Chapter 670: Notification

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The next morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto drove to the five-star hotel and parked outside. Without getting out of the car, he took out his own cell phone is dialed Ishihara Satomi’s cell phone number.

When Ishihara Satomi heard her cell phone ringing, she didn’t look at the caller ID at all and answered the call saying, “Hello, this is Ishihara Satomi.”

“By the sound of your voice, did you have a great time last night?” Justice Kishimoto snickered.

“I knew you wouldn’t have anything nice to say to me. Wait, I’ll be right down.” Satomi Ishihara didn’t answer positively, nor did she say that she had spent the night alone in the presidential suite in fear.

She couldn’t wait for this matter to be over. It seemed to her that perhaps the big man had forgotten about himself over this because he was busy with something.

Ishihara Satomi didn’t want to stay in the presidential suite for a second longer, and she stood up with a sense of relief as she fled through the door.

Her face was haggard at the moment, because she had not slept for the whole night due to her nervousness and fear. She sat on the long sofa in the living room, watching TV to pass the time.

As time passed, especially in the second half of the night, she couldn’t stay awake. Even if she had dozed off for a moment, she was immediately woken up.

Her heart was filled with a good deal of fear that the door to her room would be opened and a strange grandfather with a repulsive face would walk in.

Ishihara Satomi had survived until now with that kind of uneasiness. She had the complete and tangible feeling of having escaped from life.

She took the elevator down to the first floor and exited the five-star hotel through the lobby. One did not want to come back here a second time in one’s life.

Ishihara Satomi looked left and right and easily found Kishimoto Masayoshi’s car. Without hesitation, she herself walked over, opened the door directly, and got into the passenger seat.

“I’ll take you home now.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, feigning confusion.

“You’d better drive me directly to HORIPRO!” Ishihara Satomi still hadn’t forgotten that she needed to make a trip to the company every morning, after all, announcements came out at that time.

Artists who had announcements then ran with their respective managers is to work where they should go. In the entertainment industry mixed out of the fame, popularity and fame, in the company has the status, on a certain level of artists, naturally have nanny car is a car special person to send and receive.

As for newcomers like her or artists without much popularity, even if there are notices, they go by themselves. The most common means of transportation were the subway and buses.

Unless they were in a hurry, Tokyo’s cabs were not something that some unknown artistes like them could just spend money on. For those with low income, it is possible for them to earn around 100,000 yen per month, or even tens of thousands of yen, with no income at all.

Outside of pursuing their dreams, there is nothing more important than surviving first. Some of them even work part-time at izakaya, restaurants, and other places.

After all, after deducting rent, food, utilities, and so on, sometimes they don’t even have money for transportation. So, they have to borrow money from other artists or ask the company to advance a portion of their salary.

Or else, is to find friends to borrow money, use credit cards, outside small loans …… In fact, this road is not good.

This has a master or interpersonal relationship is still good artists, but also be able to get a certain amount of care and promotion of seniors, after all, is the tradition of the Japanese entertainment industry.

Masayoshi Kishimoto followed Satomi Ishihara’s request and drove her right to HORIPRO. He remembered that the last time he came here, it was still an initiative to hold a shareholders’ meeting to formally announce that HORIPRO Corporation had been annexed by the Hard Gold Group and changed ownership.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto parked the car, Satomi Ishihara got out. She got off with her front foot, while he got off with his back foot. He rushed at the other party, “I’ll wait for you here and take you home later.”

Ishihara Satomi stopped her pace towards the front and turned to look back at him saying, “No need.”

“I see that you look so bad and have heavy bags under your eyes, so you must have not slept well all night alone!” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh and said.

Ishihara Satomi heard something in his words, and just as she was about to ask, she noticed that Fukada Kyoko’s special car was parked behind his car.

As soon as the door opened, Fukada Kyoko got out of the car. She saw that the other party didn’t walk straight towards the company without looking at him like she usually did, but instead, she didn’t take a few steps before stopping and turning around to face herself.

Fukada Kyoko suddenly a ninety-degree deep bow, then in an instant is to make Ishihara Satomi fearful and confused.

Other people are HORIPRO’s number one actress, their seniors, how could they make such a humble bow to her?

Ishihara Satomi hurriedly made a ninety-degree bow towards her while burying her head even lower. She closed her eyes tightly not daring to open them.

As soon as Kyoko Fukada made this ninety-degree bow, the manager following beside her also made the same ninety-degree bow in the same direction.

Fukada Kyouko stood upright, her eyes completely focused on Kishimoto Masayoshi as she said, “I really didn’t expect that you would personally come over here.”

“What a coincidence to meet you here today. Long time no see.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said offhandedly.

“It’s been a long time, I thought you had long forgotten about me.” The reason why Fukada Kyouko had turned to him with a three-quarter sulky tone was because she had a small emotion towards him from a long time ago.

Although she was currently a hot actress, compared to Masayoshi Kishimoto’s social status, she was nothing.

Of course she is not good to take the initiative to contact him, the class barrier that an invisible wall is placed there. Masayoshi Kishimoto was not only the boss of Shingo Oda, the president of Hard Gold Media, above the president of his own HORIPRO company, but he was also recognized as a hard gold plutocrat in the Japanese financial world.

“How can it be? We are, after all, friends who have made friends in the smallest of ways.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“You talk a good game, but you just don’t have much in the way of practical action.” Fukada Kyouko took a step towards him is initiative and said.

“You’re not afraid of rumors spreading between me and you, so let’s have dinner together tonight?” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said.

“It’s not like there hasn’t been gossip with you before, it was even on the cover of Weekly Fumiharu, so what’s the harm in gossiping again?” Kyoko Fukada fearlessly said.

“Let’s make a deal for tonight. As for the exact time and place, I’ll send it to you later.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“Don’t you dare fool me.” Fukada Kyouko overflowed with a smile.

“When have I ever fooled you? Don’t forget that I’m a man of my word. That’s all! I’ll go first.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

Before he got into the car, he looked towards Ishihara Satomi, who was still burying her head into the earth like an ostrich, and added, “Little friend Ishihara Satomi, don’t always keep a stern face.

You should smile more often on weekdays. That way, your smile can give people a sense of affection and a healing effect.”

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