Chapter 671 Catching

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:31
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Kyoko Fukada had one of her female assistants call Satomi Ishihara to one of her specialized lounges in the HORIPRO company.

Ishihara Satomi as a newcomer to the entertainment industry to see this a big hit seniors, naturally is trembling with fear and dare not directly sit down, the face without a smile of hanging hands and stood on the side of the near side.

Fukada Kyoko leaned back on the back of the sofa, holding a fashion magazine in her hand just flipped open, but did not read it. She asked bluntly, “How do you two know each other?”

Ishihara Satomi didn’t react for a moment saying, “You guys? Does Senpai mean me and who?”

“Is there a third person here besides you and me? If I’m not asking you, is that asking me personally?” Fukada Kyouko suddenly became slightly harsher in tone as she said.

Ishihara Satomi immediately made a deep ninety-degree bow towards her, and said with fear and trepidation, “I’m sorry. I really don’t know who you guys you’re talking about, besides me.”

“Masayoshi Kishimoto.” Kyoko Fukada blurted out.

“Masayoshi Kishimoto? I don’t know him.” Satomi Ishihara said as she stood upright.

Fukada Kyouko raised her head to look at her and coldly said, “I really didn’t see that at your young age, your city is so deep. At this point in time, what’s the point of continuing to hide it?”

Ishihara Satomi was so anxious in her heart that she was about to cry out. She had long heard her manager talk about various things and special precautions within the circle.

A senior like Kyoko Fukada was someone she simply could not offend. If the other party said a few unfavorable words about her, then her life in the company and the entertainment industry would not be easy in the future.

Once she was disliked by Fukada Kyoko, then she would be ostracized and isolated by many others. She didn’t want the future to be so unpleasant.

“I really don’t know that person called Masayoshi Kishimoto. If you don’t believe me, I can swear to my face.”

Ishihara Satomi’s eyes had starry tears inside them, and she hastily raised her right hand, voluntarily extending three fingers, saying.

Seeing that she did not look like she was performing and lying in front of herself, Fukada Kyouko stopped her, “There is no need to swear.”

Ishihara Satomi said uneasily, “Kishimoto Masayoshi, who the hell is he?”

Kyoko Fukada asked incredulously, “You don’t even know who Masayoshi Kishimoto is, no way?”

“I really don’t know. If senior doesn’t believe me, I can really swear in front of you.” Ishihara Satomi said without lowering her right hand which was erected with three fingers.

“The man who sent you that one is Masayoshi Kishimoto.” Kyoko Fukada said bluntly.

“So he’s Masayoshi Kishimoto!” Ishihara Satomi said in realization.

“I saw you get out of his car with my own eyes. It’s completely illogical if you don’t know each other, right!” Fukada Kyouko pressed on step by step.

Ishihara Satomi had no choice but to tell the other party what happened last night in its entirety.

After listening to her story, tears came out of the corners of her eyes. She used her fingers to wipe the teardrops that came out of her eyes while stretching her eyes and said, “Thanks to him for thinking of it. You are also too funny. If I laugh out a wrinkle in the corner of my eye, it’s all because of you.”

Ishihara Satomi was filled with aggression, feeling like she almost lost her virginity last night saying, “Senior, instead of sympathizing with me, you’re laughing at me.”

“I should congratulate you.” Kyoko Fukada decided that she and Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t have a male-female relationship, so she became cordial and said.

“My manager said that, you said that, and even that one named Masayoshi Kishimoto said the same. Why don’t I think it’s a happy event!” Ishihara Satomi said innocently.

“It seems like you don’t know where Masayoshi Kishimoto comes from. He’s not that one weird grandpa’s lapdog that you’re mistaking for a weird grandpa.

Masayoshi Kishimoto is the president of the Hard Gold Group, the real owner of our HORIPRO company. Our president, and the president’s president, all have to be at his full disposal.” Kyoko Fukada smiled.

Ishihara Satomi was immediately taken aback. It dawned on her that she had been completely caught by Masayoshi Kishimoto for the entire night.

“How could he be like that? I have no grudge against him, and I was chosen to be teased.” Ishihara Satomi said angrily.

“That’s probably the quirk of rich people! It’s not a bad thing for you to be able to be teased by him.” The reason why Kyouko Fukada talked freely with the other party was that she felt that she wouldn’t become her competitor.

At the very least, it wouldn’t be a personal threat for several years. Even if Ishihara Satomi was currently being promoted by the company, she wouldn’t clash head-on with herself, after all, the two of them would have completely different characterizations and paths.

Plus, the other party is only fifteen, six years old, whether it is acting skills, or life experience, etc., are far inferior to themselves. She smiled without changing her words.

“I hate him to death.” Ishihara Satomi gritted her teeth up inside her head at the thought of all the things that happened with him last night and said.

“It’s common for a little boy to fall in love with a little girl who won’t take the initiative to confess, but instead will often tease each other. Little girls naturally at first will hate such a little boy.

The fact that you hate him is not necessarily the beginning of liking him. As your senior, I can give you a piece of advice, liking Masayoshi Kishimoto is something that won’t lead to anything but regret.”

Kyoko Fukada put away the smile on her face, not without thinking back to the time she had spent alone together with him. Even if she hadn’t confessed her feelings to him, she knew in her heart that she had once genuinely liked him.

That one emotion was still there for her. Masayoshi Kishimoto would be resurrected if he was just that little bit nicer to himself.

“I’m not going to fall for him!” Ishihara Satomi swore.

Kyoko Fukada didn’t say another word. She looked at the other party, not without feeling that Ishihara Satomi was too much like her past self. In 1996, she had participated in the 21st newcomer talent show “TSC” audition and won the championship – Miss Holy, thus entering the acting industry.

She was 14 years old at the time, while Satomi Ishihara was 15 at the time. They entered the entertainment industry at a similar age, and their careers started at a similar time, and they are both from Tokyo.

To this day, Kyoko Fukada vividly remembers how she first met Masayoshi Kishimoto. The two of them were riding in an elevator in a hotel by accident. Suddenly, there was a violent shaking that happened somehow.

She had thought carefully that it was either an earthquake or a brief problem with the elevator, which caused her not to stand still, and the bottle of drink in her hand had spilled onto him, thus forming a bond.

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