Chapter 672: Teaching according to one’s aptitude

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:34
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Historically, Masayoshi Kishimoto was not a star chaser. When he fell in love with a certain star, it was all from a certain movie or TV drama that the other party had appeared in, and a certain character that he had portrayed in it.

As far as Masayoshi Kishimoto was concerned, the matter of men and women in bed had long been disregarded by him. Even if the other party was a star, it was nothing more than that.

Fading away the aura of a star, whether it was Kyoko Fukada or Satomi Ishihara, they were not as beautiful as Rie Sakai.

Not only that, the two actresses are not as elegant as his own wife, after all, she is from a young age to play the Western flute grown up, but also into the Tokyo University of the Arts specializing in Western flute for four years, minored in piano for four years.

Of course, he knows better than anyone that his legal wife is an unapologetic barfly. Though she was a barfly, she tended to be a barfly only with herself.

In social situations, she was just like another good, gentle and virtuous wife, Yamato Nadeshiko. Luckily, she didn’t come from an actress’s background.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dared to marry her, after all, it was really hard to tell when the other party was real and when she was completely acting with him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto definitely does not want to be able to sleep soundly, and always have to be on guard against the person next to him. Moreover, he followed the old Chinese saying that a rabbit does not eat grass near the nest.

Kyoko Fukada was a female artist under her own group, and her main job was to help herself make money. Ishihara Satomi was the same. Not only the two of them, but also Ayase Yao and others, that are their own money-making tools.

Fukada Kyoko, Ishihara Satomi can be 14, five years old, on the one hand is talent decision, on the other hand is good luck.

All along, Kishimoto Masayoshi has always believed that people need to rely on a certain amount of good luck to be able to achieve something. Otherwise, one’s entire life would be nothing but mediocrity. Even if one is talented, one is not known.

Modern Japanese society makes an artificial distinction between people as soon as they are born. It is no accident that Kyoko Fukada and Satomi Ishihara were able to follow this path of acting.

At an early age, at most in elementary school, if a person does not excel in his or her studies, it means that he or she will not be able to achieve much in his or her studies.

Of course, there is a kind of people belong to the exception, that is, all subjects results are mediocre, but there is one subject is exceptionally outstanding. One of the most representative figures is John Nash, the Nobel Prize-winning economist.

Not only is he the prototype for the highly rated movie A Beautiful Mind, but he is also accomplished in game theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations.

He was average in every subject except math in elementary school. To be precise, he was a partial talent, not an all-around talent.

Knowledgeable parents would have looked at their children and found out what they had to offer, and would have taken the unorthodox path of study and employment, that is to say, teaching them according to their aptitude.

Natsui Makoto proposed to himself to let Kishimoto real and Kishimoto Mika to receive early education, the reason why Kishimoto justice did not oppose, is that the Japanese society is such a way.

This is not only true in Japan, but also in Europe and the United States. Children from the upper middle class receive an elite education from the very beginning. Therefore, no matter what stage they have risen to, they have the teachers and resources to match.

The reason why children from ordinary families have problems with early education is that their families have neglected the most important thing, money.

Without the financial support of the family, it means that their children are often only able to attend the popular public schools.

Not only are the teachers in these public schools generally mediocre, but the curriculum is based on the so-called national curriculum.

The national curriculum is based on the average intelligence level of the average child. Children who learn in advance tend to lose interest when they learn again.

Elite schools have been in development for hundreds of years since they were first established. They have developed a set of teaching concepts and levels that are much higher than those of the mass public school ladder.

Elite schools have formed an entrance examination. After entering the school, there are always tests, every month, even down to every week.

If the teachers decide that a student is not keeping up with the average, he or she is undoubtedly a candidate for dismissal. Teachers who are not good enough or do not meet the school’s set of performance tests and promotion standards are the ones who are dismissed.

Many of the general public mistakenly believe that students in elite schools are doing well. In fact, their mental stress is much greater than that of children in ordinary schools.

Even the elite schools in the United States, especially the elite high schools, have a number of suicides every year due to academic stress.

Students attending these elite schools have long since made their goal, one of the Ivy League, clear. If you can’t get in, not only do you think it’s a shame, but you’ll also lose confidence in your future.

For this reason, it’s not like Americans have been seen to stop engaging in this and explicitly banning it. They still engage in it. The so-called educational philosophy of respecting the development of the child’s nature is something that the United States used to fool the American people decades ago or something that was once hyped up.

In the 1980s in the United States, this kind of education philosophy is basically no longer on the market, even the ordinary American people do not believe in it. Happy education is pure fart.

So, the United States in the existing education system can not be completely untied under the circumstances, is the newborn out of a new school variety, that is, special schools.

This kind of school is between private elite schools and public schools. Private elite schools for ordinary Americans, the cost is too high, the economy can not afford.

The quality of teaching in public schools is poor, and the teachers are not very responsible. Public schools in many neighborhoods in the United States, especially high schools, are known as dropout factories.

The purpose of special schools is to send children from ordinary American families who are willing to study to college so that they can have a decent career, a stable income, or even escape from poverty altogether.

In order to achieve this goal, special schools will even use the summer and winter vacations to give the students to carry on the problematic tactics.

The problem is that special schools in the United States is a scarcity of porridge. Every time a special school enrolls students, there will be a public lottery. The lucky ones are always in the minority.

After all, the financial allocation of schools in American neighborhoods relies heavily on the collection of property taxes. Where there are more rich people, there is more personal property, and taxes go up.

Conversely, where there are many poor people, not only is there less personal property, but there is also more unemployment and more people on state benefits.

This also explains why in the United States, schools in affluent neighborhoods are better and housing prices are higher, while schools in poor neighborhoods are worse and housing prices are cheaper.

Not only that, affluent neighborhoods have more surveillance, more police patrolling, and good law and order, while poorer neighborhoods have a situation where there is little or no surveillance, and even the police are too lazy or even afraid to go on patrol.

In terms of social research and human nature, there will not be another country in the world that can do a better job than the United States of America, and do it comprehensively, meticulously, and in depth.

Kishimoto justice suddenly thought of these is not nonsense, but from an American educational documentary “waiting for Superman”.

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