause. They not only applauded, but also stood up in unison.

Takahashi Kazuya stretched out two palms at the chairman, and with ten fingers, he blurted out, “Well sung, very well sung. Full marks, ten.”

Natsume Ryosuke immediately followed with a straight face, “Chairman, worthy of being Chairman. This singing is just great. I can’t help but feel my heart surge and blood boil as I listen to you sing our Hard Gold Group’s company song.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that his true level of singing was not good, after all, he had been counted out by Rie Sakai without mercy. In her eyes, he himself was a pentatonic and tone deaf.

Kishimoto Masayoshi turned towards the three of them without a smile on his face and said, “You two are obviously kissing my ass. This talk should be objective, and the scoring should be even more so. Ota, I know you’re a woman who dares to speak the truth, why are you applauding with them as well?”

“Chairman, you sang okay, basically on top of the tune. I applauded you for having to be the one.” Ota Feijo had a word for it.

“It’s still you, Ota, who’s more realistic.” Justice Kishimoto said calmly.

“Chairman, you don’t sing for a living, so as long as you don’t sing too out of tune, that’s good. At the very least, it’s better than what I sing.” Oda Feijo added.

“Takahashi, did you see that, our Minister Ota is much superior to us two men when it comes to kissing the Chairman’s ass.” Natsume Ryosuke interjected.

“Eh, that’s right.” Takahashi and Kazuya made an immediate chorus.

“I’m not like the two of you. I was just being honest and didn’t try to kiss the Chairman’s ass at all.” Ota Feijo defended.

“Takahashi and I were also being honest.” Natsume Ryosuke argued.

“That’s right. We’re being equally truthful.” Kazuya Takahashi chimed in again.

“All right. If this were a high-level meeting, it would be fine for you to argue. What, do you even have to argue about this kind of recreational one?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a serious expression.

As a result, Takahashi Kazuya, Natsume Ryosuke, and Oda Feitsugu instantly stopped their respective mouths. All three of them knew in their hearts that this karaoke contest itself was not important, but rather the important thing was to recognize human relationships through this activity within the group of companies.

The reason why Kazuya Takahashi and Ryosuke Natsume didn’t like her was because one of them came from a family of lawyers and the other from a family of civil servants.

Both were graduates of a prestigious university in Tokyo, and both were born and raised in Tokyo. Their personalities were both rather introverted and not very publicized, so they easily became friends and allies.

Not only did Ota Hidetori graduate from a very ordinary high school, but she was also a non-Tokyo resident who had come to the capital from a small place to work hard.

Only, she has outstanding ability, coupled with the luck is also very good, originally is in their own most disillusioned time, but also in the most suitable time above met the grass-roots stage of the Kishimoto justice this a Bolehuo appreciated, so will have today’s position.

Ota Bird’s body has from the bottom to climb up to the top of the crowd have a significant characteristic, is a strong character, the body is always wrapped in a thick layer of outside, but also with thorns of the “armor”.

As a matter of fact, Natsume Ryosuke and Takahashi Kazuya’s mentality was more of a playfulness than an ass-kissing. But when it comes to Ota Ashitaka, the perception is different.

She is relying on their own strength to get the high position of the group company and the chairman of the recognition, from the bottom of her heart is the most despised that some of the people who are flattering.

In the past, she always liked to say that Miyazaki Ryui loved to kiss the chairman’s ass. Nowadays, Miyazaki Ryui has been released from his post, and is not able to “spend time” with her, which makes her inevitably lonely, and she can’t break the habit of unconsciously shifting her target.

Than her position, she did not bother to say, and do not look at others, after all, dislike is also to look at the other side of the level is enough, whether it is worth their own dislike.

This is just like when Wang Sicong disliked people, which one is not a celebrity above the society? Has he ever disliked anyone who is not famous?

Like this kind of operation also Han Han, Li Ao and so on. They all know very well in their hearts, so as to be able to increase their own fame and exposure, and to dislike the no-name generation, will only help each other to increase the fame, increase exposure, hit the popularity.

Takahashi Kazuya, Natsume Ryosuke with her are group company executives, then it is each other stand on the same level above.

Masayoshi Kishimoto started his self-selected song. The song he chose was Japan’s national anthem, “Jun’s Generation”. The reason why he chose this song was not to glorify the emperor, but to hope that the Hard Gold Group he had founded would last for generations to come.

Even if he knew that it was all impossible, he could not fight his own expectation that the longer it existed, the better.

Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the microphone, looked at the screen above the text, along with the rhythm of the music is to sing. For the Japanese, the national anthem is naturally no one will not sing, after all, is sung from childhood.

Whenever the country encounters any major events and activities, there will inevitably be a national anthem. The tune of “Jun’s Generation” is derived from the elegant music of the Tang Dynasty, that is, the tunes of the ancient music of the Chinese court.

It gives people, especially the uninformed Chinese is with a feeling of mourning. In fact, it expresses a sense of particular seriousness.

As for the lyrics, “My Emperor’s greatness will be passed on for a thousand generations, until eight thousand generations, until the gravel turns into rock, and the rock grows moss all over.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto finished singing, he slowly lowered the microphone in his hand. He was all about being able to advance or not.

He didn’t just deal with it, but he was also taking it seriously. He had a very good idea in his heart that he would definitely advance, and undoubtedly with a high score.

Kishimoto justice don’t own all the way to advance such a result said: “The first round of auditions, I was eliminated, face is not good. It would be absolutely impossible to let me advance all the way to the finals.

If I’m eliminated in the second round, it’s also good for the staff to be really energized to compete. That way, they’ll believe it’s a fair singing competition.”

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